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Everything posted by (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan

  1. It's like half a Gladiator's Might for only tennokai. It's 3rd best imo. Surprised to see Reach so low. Range is ridiculous on several weapons, and can turn things like Nami Solo incarnon into an area nuke. That's on top of doubling the use window. 4 seconds is nearly as long as base combo duration, so if an enemy dies while gaining tennokai, you can get to another mob/group and wipe them with the heavy. On god, Wrath is higher because it's gold instead of silver, and "number go up" is the only thing some players care about.
  2. Nah, this ain't it. Plat is a RMC, and RMC is not a valid form of bad luck protection. This is that "sense of pride and accomplishment" nonsense. Pay or suffer? That's the answer?
  3. I mean, there's nothing in the math that says they WILL drop the same amount, except over a very big sample size. That's the problem. Pure RNG with no bad luck protection feels like a bug. And it's impossible to know what is and isn't intended and what is and is not a bug when so many things ARE working as intended, but the intentions were bad.
  4. I get that this is probably "unintended" but hear me out. Nova's Leverian talks about her portaling through walls, even though we can't. We have so many mechanics for missions, and so many frames. There should absolutely be a "right tool for the job." I fully understand that this trivializes the mission, but there are plenty of things that trivialize other objectives. For instance, Hildryn should never have been nerfed in the energy drain nightmare mode. She was the right tool for the job, and used to work. Then they changed her so that her shields drain, which penalizes her MORE than other frames. Master's Summons is currently useless, imo. This adds use. Having to have Helminth, have a frame that you put an otherwise useless ability on, and then having that dedicated to spy should be enough of an investment that this is deemed acceptable. Because while it might be slower, I can already trivialize spy missions. I can blast through them with operator, have Ivara in constant Prowl with Infiltrate for any detection devices, and use Perspicacity to clear terminals without any effort, even though I'm fine with cracking them manually. It makes spy insanely trivial, because it's literally just walking to the terminal unseen, pressing a button, doing that 3 times, and leaving. This "exploit" is that but faster. It should be allowed. There are several frames that can do this exact thing. Limbo, Loki, etc. Right tool for the job. That's what this is. It's using game mechanics to clear objectives creatively.
  5. No, you can remove them. You can even build duplicates of them. You can remove every single thing except the initial starter hall. And considering they're 1 door rooms, they can't have anything branching from them, so they can't be parents for order of deletion.
  6. This decoration has a giant hole in the middle of it that has full collision, instead of allowing players to talk through it. This massively limits it's uses in decorating.
  7. Did they change that? I would have sworn that it took 24. I might have just been thinking about build time. All I know, is that despite my grievances with the system, I'm still glad I did it. I have a layout that makes sense, with trading, labs, and all utility rooms all directly in your face as soon as you spawn in, with all the purely decorative rooms branched out from that. Except for my drydock, which was too big to fit anywhere reasonable.
  8. As long as you and others don't mind losing access to things while you rebuild, the only thing you can't remove is the starter hall. And unless they changed it, you get the resources you spent on a room back when you deconstruct it, and I'm like 85% sure that includes the plat spent to rush it if you did so. Memory is a bit fuzzy, but I deconstructed my entire dojo when I took it over from an IRL friend that quit playing, and when I deconstructed it, plat ended up going into the clan vault, along with tons of forma and resources. It takes literal weeks to tear down because of the arbitrary and pointless timer on it, and then it takes forever to rebuild as well, but as long as you plan it properly (and DE doesn't screw you over with new rooms that don't fit anywhere reasonable, like the Drydock.) then there's no real reason you have to keep anything you have built. My starter hall isn't even accessible without going through hidden passages in the "non-functional" part of the dojo, so you don't have to worry about building important things off of it. If you really want to keep a specific room, you might be screwed though, especially if it's in the middle of everything you want to tear down. It has to connect to the starter hall, and you can't tear down anything between them.
  9. Baro brought a sugatra. I wanted to see if the sugatra had that weird, stiff physics that so many have, or it it moved more naturally, so I went into the preview. And just like every other diorama preview, it was utterly useless for trying to see it. Like, it didn't even start off showing the frame with the weapon facing the camera. It started out behind my frame, and then made me wait as it slowly turned, and then I could still barely see it. There is zero reason for the UI for previews to still be THIS bad after you've messed with the UI this much over this many years. Let me freely rotate the model myself. Let me zoom in. Let me actually see what is being previewed. I honestly don't understand how all of the customization UI is this bad, while we're on the subject. Nearly every other game I've played that let you customize gear shows that gear by itself, letting you freely rotate and zoom while you change it, so you can see what you're doing. I can't see the weapon I'm working on half the time because of how it's held. Struggling to figure out what parts a color channel affects, only to find out it's the grip that's in my frame's hand. You know what fixes that? The Suggestion I just made, which is how it works in nearly any other game that lets you customise things. I just wanted to see the sugatra (which has that weird, stiff physics, btw.) and instead all I got to see was my Yareli's backside until the diorama slowly spun around. This has all been an issue for years at this point, and it's beyond time for it to go. It can NOT be that hard to just let me free-spin the model and zoom in.
  10. Not entirely true. They are simply hidden until you get your first adapter, which can be purchased with plat now, or from Acrithis in Duviri if you don't want to fool around with SP.
  11. He didn't ask a question and you gave him a good answer anyway lmao. I don't have any questions because I'm LR4. But just a tiny bit of feedback you didn't ask for: Some of us hate video answers. I can't stand trying to look something up for a game and having nothing but videos come up in search. I'm not watching a minute in a half of "what's up youtube" streamer rambling when it would take me literally 10 seconds of reading if the answer was anywhere in text. Good luck with your thinly veiled channel promotion though.
  12. We both chose public. I don't control you; you don't control me. I am in pub for the same reason you are. More chances at different rewards. I am there to get the mission done and roll the dice. I am going to go fast. You have to put up with that. You are there to try and play cover shooter in a game populated with "nuke-builds", and there's a really good chance that you or others are going to take six eternities getting to extraction. I have to put up with that. The problem I have, is I'm not trying to force you to go faster, and make complaints to try and get the devs to force any changes on you so that you hurry up. People coming in making complaint posts might eventually get the game changed so that I have to slow down, and I do NOT want to slow down. I enjoy going fast. People like you got AOE nerfed because it was "disruptive." The thing is, I can be just as disruptive with Excal, a starter frame. I can and have gotten nearly all the damage and kills in a SP exterminate fissure (several in a row, actually. People like to go fast, so I had two stay with me.) using just Exalted Blade. I've got straight garbage weapons built out to be "disruptive" in normal fissures, and some even for SP. That's part of my fun as well. If my fun and your fun are incompatible, and you don't want to deal with it, don't play with me. Don't play with pubs. I can deal with slow pubs. If you can't deal with fast pubs, then recruit a squad that wants to pretend this is an actual stealth/cover shooter.
  13. This isn't supposed to happen. I sold these because I have the prime, and because I don't own them, they show up constantly now. It isn't supposed to offer weaker versions of things.
  14. It's RNG. They added RNG to the forums. I can log in and out repeatedly with the same credentials, using the xbox button every time and it is completely random if it logs me into my xbox or PC account. When it finally rolls xbox account on the main site and I visit the forums, it's again RNG on if it logs me into pc or xbox here, completely regardless of what I'm logged in as on main site. DE managed to put layered RNG with a bad table in the forums. It would be funny if it wasn't so annoying.
  15. How's that working out for you, now that they've basically said "no real way to fix it, but we'll talk to some people anyway."
  16. So many tests need to be revised to keep up with updated mechanics. I know several new players struggle with the MR9 stealth test, and when I reran it to see, it was much harder than it used to be because of an AI update from several years ago. And it's for a mechanic almost no one uses outside spy vaults. No one is stealthing around missions. We don't need stealth tests in a game that does them poorly. And more on topic, they should just remove eximus units from most tests. They were reworked long after this test was made, and I remember this test being annoyiny enough with the old eximus.
  17. This is confusing. You're LR2, but you only have 100 days logged in? That's how the first post reads. Have you just been target farming MR and nothing else? Because on day 100, it's supposed to give you 3 options of the 4 login weapons, with the rest of the 3 being available every 200 days after that, so you get another choice on day 300. If you have the other 3 (which is what I would assume of an LR2), then yes, Azima is going to be your only choice for your last weapon milestone, but your first post makes it sound like you somehow only have 100 days.
  18. It's not because I can't one-shot it and leave in 2 seconds. It's just the most tediously designed fight in the game, and every time I run it for NW, or someone asks me for help with it, I die a little inside. Monologue from the Lotus that takes up half the screen. Like, literally half the screen. Unskippable. Long. After a while it gets to be corny and annoying. It loses any impact it had, like a kid repeating a joke because it made people laugh once. Cutscene intro? Unskippable. Which is great for when you're farming Wisp or a mod from the fight and you have to watch it every single time. Mid-fight cutscenes and animations like just getting on the thing to slam it into a capacitor? Unskippable. Just keep watching the same thing over and over and over and over while you're trying to farm. This is bad design to a T. For a singular fight in a story based game, this would still be egregious because of how many cutscenes there are breaking up the flow, but for a grind based game this is a cardinal sin. You are literally always in range of the grab attack, it is not blockable, there is no counter-play, and just like the cutscenes, it lasts forever. And it spams this attack, which is even worse when I'm running this solo for NW. I am as far away from it as I can be on this tiny platform and I spend half the fight about to have an aneurysm because I'm literally just waiting to play. I should not have time to cuss the whole game out in my head before a single attack is over. This is like watching a limit break in OG FF7. I can go get a friggin sandwhich before the grab attack ends. There's already enough nonsense in this fight, like no void sling and other random, arbitrary restrictions. There are enough mechanics without a completely unavoidable attack that removes all player control. And not to mention the bugs. The boss just not taking damage, or regaining all its life instantly even after you've knocked off a synovia so you can hit it with the laser. Yes I know sentients can heal it. They are all dead. It's just the boss bugging out and getting its life back so that it can dodge the laser. It gets its life back the second you hit the button to fire. It is a bug, DE has left it in for years. "Bit late to complain, isn't it?" I have been complaining about this fight since it dropped and I will continue to do so every time I have to deal with it because if it's going to stay relevant through NW and new players I know asking for help with it, then it's going to stay relevant for needing to be fixed. Skippable or no cutscenes. I do not care how much time got spent making them. I have spent more time watching them than it took to make them, I guarantee it. Also, just remove the grab attack. It does not kill me. It does nothing but pad time, in the worst way possible. It adds nothing to the fight but making me hate this fight. And then fix the bugs that you've left in for years. If I didn't have to watch the same cutscenes over and over, it wasn't spamming grab on me, and it wasn't constantly bugging out, it would be an honestly fun fight.
  19. IMO, Tennokai doesn't need too much of an in depth look, especially without arcanes. It's basically free damage, and that's all you really have to understand about it. Based on math and how I tend to build weapons, most of the mods don't do enough for me to care about, other than Discipline's Merit and Opportunity's Reach. Condition's Perfection increases status chance, but it's only on Tennokai attacks. Status melee (at least how I build) will put out status fast enough that the extra % won't make enough of a difference to warrant using it over anything else. Dreamer's Wrath makes it more frequent and gives you more crit damage, but if you want more frequent, Discipline's Merit is better. The crit damage is nice, but it's an additive 32%. It's like having half of Gladiator Might for just Tennokai attacks. It's good, but I prefer other options. It's the same for Master's Edge. You might get more damage, but if you're getting constant Tennokai attacks from Merit, then you're getting more damage overall, rather than just more damage for that single attack. With Merit you have basically constant uptime. WIth Reach you get a huge window to use it on top of getting a Primed Reach size range bonus. Considering exalted weapons have a follow through of 1, that range bonus means more enemies hit at full damage. Both of these mods are also universal, in that they aren't for just crit or status weapons. They will work however you build your exalted weapon. Considering all exalted melee weapons are more than capable at running SP, just tacking on free damage is enough for me. I don't really think min/maxing and building around it is worthwhile.
  20. While I agree with what you're saying... Y'all really got it out for us on console. The trash talk is real lol.
  21. You asked for it lol. Several years ago, I went to get the "No Brainer" achievement, and more recently, did build testing with Deadhead arcanes. From those experiences, relative to experiences in many other games, headshots are very unreliable in this game, unless you're under fairly ideal circumstances. Problem one is that many enemies have huge portions of their head hitbox obscured. As a quick aside, it has never made sense to me that you could have punchthrough, and hit an enemy in a place where the round would punchthrough and exit out of an enemy's face, and it doesn't count as a headshot. But that not making sense is also my answer when people argue with the following. Grineer have so much bulk on them that a huge portion of their head is obscured. Yes, that armor in reality would protect them, but it would NOT protect them if a round went through it and hit them in the head anyway. It's not just grineer armor though. Several enemies in the infested faction and the new Murmur faction either have a heavily obscured head hitbox, or don't seem to have one at all. In that same vein, there's no clarity on what will count and not count. The arm vials on murmur minimechs count as a headshot for charging. But the weak point on a moa doesn't, because it has to be the head, which is not the weak point, and is very hard to actually make out from their model. There's enemy movement, which is also insanely fast relative to other games. Enemies turn on a dime, and twitch all over the place, changing directions rapidly. They also flail about from various procs, like heat and impact. This doesn't make headshots impossible, but it does make it much more frustrating. Combine that with having hit boxes obscured and it becomes compound annoyance. It makes headshots start to feel like a chore on some enemies. Then there's the real jank. During my time trying to get the No Brainer achievement, I found a lot of just straight up bad hitboxes. I was in an Ivara, using both prowl and sleep arrows. I could literally stand in front of an enemy, slowly line up a headshot perfectly on a stock still enemy and have it not count. The only thing I could figure is multishot. Even removing all multishot, it still did it. Sometimes head hitboxes just don't work, or aren't lined up with what makes sense. The very top of a corpus helmet, where there is no actual head, counts. Quite often I would clip the top of a Butcher's head and it would not count. But Multishot is still an issue. Especially on shotguns or low accuracy weapons. It makes charging an incarnon very difficult in "normal" content, because a lot of these weapons, when fully built will 1 shot an enemy even without all the projectiles from MS hitting. That means you can be lined up perfectly, have a slightly off-center projectile from MS hit something that sticks out further than the enemy head first, have the enemy die before the centered round hits, and get zero headshot charges despite a well lined up shot. Even if all rounds were to hit, MS doesn't count because it only counts the rounds that actually did damage. Which makes charging these weapons slow in even mid level content. And while you might not need the incarnon form if enemies are dying that fast, the point is fun, and the incarnon forms are fun. Not being able to use them because you have to headshot half the map is tedious. And unless you're some kind of pro-gamer, the average person will take just a little longer to line up a headshot on a quick moving enemy than a center mass shot. And in that time, someone with a Bramma or a bunch of horses or a melee weapon with a 12m range will come through and wipe the thing that you were a split second from shooting in the face. I DO charge my incarnon weapons reliably. I do it every run, because they're my current favorites. But it can really feel like a chore sometimes because of all this.
  22. On top of that, ammo amounts make no sense. It feels like it takes about as long to charge a vasto incarnon as it does a toxocyst incarnon, but the vasto gets like, what? 6 bursts? Or is it 4? While the toxocyst just pump out cluster rounds like there's no tomorrow. I knew I wasn't going to really be into vasto's incarnon form, so I was mostly into it for the evolutions. But it needs to be so much better. And Burston gets tons of ammo and it's very strong, but Braton barely gets any while honestly being about the same or maybe even worse than burston. They should have the same amount of ammo, or at least closer. Meanwhile there's the incarnons like the vasto, or the Soma, where I mostly went into it for the evolutions. Some of them got really unimaginative. It's all either auto shotgun or big projectile. That's what makes things like the toxocyst stand out so much. You could do the minimal amount of effort and read what's there. I can headshot enemies. I said it wasn't some super hard thing. I literally already addressed this non-argument before you even made the comment. I actually had a whole paragraph regarding the jankiness of headshots in this game, due to enemy speed, twitchiness, bad hit boxes, and some enemies literally not having a hitbox that works, or have one that's barely accessible, but deleted it for brevity.
  23. Charging incarnons isn't super hard or anything, let me get that out of the way before the "skill issue" comments start. It's just kind of clunky due to several factors. I think it would be far more comfortable for most players if kills counted toward the charge, just not as much, and obviously multishot wouldn't benefit unless it was a headshot.
  24. Throwing my 2c in for tap/hold/nerf helminth version. I get that basically none of Mirage's kit was suitable for Helminth because it's all kind of niche, and doesn't really fit on most other frames, but Eclipse shouldn't have been the Helminth ability to start with. It being one of the top subsumes isn't even remotely shocking and you guys should have seen that coming.
  25. The problem is that running a netracell and getting an arcane that you can get for standing feels bad. Full stop. I don't know how else to say it. It's "harder." I either have to run solo or put up with pubs not understanding basic, simple mechanics. And they are limited to 5 runs a week. Running this mission under those conditions and getting an arcane that I could get for standing feels ridiculously bad. It is the exact opposite of the dopamine hit that gamers are chasing in a loot game. I would speculate that adding in a new activity means one of two things. There will either be a new mode that is separate, which will completely eclipse normal netracells, which is not how you want to do with new content. Or it will add in some optional objective. Pubs have already proven that they are too dense to deal with "kill thing in red circle." An optional objective means you absolutely have to run these either with only people you trust or run solo. For people about to latch on to that "speculation" part: I also don't want to run some extra bit. I just want a reasonable loot table. For a gold arcane, it's 7,500 standing. Just running basic bounties or missions and getting voca until max, I can get the standing for almost 4 and a half gold arcanes A DAY. Not 5 times a week. nearly 5 times a day. For a silver arcane, it's 5,000 standing. Running a non-bounty exterminate, which is a quick, super easy mission, and finding all 8 voca, and getting absolutely screwed on RNG and ending up with 8 Shrill Voca and no arcane from the Whisper nets you 4,000 standing when you turn those in. Running the easiest possible relative content and taking less time than a Netracell can get you most of the way to the exact same reward (silver arcane.) that I keep getting from a Netracell. Since you can run these as easy bounties and you're likely to end up with Bellow or Echo voca, and the Whisper is likely to drop an arcane, a super easy, no-red-circle mission can net you a very likely 2 arcanes, gold or silver, just for that mission. Two. Each mission. Which can be run until you can't get anymore standing. And the Wisper can be continually farmed, regardless of standing. And the Voca can be stockpiled for standing on later days. When a Netracell makes you put up with everything it does and then gives you one silver arcane every time, and you can only run these five times. Four golds, or 6 silvers a day just from standing, and a limited run mission is dropping these like they're the only reward. On top of all that, whatever the new activity is going to be doesn't solve the other issue. There are combo shards. We're going to get upgradable tau shards, which will take 4. I still need basic shards because I have a build on every frame. I am here for shards. You are giving me arcanes I can get 4/6 of every day with standing. I do not want these. At a certain point, I won't want the legendary arcanes either (but would still be fine with them being in the drop table). I will want shards. I will want shards for probably years, because of new frame releases, experimentation, combos, and upgrading. The drop tables are bad as is, and the only reaction we've got so far is a tiny hint that sounded to me a little deaf, and a "wait longer and we'll say something eventually."
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