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  1. Again and again we hear from Lotus that "infestation became dangerous as never before" and it is similar and familiar. So some suggestions to rework Plague Star gameplay completely. Reasons: 1) Some PC still have problems with Plains of Eidolons. Even high-end one. 2) Spontaneous disconnects disallows to re-connect (general PoE issue) 3) Extremely fast pased yet repetative gameplay which definetely prefer one or two framesover all other. In general, make this mission endless. So that's some suggestions: 1) Defence mission. Tenno need to protect toxin priducing facility from both greneer demos, waves of infested. Every 3-5min tenno need to deliver canister to infested boil to spawn large enemy? reduce infestation meter and continue mission. 2) Interception mission. Cap and keep points of regulatory center of toxin producing facility. Again greener and the one and only Way Kek every second round. 3) Survival mission. Obvious survival mission, let's pretend it happens inside Way Kek facility. Normal enemies and some enormous grown infests. Instead of "air" -- infestation reducing %something%. Both missions can posses protective units like Arbitration drones. IMO any of this missions can extend lore a bit, offer different and more balanced gameplay with no such w-frame selection bias.
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