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Posts posted by Offskii

  1. Hi mate. Same issue here, people in clan have whisper me and I am unable to see it.

    If I whisper anyone and I have tried multiple people it is like there is no response.

    Glad to see I am not the only one experiencing this, would love to know whats going on.




  2. Hi

    Currently no one seems able to whisper me, I have checked settings and they all seem fine.  I asked peple in clan to whisper me nothing, I keep getting random invites for trading (alot of guess work to provide what they want)

    Any idea what the issure could be?  Thanks in advance.



  3. I am not sure why people cry out for nerfs the whole time?  It's not a pvp game.  How does nerfing benefit people?

    Due to the riven's nerf, I just use less weapons now and focus on the ones which hit like trucks still.  So the attempted aim of rivens is to make people use less popular weapons, yet all it does in reality is reduce the number of top tier weapons which people use.  Decent riven dispo does not make a crap weapon great.  I am not a fan of spin2win, but if people like it, fair enough, yet nerfing rivens when this is still a thing is strange as hell. 

    99.9% of content is so easy and repetitive why would I want to bring weapons which make it harder and take more time?  You play a game like this to become as strong as you can and play warframes you enjoy. 

    So called end game content removes the use of warframes.  Arbitrations drone mechanic makes spin2win the best form of offence, warframes offensive abilities become redundant, I thought warframe was about warframes, not operators and spinning with a mellee weapon.  Even the difficulty of arbitrations was nerfed prior to release.  Elite sanctuary onslaught putting a timer on no4 ability why? All it means is we stop at round 8, we dont trya nd test ourselves.  Tridolons use very specific frames and the operator does most of the action.

    If there was hard enough content without having to sit in MOT for 2 hours then maybe nerfs would not be necessary.

    As for the catchmoon yeh its strong as hell, but has disadvantages like the shot doing nothing if it even grazes an obstacle of any form.  Also like the arca plasmor it does not scale against armoured enemies, as it does not strip armor effectively.  And yes spin2win is still way more powerful in every way.

    But the catchmoon is fun as hell atm, we all like seeing these numbers (mostly reserved again for spin2win), would I use it after a nerf probably not.


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