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Everything posted by DaMasque

  1. You'll never guess who it is.
  2. Jetpacking into rampart gets you stuck inside it.
  3. I say a complete redesign. Instead of light or dark being separate buffs, get both buffs for being exposed to light and or dark but slowly diminishes as you stay in either side. Have prism rapidly gains light for as long as its out and when popped, dark gets maxed out instantly. and for augments: maxed light will cause a flashbang that goes on cooldown and maxed dark will make you invisible with another set cooldown.
  4. I was going to make a "QoL Nekros" post as well but instead I'll gladly add to this thread. In addition to removing ragdolls from Soul Punch, being able to hold 4th ability to resummon shadows. We have multiple ways to increase ability strength in mission now (e.g. Arcane: Molt Augmented, Grimoire: Vome Invocation) so having the ability to resummon shadows and have them scale off your ingame ability strength would be nice.
  5. Though unscanable, you can work around it with helios. The little guy will scan it for you.
  6. Hydood getting a rework, first thoughts? "Oh cool but... kinda boring." So why not go completely out of the box and give him an exalted mech! Hydroid now has a "Feed" meter, enemies that die via tentacles will build up this meter. I was thinking that the more enemies it eats, the more armor he gets but his new ability "Plunder" already does this. Oh well~ After filling the meter, you can hold 4 and become Cthulhu!! a bipedal Kraken with its own gun (ok, maybe not a gun but his hands that fire waterballs or something), a melee (claws? how original.), and abilities, fully moddable like Necramechs and their weapons. I really want to say "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" but his 4 feels so redundant... RIP dreams of Tentacle Play...
  7. Had a funny idea when I was playing Rev in circuit and basically just said... Give him the Rhino treatment. I'm sure the people who screams "mesmer skin is basically immortality" will be happy. Anyway, no way this will gain any attention but thought I'll throw the idea out.
  8. With the recent change to Kullervo's Recompense, I was thinking that maybe Combat Discipline can also have this treatment. For those who don't know... In update 33.5.4 I like using Combat Discipline for obvious reasons (Arcane Avenger and Guardian) but in my midst of killing things, sometimes I forget about my HP and just sit, pondering to myself "how did i get here?" I don't believe this "self bleed-out" is intended as DE is adamantly squishing all things that does selfdamage. (committing self-oof is frowned upon even though it does solve some ingame issues.) So hopefully... with a small chance of something happening... maybe... my favorite Aura mod might get looked into...
  9. Here's a picture of Rhino air gliding... Gotta admit tho... got that "draw me like one of your french girls" energy
  10. Maybe its the right shoulder cosmetics, maybe the frame is just extra bulky, I am at the point of my warframe career that I have to "slim" down my warframes just to see where I'm aiming at. Someone I was talking too made a suggestion of having our frames be transparent when we ADS, i personally don't mind this idea. So anyway... Here have a picture of my Nekros blocking my view.
  11. The perk works fine in regular form but in Incarnon form, it just eats away all ammo. I want to assume its an oversight because it can't be intended for weapons like Miter and Despair to have its full incarnon form gone in less than a second. Perks I know so far: Miter - Evolution 2 - Plentiful Mayhem Despair - Evolution 2 - Stalker's Vendetta
  12. So what's after the Steel Path? Well, with the New War introducing the Narmer. Why not have an entire Origin System be Narmer-ified. I mean... its kinda already implied that the whole system is Narmer'd and the few fractions we have are rebelling. So yes! New game +2 Narmer enemies! Rip fractions mods.
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