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  1. with that you settle for what remains of the year some warframe and a filler visual art when they have been with the cross-save for more than 3 years in a tenth anniversary you would have to put everything in the future not take 40 of soulframe and say how In a devstream cross-save for 2023, it shows that you have been playing or following it for a short time, if you followed it from the beginning you would see how everything is delayed like duviri and unfulfilled promises
  2. They are leaving the community I never thought it was going to be such a bad tennocon for a tenth anniversary the cross-save should have come out there and they mixed it in a dewstream in 2023 and what they showed I already lost faith in this game but since it Steve Sincler left, it got much worse, we would all have to stop playing since the rest of the year and the future of the game look very dark estan pasando de la comunidad nunca pense que hiba a ser una tennocon tan mala para un decimo aniversario tenia que haber salido el cross-save ahi y lo combertieron en un dewstream en 2023 y lo que mostraron ya perdi la fe en este juego pero desde que se fue steve sincler fue a mucho peor tendriamos que dejar de jugar todos ya que el resto del año y el futuro del juego lo veo muy negro
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