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Posts posted by A_Phantom_Thief

  1. While in the rift (and the boss is not in the rift) you are still able to be damaged from a variety of effects, including at the very least:


    Razorback's missile barrage


    Razorback's (or some flying support drone's, can't tell) laser beam attack


    The electrical damage in the side-pit around the arena


    Oh, that's just typical Limbo logic. Like how pickups are somehow omnipotent and can transcend the rift bubble so you can't pick them up.


    Welcome to the first of many problems you'll find with Limbo, I guess? Though the attacks you mentioned COULD count as powers (which make the rift mechanic have no effect on them), but I have yet to see how physical missiles/explosions can transcend dimensions/planes.


    Side-pit damage, though, I have no idea. And the laser... I don't know. Since you can rift through Void laser traps and all that.


    Well, time to see if DE does something about it. Emphasis on IF they do.

  2. Any plans on letting us wield both a pistol and a one-handed melee weapon at the same time in the future ?

    We all know it from Dark Sector, having both pistol and glaive in hands at the same time - it would look totally awesome being able to use, let´s say one-handed swords like the skana, Dakra, etc, in one hand and a pistol in the other hand.


    ( Fresh from the generator oven :> )





    DO IT.

  3. Greetings, Cordylon.



    As a Limbo user, I feel like what we knew about the original was a little vague.


    Was the mistake that led to his death merely an oversight? Or were there other reasons for him to commit an error such as that?


    Also, is the Lotus aware of some synergies between Limbo and other warframes that break the balance between squad compositions?


    Perhaps having another Rift using frame to compare Limbo to would be a good thing -- DE would have to revisit them, and make using the Rift as a tool more fluid.



    Holy bleeping knobs, that could actually work. We don't have more than 1 example of a Rift-using frame, and it's quite a subpar one at that, so if they DO end up making another Rift user (I agree on it being preferably female, Limbo needs a girlfriend *ahem*, COMPANION that understands him).


    Also, I'm going to go with Lemons' opinion and say they should adress Limbo before they add another Rifter. Also that the community gives so little a damn about him.


    Limbo's popularity issues are already showing when they're reworking CERTAIN frames that should be waiting in line behind him (and Ember) are actually prioritized in needing a rework.


    Jokes aside, Limbo's situation is, well, stuck in Limbo (I'm so sorry, but that pun was necessary :P).



    Hank, the reason why I think that there needs to be more Warframes that can interface with the Rift is because ALL 22 other warframes use the Material Plane. Only 1 warframe even has access to the Rift Plane, an entire other literal dimension to gameplay. Limbo is the sole master of the Rift. Having a second warframe to utilize the Rift would greatly help Limbo's whole deal here. We only need 2. Limbo is the master. Not only does he have access to the Rift Plane, but he can send anyone and anything he damn well pleases into the Rift. He controls BOTH planes. We need a warframe that can interface with the Rift similar to Limbo. However, they would not have the same mastery that Limbo wields.

    We have an ENTIRE second dimension here, but only Limbo can use it. There needs to be more interaction with it. We can't just add an alternate dimension and a warframe that masters over it, then never touch it again. Perhaps a warframe that uses the Rift defensively or for mobility.



    I'm going to discuss the underlined part MOSTLY, since I accept a good part of the post.


    THAT is the major problem with Limbo (and the rift itself).


    Having just 1 other frame that directly interacts with the rift will still leave 22 (probably 5 or so more added to the 22 if we follow what was said in the devstreams, namely in #58) that do not.


    This leaves the problem as it was, since Limbo will still be situational. Unless of course Rift Surge/The rift itself interacted with other warframe abilities. (Hint, Hint, DE).


    I'm out of ideas or suggestions now, really. I guess my suggestions can't TIP THE SCALES in Limbo's favour. (Well, Fire Emblem WAS mentioned,so I made a Robin pun, as bad as it might've been.)

  5. Okay, quite a bit of goodies in this one, nothing bad at all (multishot's extra ammo consumption seems fair).


    "Brawlerframe in U17.5"




    On a less hateful note, I can't wait to press 1 to punch, 2 to kick, 3 to throw, and 4 to do a hadouken or something.


    "U18 Goodies, goodies, and even more goodies, including Tenno Rapier and the long-awaited Focus system"



    Here's something that both saddens me (MOREWAITING?AWW) and also fills my mouth with foam made of happiness and marshmallows (marshmellows?).


    Thankfully it's before the end of 2015. Probs on November or December if I had to guess tho.



    Also, when are they implementing the ability to wear Ol' Neffy's gigabyte beard?




    Oh well, it's....



  6. "more Rift meisters"


    No. Please no.


    Why not, you ask? Because we shouldn't ever have 2 warframes controlling the same element/concept (Chroma being the exception, since he's the elementalist), otherwise one might be considered "better" or more "meta" than the other and the other would just be forgotten. Or because they'd be even more complicated to use than Limbo, or MUCH easier to use, therefore overshadowing him in the Skill-to-reward department.


    Also, we think alike. I'd like to have the Rift as a place where everything's my b**** I have full control over who wins, and Rhino's codpiece gets shrunk to how useful he really is in lategame other frames can work well with Limbo and his abilities (namely, being able to pick up stuff inside the bubble, cause that s*** isn't omnipotent, nor is it Limbo, so it can't walk in and out of the rift at will).


    I mean, really, Limbo is downright broken in Corpus Spy missions and can make for some ridiculous team synergies, but as a frame, alone, all he can do is stall and slooooowly take stuff down.


    He's pretty much outclassed in other mission types (and with rifting teammates on Raid buttons making them count as not standing on it, I shudder to think the absolute hatred he'd get in raids).



    I agree with you on most aspects, but please. This Solar System isn't big enough for more than 1 master of the Rift.

  7. I mean reworking a frame that warps dimensions would take alot of time, right? They can't possibly think that Limbo is okay as he is now...right!? *Doubt creeps in from the back of the head* No! Get back there! Don't ruin my hopes!


    I belive ol' Saryn has corroded those hopes to mere puddles of green-tinted despair and remains of what looks like a tuxedo and a top hat.

  8. "Brawler Frame that is much simpler than recent more complex frames".


    You taking a stab at Limbo and his confusing rift mechanics, DE?


    "Reworks". Oh cool, where's the Ember one? In the backBURNER? At least I felt a JOLT of ELECTRIC happiness when I saw Volt was getting reworked.


    (HA. HA. My humour is almost as grim as penUMBRA. OkIwillstopthisnow)


    "4 frames in development" Welp, Limbo my boy, looks like you're not going to pick up items inside Cataclysm  (read: a bubble where EVERYTHING is SUPPOSEDLY in the rift) anytime soon, sorry my dear main. defixpls


    Calling it, one of them has gotta be Typhus. Infested Mios, anyone?


    Speaking of Infested Mios and other good stuff, where's our Tenno Rapier?

    Let me rephrase that, WHEN's our Tenno Rapier?


  9. Yeah -- i wasn't saying Saryn. I meant Hydroid tweaks (no big changes, just  tweaks), Ember tweaks and some Zephyr changes.


    Hm, true.



    But now, back to Limbo brainstorming! (also, this is my idea of a REWORK, not just tweaks, tactical wall of text inbound!)


    What if we fused Rift Surge with Riftwalk (either current version but with a slightly lower TOTAL dmg multiplier, or with dmg+defense so Rift Break is still a relatively good choice for an aug), or with the Rift mechanic itself, made Cataclysm his 3 (cmon, it's just an AoE Banish, that can sometimes do you more harm than good, that's no excuse for an ult), and maybe think about a new ult?



    What if we could turn the name Rift Surge into an ult that affects ALL of Limbo's abilities (toggleable, now here's where the ideas branch out, either it has a channeling cost that HURTS, something like Mesa's peacemaker but at 7 energy per second, perhaps 8, OR it has a slight activation cost, no channeling, but adds an extra energy cost to each of his abilities , independent of efficiency) , making them wildly powerful, since he's surging power through the plane HE controls and is supposedly the master of.


    What this would do for each individual skill could be discussed, but my ideas are as follows:



    1. Banish - Should work like a Viral proc, albeit weaker to not make them obsolete,  and to also not make it too excessive. Basically enemy health reduction.  I'm not sure about the ability costs, I'm going to need help here.


    2. Rift Walk (and Rift itself) - Maybe increase the energy Limbo and his pals receive per second from 2 to 4? (This could be wildly exploited by The Mesa Squads, but only if they go for full 175% efficiency, 5% less and they'd still be getting a drain, albeit minuscule).

    Also, increase the buff of the Rift itself to around 30% per Actor in weapon dmg, and 20% per actor in dmg reduction (increase reduction cap to 80%, MAYBE)


    3. Cataclysm - Perhaps if held down you could make Limbo the center point of it? I'd like opinions for this one.


    4. Rift Surge - Reusing it while active deactivates it. Maybe we could add another cost that isn't energy, such as health or halving/taking away 2/3 of your shields/health/armor till deactivation to make it dangerous to constantly have on? (The original Limbo rifted himself to a nice pile of Warframe parts, so it'd fit in with the lore)


    Ult-form Rift Surge augs...Hm. Maybe one that changes the costs of using it (such as higher energy cost/channeling takes away less survivability), or gives the other skills different buffs?


    Also, perhaps Ult-form Surge could interact with the augments? Such as help the augments up somehow (Rift Break with bigger AoE/longer knockdown? Maybe if only the dmg portion of Rift Surge was implemented, Ult-form could also give dmg reduction, though it could be redundant? Make Rousing Cataclysm have no recharge delay at all?).


    TL;DR: I'm just going nuts with ideas here, take them, leave them, consider/alter this crazy man's ideas, I dunno. 


    Post-Devstream 58 Edit: Limbo's starting to feel like a hopeless cause, just check the Devstream 58 overview and you'll see what I mean by this.

    What a ****ing kick in the nuts.

  10. I originally had it remove Shield Recharge rate like a Shield Osprey, but I thought that might be a bit overpowered with the RIft Surge augment -- although, I'm reconsidering it because that would require 2 augment slots...

    Happy Birthday Limbo would be awesome, but there are some other frames that deserve tweaks and fixes before Limbo does.



    Hm, the only frames that I feel deserves tweaks & fixes before Limbo are Ember (ESPECIALLY), Valkyr (beh, 1 skill), and Zephyr (2 or so skills, no biggie).


    I don't see why people want a Saryn rework so bad. Her job is nuking and she does it well, albeit you sacrifice all your other abilities' duration if you want insta-nukes, but still.


    In my opinion, the only frame that is in as bad (or worse) of a spot as Limbo is Ember. Other frames haven't been waiting (close to) a year or more for fixes/tweaks, now have they?



    Also, Tech's Cataclysm aug sounds... Intriguing...


    Maybe changing the channeling multiplier to something else... Power Strength multiplier, perhaps?

  11. A question not many have asked, I feel.



    Are there any plans for Limbo and his anti-pickup Cataclysm, or his rather lackluster Rift Surge?



    Actually, let me rephrase that.


    Are there plans to change Limbo in a way that people don't immediately hate & ignore me when I happen to wander into their squad as Limbo?


    A GOOD reason to play him over other frames on serious missions that does not involve being the team's dedicated medic?

  12. *Detailed, well-thought out post that has some amazing ideas*



    Dat rift surge aug hnnng, it's all I ever wanted and more. Makes me actually like the skill and not feel like it should be replaced with Cataclysm and have a new ult given to Limbo, but I'm derailing a bit here.


    Stagger on cataclysm makes sense, and also makes it balanced, but the Cata aug is... underwhelming. It's more of a (frankly rather weak) add-on to Cataclysm rather than a new way to use it.


    I like a Battle Arena, Offensive-themed Limbo, but I'll go with the Rift Surge aug (and maybe Cataclysm aug if it instantly regained shields but at half, or even 1/3 of the ally's base recharge rate, not affected by their mods of course, to not make it overpowered).


    I wonder if they'll rework/tweak Limbo on the same day he came out, as sort of a birthday present O.o that would be a glorious day.

  13. Limbo is a very good support-frame though, and I kinda like that more. You can also play him as a rift-assassin, taking out nullifiers and eximus enemies at his own leisure. You can even be a decoy, placing yourself in the middle of an enemy-cluster where every enemy will be desperately trying to kill you while you simply shrug, casually wave your hand, take the closest unfortunate soul into your world and gut him with your Karyst/Dark Dagger/Shiv while everyone spectates in horror.


    Personally I think he's in a really good spot right now, the only thing I'd like to see changed is his cast-times, they could be a teeny-bit faster. Oh yeah, and loot inside cataclysm. 


    The biggest problem with Limbo, I think, is that people don't understand how he works. Many times do I find people I (occasionally) banish attempt to melee or gun a cluster of enemies down without any success, and then just keeps running around in banish without rolling out of it. Same thing with Cataclysm, his mechanics are not particularity obvious. 


    I agree (also, the Dark Dagger thing cracked me up especially since I like using it c:, props to ya good sir).


    However, in my opinion, his biggest problem (of all), is that (besides his overall mechanics being confusing, also because I have to explain everything to a S#&$ton of people i've met) he is overshadowed by other frames in most of what he can do.


    1v1ing heavies is fine and dandy, but why should I do that when my team can take it down and the mobs around it in as much, or less time as it takes me to do so?


    Limbo giving invincibility to casters is one of his only distinguishing traits (apart from being the best-looking frame in the game, of course! :D), not to mention he is THE king of spy missions (except Grineer vaults. But @#€& those things), really good at capture and rescue, but in everything else, he is overshadowed by more dedicated frames that people will undoubtedly want on their squad instead of him.


    Him being squishy and having no defense steroid just makes his ult a death sentence unless played with Narrow Minded and using it as your own, about-to-be-breached-by-melee/close-range-mobs space.


    What I feel is his problem, is that you COULD use Limbo in serious content, but why would you? There is no real reason to play him over, say, Frost in Defense with a bit of range, or Saryn for nuking everything to shreds, or Loki which outright strips away all of the enemy's guns and therefore, most of their damage.


    You also wouldn't believe the amount of players that keep shooting while they're banished, and have no idea that you can roll to dispel it.


    I'd like it if DE gave me a reason to use him over other frames, that doesn't involve stalling the game or becoming the team's dedicated rev-*@##$.

    I like the frame, I like the concept, but not the execution.

  14. Limbo does not need a rework (except rift surge) but the rift mechanic is botched by DE.


    - You can hack in the rift corpus panels but not prison cells and every single grineer panel.

      DE removed grineer panels probably for the trial but loki, Valkyr and Zephyr can easy hack them.


      Let limbo hack every panel it is not game breaking.


    - If a nullifier enters Cataclysm his nullfield does not cancel it but his field becomes invulnerable.

      That is simply a oversight.


      Catclysm should be canceld by the nullfield like any other power or do not make it invulnerable.


    I wort this because meny overlook this importent problems caused by inconsistency and instead want a total rework.


    Didn't take you people long to get here.


    Rift is confusing, and semi-broken, looks like a rushed job whose progression was stopped halfway.


    Frost didn't expressively NEED a rework and he got one, so if he did, so can Limbo.


    Excalibur got tweaks to his abilities, and one was outright taken away, because a coming system made it obsolete and needless (in this case, SJump since Parkour 2.0 was coming). Slash Dash changed quite a lot, and blind changed a bit.


    So, why not do it with Limbo, who is rendered obsolete in most mission types by other frames (except in Spy/Rescue/Capture missions), and his abilities can barely hold themselves up independently, because they rely on each other to work, unlike all other frames that have good to decent abilities that don't need others to work well or at all.


    Really, we can't even pick stuff up inside a BUBBLE of rift (which means the stuff is in the rift too, so why can't we pick it up?!), and they haven't fixed THAT since release, so something's clearly wrong here.



    Rift surge is VERY lackluster (adds 3x BASE damage to existing weapon dmg apparently, and only to yourself) , indeed, I agree with you that atleast Surge needs a rework of some kind.

  15. I disagree, every other warframe seems pretty capable of being a one man army, why can't Limbo. Limbo cannot fulfill the CC role very well, you are right, nor can he fulfill the damage role, or the tank role. His only role as far as i can tell is to provide a slightly better frost bubble than frost. Will i conquer enemies one by one? A) Boring. B) That would take forever. Will i go into the rift and draw aggresion? No, since i can't shoot any of them when im in the rift. Better to go Valkyr, or Chroma or any of the other tanky frames that can actually do something other than stand there like a lemon. 


    This. So much this. I'd like to be USEFUL to my team, not a knobbing hindrance and hated by a ****ton of the community because Limbo has a bad reputation as a troll that barely has some use.


    Also, the ideas are nice. Would be cool if Banish had no charge limit but had a channel cost for holding it or smth :P incorporating cataclysm into Banish sounds like a perfect idea, however, incorporating riftwalk into banish, not so much.


    Sometimes I just want to rift myself and only myself instead of me and the heavy gunner standing in front of me because I mistargetted.


    All in all, really good idea, hopefully DE notices this (and many other rework threads) after almost a year (close to 2 months left, maybe they have something planned for Limbo's B-day? heh) of general nothingness done about Limbo.




    The ult though, beh. Doesn't really feel like an ultimate that takes advantage of the rift imo, it might fit in with the stage magician theme, but not with the rift wizard one.


    Maybe something like Equinox's Maim but instead of stun + slash procs have it function as a mobile, never-shrinking cataclysm around Limbo.


    I mean, it's his ULTIMATE, his most powerful ability that takes advantage of everything at his control (in this case, the Rift).


    It's hard to find a good, viable, and simple concept for something like that, though, and your idea is GOOD, but just doesn't fit in with his Rift-centric kit.


    Still, pretty good ideas, ESPECIALLY the passives, Limbo needs to feel like the Master of the Rift, not just a guy that can enter the rift and do some cool stuff with it.


    I support this thread fully with all of my magical top hat's power.

  16. Limbo. 


    I'm just going to leave it out there. Solo frame that has no TEAM potential in a mostly co-op-centric game has no place here in it's current state.


    And thinking outside of the box gives way fewer rewards compared to much, MUCH easier to play frames


    (read: Excalibur/Mesa/Nova/etc.)


    So, if the frame has to be played in such a bizarre, hard-to-understand way for a lot of the playerbase, that rewards less than much easier to play warframes, something is clearly wrong, AND IN NEED OF A REWORK.

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