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Posts posted by WarcraftOrcsAreAliens

  1. Limbo can only be acquired through the Limbo Theorem, find a person who didnt do the quest and do it with them, you'll receive the blueprints for all three parts, the main bp is in the store.

  2. While leveling my Gammacor i found a weird feature where it kept firing even when i cast melee attacks, the beam came directly from the holster and wouldn't stop before : A) Running out of ammo in the clip or B) Pressing the fire button again.


    This bug is pretty exploitable in my opinion, since you are free to deal damage with your melee weapon while being able to apply status effects such as Blast or Corrosive.


    Instances where i noticed this had the following loadouts:

    -Excalibur(ranks 0-14, 0 formas, no catalyst), Hek (1 forma, catalyst), Gammacor(rank 12) and Nikana(0 forma, no catalyst)

    -Trinity (0 formas, no catalyst), Hek(1 formas, catalyst), Gammacor(Ranks 0-12) and Broken Scepter(0 formas, no catalyst)


    Weapon behavior:

    -The main reason i don't think it is inteded is, upon starting a melee attack, the gammacor would latch back into its holster, and the beam would clip from the middle of the holstered weapon in an odd fashion.


    -The Lazer deals the same damage as it would normally


    -The Lazer consumes ammo


    -Cant be reloaded mid-attack


    -Can proc status effects


    -Full control over the aim, going directly for the crosshair's direction.


    I managed to replicate the bug in a captura, making it easier to show the gammacor itself firing.




    Thanks for taking your time to read this, have a good day.



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