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  1. I'll not be talking about the nerfs, releasing something and then destroying key functionality in one way or another isn't impressing anyone. However, it seems Deep Archimedea game mode evoked quite mixed feelings among the community. So it happened with me as well, thus I took some time to sort out my thoughts. First of all, the game mode is decent, the culprit of the negativity is obviously the decision to make these RNG loodouts. Naturally, it's annoying and it feels like a cheap way to increase difficulty to many, especially as we have The Duviri Circuit already. And it IS annoying to get all crappy stuff there, however there is an easy way to reroll available frames and weapons just by doing one round, which works even with the normal Circuit. It goes without saying that people tend to do longer runs only when they have better stuff. Even more so, there are overpowered Decrees which turn everything into madness pretty quickly. But what about Deep Archimedea? The problem was that when we all rushed to Necraloid to check the much awaited mode, we were slapped in the face with the necessity to get 25 research points to unlock the Elite version, meaning we had a precious little choice of weapons and frames. I was lucky, I had a tanky frame and a weapon capable of doing some damage. I had no problem completing the mission solo, however unsurprisingly my damage wasn't good enough to kill those Voidrigs fast. I went on a public run for the 37 points Elite Archimedea, and it turned out extremely easy, we had outright two meta frames and good damage. Then after some time I decided to make another Elite Archimedea run solo, but the server reset happened, which changed the available loadout choices. The best I could use was a semi-passable frame and a relatively good incarnon weapon I had been too lazy to build because I had a pretty similar one already. I have the weapon and the Incarnon Genesis for it, so it's MY problem that I don't have the whole thing ready, and also nothing stops me from getting these 20 Pathos Clamps and applying enough forma. But why? I felt extremely annoyed and logged off as it was very late anyway. Now what if I wasn't lucky the first time? One can see why there is all this ranting about RNG. However, what happens without loadout restrictions? Then people are disappointed of having no challenge. Increasing enemy level is a good option to alleviate that, and level cap missions are highly sought to. Needless to say, meta frames and meta weapons are well capable of dealing with that. But isn't it good to force some diversity? Isn't it fun to do some relatively low level stuff with a non-optimal setup? The answer is simple: it depends. On how bad the setup is. Generally, one needs to be able to survive well enough and to be able to deal enough damage. Let's see what happens in Deep Archimedea. For now, let's assume Elite Archimedea is already unlocked, we return to the issues with unlocking it later. Let's consider Deep Archimedea first. The highest reward we can get is with 20 research points, which we can get by selecting everything but two loadout options. Simply, one can use a frame and a weapon of choice and still get 21 research points and all the rewards. It's more than enough for a comfortable run. A very good design. Are things different with Elite Archimedea? Yes, there is a reward for 37 research points. On the other hand, it's a niche 50 vosfor, an easily obtainable commodity. However the diamond reward for 34 research points is most important. Thus, by sacrificing the last reward, which isn't of much significance, one can free one loadout option. Just one instead of two like in normal Deep Archimedea, but Elite Archimedea IS supposed to be harder, right? Of course, it's a trade-off between a better frame or a better weapon. One may use a defensive Helminth infusion or an offensive one, a wider aoe or a more focused weapon, etc. There is much flexibility. Again, a great design! But... why all the fuss when everything is so good? Because RNG is RNG. The first unlock of Elite Archimedea could be disappointing. Not everybody have all the good weapons and frames available. Even more importantly, not everybody like every frame, not everybody enjoys being forced to use frames which require more maintenance, current debuffs might be especially unpleasant for certain frames, etc. Thus it can happen that even when aiming for 34 research points, Elite Archimedea could be offering frustrating loadout options. What can be done to address this issue without changing the whole mission design, which, I repeat, is very good overall? We notice that one could simply wait till the next day for another RNG roll for the available loadout options, after all it's a weekly mission. But what do we have for such situations in many other places? Yes, it's a Rush button. Wouldn't it be an easy and elegant solution to have a Reroll button which would reroll daily loadout options for say 50 platinum?
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