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  1. The issue is people don't have the exact some want for just something puddle theme'd, Some want just the puddle visually in some way Others want to absolutely BECOME the puddle in some way Some want the puddle to be the exact same but faster movement while in the puddle. And theres others that want nothing to do with the puddle. Theres even people that HATE anything pirate theme'd about him and want that kind of stuffed removed entirely There is zero ways to please everyone. The people that are most satisfied with the rework aren't saying anything, and the people that hate it are saying the most, it makes it seem like theres more people that hate it than love it but that might not be the case. It's just the people that are dissatisfied are much more likely to say something.
  2. Lower numbers than vex armour, but way easier to use and doesn't require you taking tons of damage. Doesnt vex armour REQUIRE you taking damage from enemies, and enemies usually deal damage in LoS and have to be alive as well right? the statuses are baked into everywhere on his kit so its not like you have to go out of your way for it either. does 1k armour and 300% corrosive weapon damage NOT sound good enough to you? Would you not equip a mod on your warframe that said "1k armour, 300% corrosive damage to weapon " ? Yeah Vex armour numbers are much better, but that's basically all he has. Buff his armour/health with 2 , then increase his damage by taking damage with 3, run around with a gun to do his damage. As generic as they come when it comes to actual meta gameplay with him and is gunplay heavy/ hydroids kit flows and synergies are way better now, with 3 abilities + passive directly combining on top of each other. I have played a ton of high level warframe and I rarely rarely rarely see a hydroid, and when I do, they are DEFINITELY not just sitting there doing puddle. puddle is memorable, but having a much faster puddle would cause other issues (what if a hydroid just eats 70% of the spawns and runs away during survival , messing up the spawns and the teammates are just forced to extract or chase after the hydroid the whole time) Is there any other warframe that would be able to gather and run away with enemies like that?
  3. Except it doesnt work like puddle. It doesnt pull enemies completely in and obscures them. Teammates dont shoot the puddle to deal damage to the enemies inside. It doesnt make Valby completely immune to damage for the duration. It's just a damage over time area on the ground and would be no different if it was simply poison theme'd (which there is a character that does the same ground effect (in a smaller area) that is poison theme'd
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