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Posts posted by crysed

  1. Just now, Heckzu said:

    Actually, it's not that they shouldn't release harder content, it's that they can't because no content in the game can be made difficult due to how cheesing exists, and the removal of cheese would require a large overhaul of the damage and ability system, which would be incredibly controversial, probably even moreso than The Vacuum Within.

    That is why i mentioned reworking game mechanics. I think they should have taken this route long ago and it feels like they actually had no real long term plan of how the endgame could or should look. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    It's an example of when the community showed great disdain for the addition of content.

    Another example would be The Vacuum Within, in which all sentinels gained new utility, but the majority of the community rioted because two sentinels lost part of their old utility for a whole new utility. I personally didn't mind that the vacuum range was reduced, and neither did a bunch of other people. But the overwhelming majority apparently did mind and it had to be changed to suit them.


    3 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    Take a look at what happened when DE introduced Conclave events. Conclave is in game content, and yet a large section of the community throws a tantrum whenever anything gets added to Conclave.


    So in other words, DE shouldn't release harder content because of a bunch of whiney people, who probably will be to bad to take this content on and rather prefer oneshotting everything on the screen with a use of a single ability.

    Yeah, sounds about right, not.









  3. 1 hour ago, EvilKam said:

    I wish I had your reflexes, motor coordination, attentiveness, visual acuity, combat instincts, innate directional orientation, and small-scale-strategy.

    I miss my shots way too often despite my best efforts to be effective in any way with a Tigris or Hek variant.

    Not every player needs to be insanely good, no matter which game, but offering a challenge to dedicated players who are really good at a game is something i always appreciate. That is why i loved the Dark Souls games so much, or rather still do. 

    If the game is challenging for you in its current state, lucky you. The most important thing for you should be that YOU have fun playing. But some people like me really like a challenge, others are fine with just doing some sorties, fashionframe, or even trading.

    I still see a lot of unused potential in Warframe, but with releasing more and more weapons, the game will never get there. Not that i don't mind new weapons. But our arsenal is so gigantic, it offers more than most other games ever will. So i think adding harder content and working on core mechanics and redesigning some mechanics should be the main focus of DE right now. 

    But who am i fooling, it probably won't  happend, because releasing another set of weapons noone actually needs is just much easier.


  4. 2 minutes ago, EvilKam said:


    My 4-Forma Soma Prime / Boltor Prime isn't strong enough to solo sorties, regardless of my frame, so I disagree that there isn't enough challenge.

    I can solo sotries with so many weapons and frames with ease. Haven't played Soma P and Boltor P for a long time sp i can't say anything to that. But if i take my Vaykor Hek for example, i just oneshot everything in sorties, even with Phys/Ele Enhancement. I would not call this a challenge. It is only one example of many. 

    It is always good to see that people can enjoy things for so long. But at least for me and as it seems for many others, the game offers not enought of a challenge once you get the strong stuff. I play Warframe for a few weeks, take a break for months after that and repeat that over and over again. I just can'T bring myself to play this game for months, because it doesn't feel rewarding, challenging and satisfying at all.

    The game got so many things right, but quite a few things are imo wrong and need to be redesigned, but sadly that probably will never happen.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

    But if you can cheese it, it is bad game-design. But if DE makes difficult content that isn't cheesable, then we'll get a S#&$storm of complaints on the forums.

    So what? Let the people complain. As long as content isn't toally unmanagable it is fine, there should be something challenging, instead of increasing the powercreep more and more. When it comes to whinning on the forums DE shouldn't listen to players at all, no dev should and same should't the community. I am not saying they souldn't listen to feedback, feedback is important. But what you can read often isnt' something i would call feedback at all.


  6. 4 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    This game is probably not going to get 'endgame' anytime soon because it'll just get cheesed into oblivion.

    The closest thing we ever had to endgame difficulty was Operation: Rathuum Endurance where initially, only the Conclave players did well and everyone else complained it was too difficult, until players learned to cheese the hell out of it.

    If you can't manage content without cheesing, it is bad game-design. If you can manage and people still cheese it is the mindset of the players. 

    But not everyone is going to cheese the hell out of it, especially in a PvE game where you don't need to compete directly with other, people  tend to play what they prefer, not what is op. There will be always someone like that. And it would be just another way for people to enjoy the game, imo. 

    But there is no challenge that feels satisfying and leveling the 50th weapon in a lowlevel mission if at least for me boring as hell. 

  7. I agree that the game lacks some kind of endgame. Overall Warframe is such an amazing game. The gameplay is superb but once you got good weapons, frames and mods everything seems way to easy. Even the level 100 enemies in sorties with elemental/physical enhancement or augmented armor/shields just die in seconds. 

    I personally don't need new game modes, but wouldn't mind them either. But another star system where enemies are level 150-200 or something like that would be awesome. For that area only add another set of relics where uncommong and rare parts drop more often. 

    As i said, the game is amazing, the frames and the weapons feel so incedibly polished and the gameplay is so smooth. But it lacks content where we can use all those things in a fitting way.

  8. Sers zusammen,


    ich bin soeben über euren Thread gestolpert und da ich derzeit auf der Suche nach einem Clan bin, dachte ich, ich bewerbe mich mal. 

    Derzeit bin ich Rank 4 und habe ca. 150 Stunden Spielzeit. (also noch relativ frisch ;D )

    Ich bin 22 Jahre alt und spiele nun seit vielen Jahren Online-Spiele aller Art. Ich bin eher auf der Suche nach einer familiären Gilde, was bei euch ja auch zutrifft. Ich freue mich immer darauf neue Mitspieler kennenzulernen und spiele gerne mit anderen, ich bin lernfähig und strebe gerne auch höheres an.


    Ich würde mich sehr über einen Invite freuen.

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