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Posts posted by Sairus002

  1. The circular mission lay out is painful for me. And normally I'm fine with odd angled words. 

    And De_Pablo made a post, it's gotten buried quickly with Megan and Rebecca doing a lot of work with the megabugthread. It's also since gotten no upvotes so I can't find it in his reputation list. 


    Found it though. 




    Direct link to the post, for those like me who are too lazy to scroll.



    This is a difference in direction, you are thinking ease of use is king, where to us immersion is king. You could certainly make the argument that the foundry information could be easier to read as an excel sheet, but it's not what we are going for.


    Definitely not a good sign at all. Apparently they don't see frustrating irritating menus, lack of useful information, and in a lot of cases vertigo and motion sickness, to be immersion killers.

  2. The new UI isn't great, but it's easily fixable. 


    Also, this update isn't aimed at console or anything like that. That's just fear-mongering. 


    It is absolutely aimed at console, and understandably so as the previous UI was bad for them. It isn't fear-mongering in the slightest, as it IS easily fixable. We should have nothing to worry about in that regard. This post isn't even discussing how huge everything is, and it's general console design anyway. It's about the lack of information given to the player, and poor unintuitive design which would affect all platforms equally. I'm leaving it to the other 76 trillion threads to talk about the mod screen zoom issues, and such.


    Fortunately they're starting to hotfix away some of the points I've discussed already.

  3. I think personally that this is just like naming your avatar. We do not have an option to change this either.

    It would be an easy way to make money for DE.

    Only drawback I see is if they started allowing a rename on "pets" people would cry for avatar renaming as well.

    I personally like knowing who I have blacklisted etc, and having the ability to change names would make that much more difficult.


    If they could stick to their guns and only allow renaming of pets you would have my vote though.


    Changing your in-game name is possible through the account page on the WF site. Been that way for a while. It's expensive though I believe.

  4. Title says it all. I'd be willing to pay 10 plat or something for the ability to do this, and it's not like it's unrealistic or anything. Adopted pets get renamed after the previous owner loses them or whatever, and hell this thing just hatched 8 seconds ago.


    My Kubrow hatched, pure white, and I was forced to name it before seeing what breed it was. I couldn't think of anything so I just named it Barf. Because, you know, space dog. THEN I saw It was a Huras and it dawned on me. I should have named it after Ghost from Game of Thrones. White Direwolf noted for being sneaky and silent? White stealth-breed Kubrow? It would have been perfect.


    Anyway, would be nice to have this option for those Damn-you-hindsight! moments. It would also be nice to have the option to rename it any number of times within the first 24 hours or so. Give players time to see how their names fit. As of right now, it just forces you to do it as soon as you "claim" it.

  5. ...

    "Motion Blur" makes me feel sick too, I had to turn that option off a long time ago. I don't get why it's even a thing, I mean, motion blur is made when something is moving too fast for whatever is looking at it to be able to see properly, EG, a camera, try to take a photo of something in motion, and you get a blurred photo.

    Eyes see it too. your eyes already add motion blur when things are moving fast enough, why make the game add even more? it doesn't make sense.



    Since you're looking at a close up 2D representation of a scene, with no depth, on a display with a fixed refresh rate, you perceive the blur differently as you would an actual object in real-time. For example, a car racing past your in-game camera on a display, isn't moving across your screen as fast as a real one would be in front of your eyes. Motion blur effects are meant to make it more "natural" but generally do a poor job unless the effect is applied on a well tuned per-object basis, like Crysis did back in the day. Full scene motion blur effects these days are mainly an annoying overused stylistic choice just like over exaggerated DOF and ridiculously overdone bloom (Oh hey, Warframe does all of these.)



  6. ...

    They then decided.. "well, it's been a fun ride with PC but we need to ensure our console players have a UI that is more compatible for them... PC players can just work around what's left".



    It wouldn't be too hard to make it compatible with both. You wouldn't even need a checkbox type option. They could have some sort of "captain's chair" or a computer terminal where everything is accessed in a streamlined PC friendly intuitive UI. all the terminals and 3D menus could still be there for people who want them, and for game pad support (either on PC or console) but for those of us who want functionality over flashy aesthetics, they could unify all of it into a UI similar to the old, accessible from a single point in this player ship, and stay that way until you "get out of that chair" at the time of your choosing. This way, you get everything.


    That said, even for consoles, this UI is horrendous. I get the need for tiles and for everything to be huge for playing-on-TV sake but they really need to fix all the completely unnecessary bullS#&$ first, like that white on white freaking text.




    As for the player ship.. that thing looks cool and I think that if the player started in the U13 style menu structure.. but could [EXIT] the console and roam about the ship like they can in the Dojo.. this would have been better.



    :/ I should probably finish reading posts before starting my reply. Oh well.

    Pretty much the same deal. Would be really nice if they did that. Your way is easier than mine. Wouldn't even require any new content.


    Also didn't they mention something about upgrading player ships? I'm assuming they won't always be that miserably cramped.

  7. Please understand by emphaisisng 'free' in this game is mis representation of what the game is. It is a 'free to play' game and as a game has made a large grossing amount of money. I have invested my hard earned money in this game, as had Sairus, and no doubt so have you. So as we are the ones filling DE's bank accounts with their money, they should have a sense of responsibility to their fan base. This isn't some Youtube video where the poster owes the commenter nothing. We have invested time and money into Warframe and DE so they owe us their best effort at least. So criticism is meritted in any form that is not profane or illogical. As for the relaxed feedback. The history of this game shows that little to no action is taken when someone has criticisms like "hey if you guys feel like it, could you maybe fix this really bad bug at some point if you want.". Whereas if someone is saying "Holy crap I am so irate over this broken crap I will stop being a paying customer of this game and will never support DE again if this issue isn't fixed!" they are likely to put a higher priority on the later of the two. This really is the case in any customer support anywhere. Urgency trumps politness. So please understand why people are angry and frustrated and have no intentions of masking that for the sake of DE because of the 'free' game.


    Also note that this isn't me mad at you or yelling. Or even not understanding where you are coming from, but rather me trying to stress the importance of us not trying to whisper to the DEVs from afar but rather yelling and making noise so they are forced to acknowledge us. Remember no change has ever been accomplished with silent inaction.


    Seriously, people throw the word "FREE" around as if it excuses every mistake. Free to play doesn't mean they're doing us a charity. They are making money from players. This is a business. The term "Free to play" is a marketing term itself.


    That said, I understand people aren't perfect. I am providing feedback about my experiences (and frustrations) as a player, in the hopes they will review them and improve the game, the very way I trusted them too when I chose to invest money into it. People who rant about how they're entitled because they "pay DE's bills" are no more or less helpful than people who go "Give them a break! They gave us this game for FREE!"

  8. Will all due respect to you as well, the tone of the topic is a bit ... harsh. Yes, I know, I know, still, phrasing it to sound like you are offering feedback and not yelling at someone would go further with everyone.


    It is a FREE game, and we get away with murder ... literally, I mean I think I've killed like 150 thousand people ... anyway, relaxed feedback is what we should stick to.


    I didn't phrase anything that way at all. Plenty of irate people starting tantrum threads on this subject out there, this certainly isn't one of them. I put some emphasis on some of the more frustrating aspects, but if you're reading this in a "yelling at someone" tone, that's you.

  9. You couldn't be further from the truth.  As someone who has a little bit of experience in game development and UI design, I can tell you that the UI might be the most important feature of your game.  The UI is the middleman between you and the game.  Without it, you can't play.  It's the connective tissue that binds you to your in-game experience.  Learning the UI should never be a mini-game requiring a unique, separate skill set from the game itself.  If the UI sucks, the game sucks, even if it doesn't.

    I see the point you're trying to make, and it's not entirely invalid.  They didn't mess with the mission HUD, so that experience is as it always was.  But, a very, very large part of this game is spent within the between-mission UI.  Between sorting mods and playing in the foundry, I spend more time in that UI then I spend on missions.


    It's a mistake a lot of game developers make.  They consider the UI to be of secondary importance and give it very little consideration, only slapping it on after the fact.  It's a good way to shoot your game in the foot.  I enjoy Warframe, but because of the already-mentioned reasons, the new UI is causing me to seriously re-evaluate how much time I spend playing.


    +1. Can't tell you how many games I've played that were miserable entirely because of a garbage UI. Too many developers overlook this extremely important component.

  10. Windows 8.. funny that you change one thing and your whole user base goes nuts, kicking, screaming and throwing toys out the pram. Few months down the line everything is settled and the wrongs are undone but still some linger..


    Did you even read the post? None of this is about getting &!$$ed at change, its about getting frustrated at an absolutely terribly designed UI. My post was outlining the flaws in detail in hopes that they would get noticed, and addressed.

  11. I'm against those who just say it sucks without giving good reason or just say that bring back the old U.I. and completely ditch the new one.




    These good enough reasons? All the people that like the new UI and want to keep it, don't seem to realize that all these little aesthetic and "immersion" things could be kept without making it a pain in the &#! to use. There's no reason why the UI has to be designed in the absolute most unintuitive ways as described in my thread.


    If it were up to me I'd have made it like this:

    You have a captain's chair kind of thing where everything is accessed in a static 2D UI. It could still be made to look like a projection and have your character sitting in a chair or whatever. All the stations and functions could be controlled in a streamlined user friendly way as they were before.


    In the back rooms of the ship, you would still have things like your foundry showing work on what you started building etc, but it could also act as an access point to that particular menu page with the 3D elements that some people like.


    Access everything from your "captain's chair" in a clear and user friendly UI, or walk back and forth between stations and operate them separately. No reason why this can't be done. This could keep the "tiles" UI that would be best for PS4 whilst giving PC users who want functionality, that option.

  12. But now I can make my warframe bob their head like their listening to some sweet beats!

    Anyway, this will just take some getting use to. It's new and different but not necessarily bad, let it sink in for a while.


    It's new and different, and functionally inferior to the old UI. It's not a matter of getting used to it. This new menu system simply has less functionality than the old. I don't mind change. I just hope they bring it up to par with what we've had before.

  13. I personally like it. There are a few steps they took back, but it was just implamented 19 hours ago. They havn't had time to get enough fee back on what need to be changed and what is perfect.


    That's precisely why I made this post. Things like characters blocking menus, and the removal of the pause feature in solo, those are obvious, and I'd bet they're being worked on. but the tiny nuances I've mentioned add up a lot when it comes to making an intuitive and enjoyable experience.

  14. Just like Windows 8, every little thing you do in this UI takes an absurd amount of steps to do, as if it's trying to be as unintuitive as possible. Every convenience feature in this UI was cut.


    Take the foundry. It tells me I can build a 10x team energy restore. Great. The requirements say 225/225 polymer bundles. Functional, but compared to the old system, its a step back. Before, it showed me TOTAL / REQUIRED. this let me gauge how many I can build without pulling up a components tab. The old foundry also showed Argon crystals near the top so at a glance I always saw the timer, without having to specifically look for it in a separate components window.

    The foundry also doesnt show how many of an item you have built. So say I had this Loki Prime chassis blueprint I just got, but I dont have the master blueprint. so in order to check if i already have a chassis, I can't just look at it in the foundry and see the "how many owned" count, I have to hit ESC, hit equipment, hit inventory, scroll down to where Loki Prime chassis would be, and see if its there or not, rather then the damn foundry simply giving me a count of how many I already have. As a result that means I also have to walk over to the arsenal terminal, pull up consumables, and see how many things like ammo restores I have in order to determine if I should build more. (and before anyone says anything about menu shortcuts, pulling up escape menu, and hitting equipment, then arsenal, in these animated menus, takes even longer than walking there.) The old foundry aside from some unnecessary UI bloat, was functionally perfect. This S#&$, is nothing but a hassle.


    It's the same with the mod screen. why the hell can't I just select a mod and choose to fuse it or sell it right there? Nope. You have to back out, pull up a separate menu, redo your sorting, and find that mod again to perform the action you want and when you have over a thousand, that's a serious pain in the @$$.


    For a while I also thought the game glitched out because a ton of my mods weren't showing up. Turns out it only shows mods that AREN'T maxed. That means I can't sell any maxed mods if I happen to want to. I cant fuse any if I decided to. I can't even get a look at my mod score, or, here's a big one, check if I have something to sell on the market, without going to the arsenal, equipping an applicable item, and look through the list of equipable mods. how is any of this a good idea?


    EDIT: Hotfixes are fixing some stuff

    EDIT EDIT: More hotfixes fixing more stuff. Keep it up DE

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