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Posts posted by (PSN)TheDrift-

  1. I did this a couple of days ago with kohm (with fire rate mod) just spammed the sky with lead.....hardest part was getting the dargyns to spawn...

    I didnt think to try mesa as someone suggested above....that sounds the easier?





  2. My Baza can take down a 145 gunner in less then a clip...it does have a very good riven...build is...

    Serration/point strike/vital/Hunters/malignant force/primed cyro/split chabmer/riven (CD, Dam, multi) 

    It might be worth considering losing the QOL fast hands and auger to put viral on...you might find you need to reload  less as your killing quicker! 


  3. The prob isnt trin, its onslaught, this build has been around a while...i certainly had a nuke trin prior to onslaught, but hardly ever used it. In fact I never saw it used much at all...that all changed with onslaught

    dont know what onslaught is like on PC but on console it's a pretty miserable experience..Low level players badly geared are fairly common place, higher MR players are often just as bad....I have had several trinity's ask my build...no idea what set ups they were using but their kills where way down on mine?...........I've tried recruiting chat and had no luck there. 

    You end up more often than not dragging the team through and the only way to reliably do this is nuka trin, i played 5-6 matches yesterday the best i saw anyone do was 50% of my kills, more often than not I was 5-6 times more kills.  I have used a volt and while i would usually come top it was a struggle to get to 8, often failing in round 7...With trin i can more reliably get to 8...so I am playing the hell out of her before they nerf her...with very little intention of ever going back once i get the last Braton V competent I need! 

    My solution would be to remove the 2 rounds per rotation...instead of AABC taking 8 rounds it should be AABC after each round..so 4 rounds to get the rewards...this would solve the drop rate issue and people could use what ever gear they liked 

  4. So I am looking to fine tune my volt build for onslaught, I am planning on removing Primed flow...what to replace it with..?



    • Auger secrets More Damage (630 to 738)
    • Energy conversion...Even more damage (630 to 855 on orb pickup)
    • Auger reach...more reach (47m to 53m)
    • Streamline more efficiency (100 cost to 70)


    I tend to run zenurik so energy is less of a problem leaning towards one of the first two...

    Any help appreciated Tenno's 🙂

    *Edit should also add not looking to go much further than round 9 in elite 



  5. I'd use viral for the bulk of the time, and maybe corrosive for higher level stuff.


    Viral does a ton of damage early on, eg with your 50% status chance you should half HP within first 2 or three shots...much faster than corrosive....corrosive tends to start slow and build up and up and in the end will overtake viral..but that will only happen on higher level stuff that survives long enough...for most standard stuff, viral may well kill quicker most of the time. 


    Would it be possible to add a small QOL improvement on mining? At present with the advanced cutter ore deposits show up as little orange dots on the mini map.

    Would it be possible to colour code the dots to reflect the type of ore deposit? 

    EG orange dots for orange ore deposits and blue dots for blue ore deposits. 

    This would make farming for one type of ore a bit less of a grind?


  7. I use SC HC PS VS Malignant force infected clip and riven (CC + Dam + Punch)...hits like a truck.

    I would also say to add punch-through for an uplift in chaining if your riven doesn't have it...  ...no need for an electric mod unless you want the dam/status as the amprex has innate electricity and just needs toxin to create corrosive. 

  8. On 29/03/2018 at 6:55 AM, Grimmstyler said:

    Would be nice to have a visual indicator of when an ability duration is about to end..

    Like the Warframe is engulfed in a low opacity blinking energy color when an ability is within 3 sec end of duration

    Good idea, particularly useful for something like iron skin and elemental ward...i know its in the bottom right of the screen, but by default those abilities are likely to end when you are heavily in combat and less likely to check on the UI

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