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Everything posted by Hierarch777

  1. Greetings! Any chance for giving some older and outdated frames some love? Such as Valkyr and Nyx.
  2. Heavy Impact as a passive (and as a mod) is pretty outdated and not very useful, as the landing animation can get you in very unfavorable situations (even getting you killed in higher levels). So I propose that he gets a new one that both compliments his skill set AND makes him even more fun than before. In the old trailer for the Profit, Rhino was seen beating multiple Corpus goons to death with his bare hands. That leads me to the first part of his new passive: Pseudo-Exalted Fisticuffs (just like Garuda's claws), either as a Fist or Sparring weapon that deals pure Impact damage. As for the second half of his new passive: Whenever Rhino's break and trigger shield-gating, he gets a temporary boost to his base armor stat (150% boost for 10 seconds, quick example) which would synergise with Iron Skin and the augment for Rhino Charge for more Overguard. A risk of waiting for the short window of invulnerability upon your shields breaking, but a risk rewarded for good timing.
  3. I loved using the DSS a long time ago. In today's era of the game, it feels a bit lackluster in its gimmick. But I feel it could be much more than what it is. The idea is to give it a form-switch function much like Incarnon weapons, with a few tweaks to play into its Heavy Blade + Dual Swords hybrid gimmick as well as a good incentive to perform the form-switch. Also, to be flexible enough to accommodate several potential builds and play styles instead of having a one-build-to-rule-them-all scenario. Firstly, the Stances. In order to accommodate a Stance mod for both Dual Sword mode an Heavy Blade mode, it'd need one Stance slot for each form. This means you could have 80 Mod capacity when giving the slots matching polarities and a Catalyst. Next up, the form-switch. Thanks to newer melee weapons having overrides for Heavy Attacks and certain combo strings, this brings me to the form-switch function itself. It would involve two different Heavy Attacks with a prerequisite of at least 2X Combo Counter for both of them (at no Counter, you perform regular Heavies appropriate to the weapon class). As for the actual Switch-attacks: Heavy Blade: Rip both handles apart, releasing a medium-range radial explosion that deals Radiation damage Dual Swords: Fuse both handles together and perform a powerful forward slash, releasing a long-range swordwave that deals Radiation damage. You could opt for a pure Light or Corrupt Charge Heavy build, both are valid choices. But I'm meaning to have the theoretical weapon incentivise a combo count chance + Heavy attack build for maximum burst damage. Lastly, the pros and cons of the 2 forms. Heavy Blade: Pros: 100% follow-through, higher range, status chance and damage Cons: Lower attack speed and crit stats Dual Swords: Pros: Higher attack speed, blocking angle and crit stats Cons: Lower range, Follow-through damage and status chance Now I understand that this might be a very code-heavy weapon to design and implement, but how often does a weapon arrive bug-free anyway? :D Lemme know your thoughts on this concept. Cheers.
  4. Ngl, I almost always forget that I have Invigorations available. I do have fun playing around the added bonuses, though. Makes me try out new loadouts and such.
  5. I took a look at how Iron Skin is calculated but I'm unsure which stat increases the amount of Overguard more, power strength or armor mods?
  6. I have completed the challenge (375 Sentient kills) but have still not received the Apex armor set via the Inbox. The counter is just sitting at 375/375 and nothing happened after I went on another mission and killed a few surplus Sentients.
  7. The Scaffold part on Amps are always facing and clipping into the bracer, when they should be pointing upwards. This happens with every Scaffold part on any and all Bracer parts.
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