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Posts posted by a2451750

  1. 20分钟前 , FireKeeper02 说:






  2. 笑猫在猫叫的暴击会直接给你200%爆击的橙暴,但是在近战武器达到红暴的时候,猫叫暴击会强制把爆率替换成200%,使得原本红暴的伤害变橙暴。


  3. 1. 随机数值机制,老外们也非常反感。

    2. 武器伤害减半,敌人护甲也减半,也是平衡了阿,还是打不动就只是航电设备不够力。

    3. 内源之力真的刷的心累,所以现在没有刻意刷了。

    4. 自从玄骸更新之后到现在,steam在线人数已经掉到前十以外了,希望DE能醒。 

  4. DE, when can I eat the third spiderDE, when can I eat the third spider

      DE, when can I eat the third spider

       DE, when can I eat the third spider

        DE, when can I eat the third spider

         DE, when can I eat the third spider

        DE, when can I eat the third spider

       DE, when can I eat the third spider

      DE, when can I eat the third spider

    DE, when can I eat the third spider

  5. Recently, the development direction of DE seems to be to let players play the task repeatedly, in order to increase the player's play time. 

    But DE, is this interesting? When did you start to increase the player's playing time, not to make the game interesting?

    The two spiders in the Venus Plains have a great BOSS design, but has the third spider been forgotten? The integrity of the story does not need to be balanced?

    Particle effects and lighting rendering are actually not that important. It’s better to find ways to make the game interesting.

    For example, like the World War zombie, hundreds of enemies rush toward the player at the same time. Defensive mode: A wave of hundreds of enemies simultaneously influx at the same time; Survival mode: Hundreds of enemies chasing players at the same time...etc (spoof mode). I believe that when playing games, players will not want to sleep. If technically allowed.

    I was very much looking forward to the new story and BOSS in Series 2, which seems to be disappointing now. However, I still look forward to the new Jupiter.

    I love you DE, I hope you don't forget the game to be able to add new players, not how long the task is, but with deep story content and diversified task play. Making more and bigger things is definitely a good direction, but it must be done steadily, otherwise, it will easily turn many things into semi-finished products.







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