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Posts posted by Necr0Ra1se

  1. Dual Atagan
    Type: Dual daggers
    Faction: Infested (ex-Tenno)
    Descriprion :Long-lost Tenno blades in the war with the "plague." Desecrated but still faithful to the Tenno, these blades adjust themself to the master's worldview.
    Concept: The idea behind these dual daggers is that the blades change their appearance and stats depending on the focus school that Tenno currently uses. If Tenno doesn't use any of focus schools or not completed "Second Dream" quest Dual Atagan has neutral form.
    Neutral: overall balanced
    Naramon: High Crit chance/dmg, could go red crits
    Unairu: Slow and heavy Aoe dmg every hit that knockdown enemies.
    Zenurik: High status chance, 100% dmg reduction while block.
    Madurai: high attack speed, modarate status\crit stats
    Vazarin: Longer combo timer and high dmg multiplier, block reflects % of dmg to dealer.



  2. 5 hours ago, Fukushu said:

    On topic though, better or not, I still feel players should choose one or the other based on which one they like more. A personal example would be the Dread and Miter I have in my arsenal: Both deal primarily slash damage, both play in a similar manner, but the Dread (when modded properly) is much stronger than the Miter, and yet I prefer to use the Miter because I love the way it looks, I love using Grineer tech, and I don't like short bows. In my personal opinion, the Attica and the Zhuge should be a similar case of choosing the one you like the looks of, but we're unfortunately stuck in a game full of enemies that just keep getting stronger and weapons made to counter them instead of making proper balance, causing many weapons to be better than others and making players look down on anything that can't kill a level 150 Heavy Gunner in 0.25 seconds, despite the fact that isn't what Warframe is meant to be balanced around.

    Sorry but this is bad example becouse of Dead is a bow and mitter is a launcher. This two weapons use same ammo but they are absolutely different weapons.....Attica and Zhuge are the same in every way....The problem is Zhuge is just better in every way then Attica....

  3. 15 hours ago, chuckdm said:


    I guess my point is this: The Zhuge isn't a sidegrade, it's an upgrade.  But it is not so clear how to make it a sidegrade.  I agree with the assertion that this is a problem.  I don't agree that it's as easy to fix as giving the Attica a crit buff and calling it a day because even a fairly minor crit buff would probably obsolete the Zhuge due to the questionable nature of either gun being a status weapon anyway.

    In my opinion Zhuge should require Atttica to craft it, like an upgrade. 

  4. Sorry not gonna happen....DE need's about 1,5-2 years to understand that weapon is bad for its tier to make little changes.
    Instead You will get not only NotAnotherHind weapon,  with better stats but also it will be Power creep for all burst type weapons/ 

  5. It's not about whether they're "good" or not, or whether they help in a certain mission type or not. It's about how outdated he is and how bland his kit is while being advertised as a Warframe that "advanced players" would enjoy.


    Sorry again but you said bullS#&$...As loki player i don't have any problems with his "outated" thing....All his powers work great even after 2 years.... All buffs\rework is about to bust some old frames that lost their role in the group or was P2W....and you want to Nerf a good frame becouse you think he is outdated? 

    How about a good buff For volt instead?

  6. First: The helmets that you say are ugly is only your opinion there are alot of people, like, that think that Loki's essence helmet are badass becouse it make you look as hammer shark. Sharks = badass! Do you get it?

    Second: Read what Dhrekr wrote ^^^. 

    Third: Old arcanes only need is to change their titel from "arcane" to something else. For example  "proto arcanes", "ancient arcanes" etc. To distinguish old from new.

  7. Нет спасибо Ты уж хочешь 100% имбу что бы нажал 1 кнопку и все умерло.
    этот шар отлично работает как он есть....Ты просто не умеешь им пользоваться. 
    Ставишь аугмент на 2ой скилл получаешь абсолютную защиту от всего урона где находится шар а когда нужно очищаешь всю комнату....Только нужно следить что бы он не врезался раньше времени.

  8. ok i got to ask 

    why are you caling operator(in your case YOU a spoiler)?

    and i dont think you see it while he is inside that pod in your ship i think you see it while using focus or power 5 

    dont know for certen did not experiment with that 

    Off topic.

    I don't know what about you but after Second dream i have a fealing that we(players) are not tenno...But a warframe itself.

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