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  1. Hey there, my friend, it seems like things might've taken a bit of a twist. Apologies if I'm not fully fluent in your language, but I'm genuinely giving it my all. I reckon that it's essential to have a few builds dedicated to extreme and pure damage, and of course, keeping an eye on the META, since falling behind is not an option, ever. However, it's about not making that the top priority. Crafting a solid Zaw or fine-builded a Warframe build with some buffs should suffice to conquer the majority of content. The thirst for damage isn't as intense nowadays; the clamor for billions of damage seems a bit out of touch when other crucial aspects are left behind. Also, this text is my original creation. The words you read were penned by me, and I used ChatGPT only to tidy up the grammar and spelling. Thanks for your opinion!
  2. In the vast cosmos of Warframe, where Tenno gather to weave their destinies, an unsettling truth emerges: monotony seeps into the ranks of innovation. The palette of personalities, each unique in essence, seems to be overshadowed by the obsession with excessive damage, driven by the unrelenting chant: "Billions of damage!", "Annihilate everything!", "Meta or nothing!" This mantra, echoed not just by the community but amplified by influential figures like YouTubers, has cast a shadow upon the realm of creativity. The creation of builds, akin to the forging of a weapon, is an art that should be both varied and intricate. However, a repetitive melody resounds, a tune that drowns out the symphony of diverse possibilities. The influence of YouTube culture, while valuable in many aspects, has unwittingly led players to prioritize power above all else, forsaking the subtleties that make Warframe an ever-evolving masterpiece. Consider the saga of Nezha, once overlooked and underestimated without rhyme or reason. Even now, his passive ability is dismissed as "useless." This echoes a pattern where the allure of the unknown is often forsaken for familiarity. Teleportation abilities like those of Kullervo, Nezha, and Wisp have unlocked dimensions of gameplay that are overlooked. Witnessing a Tenno traverse missions without touching the ground, thanks to Nezha's teleportation, sparks curiosity in onlookers who only then inquire how to achieve the same feat. I implore the Tenno to venture beyond the boundaries of convention, to seek out tricks, secrets, and curious methods within Warframe's universe. Fear not the art of the roll, for it can unveil uncharted territories within missions. Let us not overlook the plight of newcomers, who, entrapped by the allure of excessive damage, miss out on the discovery of a potential favorite Warframe. A singular focus on obliterating foes with astronomical numbers belies the true depth of this universe. Consider the tantalizing prospect of sacrificing raw damage for the thrill of turning a Warframe's ability into a map-spanning spectacle. Envision a tapestry of abilities painting the battlefield in hues of the extraordinary. Astonishingly, such feats are not beyond reach. However, they often fall victim to the gravitational pull of the damage meta. Yet, within this sea of uniformity, there exist Warframes like Limbo, who offer unique, elegant, and extravagant playstyles. The essence of Limbo itself orbits around elegance, yet all too often, this potential is cast aside in favor of strategies that only scrape the surface of possibility. Let it be known that these words do not seek to scold, but to liberate. Freedom thrives in the unique, the original, and the audacious. Let each Tenno wield their power with the knowledge that the universe of Warframe offers more than a binary choice between meta and mediocrity. In the end, let it be known that every Tenno is a maestro of their own destiny, a composer crafting their own symphony. The path of Warframe is a tapestry woven with the threads of individuality, where each stroke of brilliance contributes to a masterpiece that is as boundless and diverse as the cosmos itself. – Feel at liberty to respond, or drop me a message sharing your thoughts; I'll be delighted to peruse them. – Author: Kadara Hofner (Hoshi) (ChatGPT used to give some touches, as well as to improve writing style and correct errors, since English is not my native language)
  3. Hi. IGN: -Hoshi MR: 24 - 1407 hours played, 340+ in xbox Country: México (GMT -6) Discord ID: Hoshi#3957 I am a passionate Warframe player, I have been playing since the release of The Second Dream. My playstyle prioritizes Speed Runs, as well as maximizing the game's capabilities. I mainly focus on creating different and creative builds, exploring unique possibilities outside of the usual player strategies. I usually play at my own pace, I like to have fun and enjoy playing for many hours at a time. I'm not really into farming, however, when I particularly like an expansion, I manage to acquire everything and complete it within a few days.
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