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Everything posted by CephalonStorm

  1. I've just noticed a bug with Gyre, where the left arm armor is rotating/moving separately from gyres arm during her idle animation. This only applies to Gyre with her noble animation set. Other warframes equipped with gyres noble animation set do not have this error.
  2. Clan Name: ShockForce Clan Tier: Mountain (but plan to upscale to moon size when we reach the member cap) Platform: PC Clan Role: Founding Warlord Welcome to ShockForce, and step aboard our very own Frigate, the Intergalactic Research Vessel (IRV) Event Horizon. Observe our clan members as they coordinate and execute a series of operations in an effort to become a catalyst for change. ... Positive change, right? Right? Clan Operations are a series of 'quests' that members can play through. Instead of a traditional in-game quest, these operations utilize our discord server to deliver dialog before providing members with their next objective. Members progress by uploading a screenshot verifying they have completed the requested objective. Our dojo decorations also provide a form of in-game 'cutscene' - but only two are displayed in our video.
  3. Hello Daedric, Are you still looking for an alliance? I run The Tomorrow Project, and alliance of storm clans and below. There's currently six clans in this alliance with a total of 183 members. We have something called the ARkCodex, which is an extension of the in-game codex that contains guides, builds, discoveries from other players, and 'clan operations' - extra 'quests' (where lore-dialogue and story progression happen through the discord). Anyone can contribute to it, as well. We also have an alliance discord with other features if you'd like to poke around: https://discord.gg/dv2VppV
  4. Copy-pasted straight from the introduction to clan operations discord channel: Clan Operations are a series of extra quests that I have written. Currently, in-game, Quests have unique missions, and extra dialog and lines from various characters to create a story. Obviously, I can’t create unique missions or in-game quests quite like this, but I wanted our clan to have a bit more character, so I wrote a series of “quests” myself, that does its best to stay true to the lore of Warframe as I see it. How It Works: Extra dialog will appear here in Discord in-between missions to dump exposition explain what is going on, story-wise, before providing you with your next objective. Usually there are three characters: Myself as the Commander, Cephalon Derecho, who “runs clan day-to-day operations and backend”, and you, the member of the clan. I have also managed to create a form of in-game cinematic using clan dojo decorations. Rewards: Each completed Operation can give you various rewards including in-game items, promotions within the clan, and more. For example, the first Operation, called “Just a Simple Promo”, rewards a promotion within the clan that allows you to queue research samples - which is mostly symbolic because everything in the dojo is already researched. But, Doomed on Repeat will grant you the ability to decorate within the dojo, as well as receive your own personal dojo room. Soundtrack: Warframe has a sore lack of bossfight music. Instead, during some missions Derecho may provide a music track as a .mp3 file in the channel. Derecho’s taste may be… unconventional (usually EDM) at times, so you don’t have to listen if you don’t want to. How to Progress: During each step of the operation, you will be provided an objective of completing a specific mission. To continue, post a screenshot of you completing the requested objective, like the end-mission-results-screen, your codex showing a certain quest completed, or even screenshots of you doing things in the dojo. Screenshots: Steam has a hotkey that lets you take screenshots. You can also take screenshots using Print-Screen, which will copy everything on your screens to your clipboard which can then be pasted in discord. You can also use Windows+shift+s to activate the “snipping tool” which will allow you to edit your screenshot in real-time. These Operations add a bit more character and story to our clan. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know - or if you want to write or run your own clan operation, we can also do that. Heres the text for the first clan operation i've written for my clans 'story' or lore. Clan Operation: Just a Simple Promo Requirements: Europa Junction (post a screenshot of the completed junction in this channel to begin) Rewards: Clan Emblem, promotion to "Spark" Notes: Our clan Cephalon has located some useful data which we could use to promote our clan - and look good doing it. Get on it, Tenno. This is a 100% guaranteed thing! This quest is 13 missions long. (edited) The original purpose of these was to add more quests and things to do for players who have been waiting for a while for new quests to show up in-game, but it also serves as something to do for the clan, as well as adding a bit more character to the clan itself - instead of just 'a group of tenno', we now also have a backstory for the formation of the clan.
  5. The Tomorrow Project is an Alliance and PvE gaming community that is looking to recruit smaller clans! (Storm clan or smaller, 100 or less members) We are an active group with a growing discord server: discord.gg/dv2VppV Within our discord server an alliance, you can access the ARkCodex: an extension of the in-game codex that contains guides, builds, discoveries that players have found, and extra "quests" called Clan Operations (basically, between-mission "transmissions" take place in the discord, and you post screenshots of mission completions to progress towards rewards). Feel free to join our server, see and contribute to the ARkCodex, join one of the clans in our alliance, or join your clan to our alliance! DM me in-game, through discord, or reply to this post if you have any questions.
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