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  1. Just watch the clip and you'll get it. This voice line gets triggered each time I rescue the target, regardless of the timer or tileset. SOLO mode
  2. All specters and summons (if I recall correctly) use the Friendly marker color, but the Resonator has the Default marker color.
  3. It appears like that everywhere, not just in this example. (Stalker background for comparison)
  4. Not a big loss, but I never get bonus relics in endless requiem fissures - it simply says "Bonus Reward". (If this is intended maybe the UI should be updated to reflect that.)
  5. As client, I often get this issue where my kavat swipes non-stop for the rest of the mission. She will function as usual, except for broken animations Other players' pets appear to be unaffected
  6. When Atlas is affected by Radiation, Landslide's augment permanently freezes his cat. Maybe this is related to their new stagger immunity? Reproduced it in SOLO mode here, as you can see other allies unfreeze as expected.
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