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Everything posted by WERElektro

  1. (This isn't really directed at OP, but more at the general sentiment of the "WHERE'S MAH UPDATE?????" Folks) Sheesh... patience is a virtue they say. Something some gamers do not seem to be familiar with. It's like ... going to a fancy restaurant and bothering the staff 15 minutes after ordering. "Where the hell is my lunch?" Or... waiting at the checkout at Aldi and yelling "KASSA BITTE!" (demanding the employees to open another checkout point when they are already busy af... it sorta has meme status over here ) I assume that everyone is going as fast as possible. And if it gets delayed, so be it. It's easy for me to have something to do in WF - I can only play on weekends anyway. There is no ""content drought"" for me. The game is huge. On a side note: I've been playing WF since 2013 - and compared to the times back then, it feels like they are bombarding me with updates, - being a weekend player, I can barely keep up. Depends on your play style really.
  2. Eh. Never really bothered with Trade chat. It's messy and unorganized. Even though I am generally selling trash rivens below "value" since I wanna get rid of them quickly in order to make space, nobody seems to take notice anyway. And ofc I -as well - will mention .market. Because it's just so much more comfortable than Tradechat. The riven section at .market is suboptimal as well and far from perfect but it's a far better alternative to Tradechat. BUT isn't it kinda weird that most of us will gladly ditch the ingame Buy / Sell / Trade "system" for a 3rd party website or Discord? I have to admit that I would REALLY welcome a Trading Rework in Warframe.
  3. Yes, I can understand this. :/ I guess one needs to look very closely at how the offers are being worded..
  4. Interesting. ‐---- I think I can relate to both sides... IF I bought an item for real money, expecting it to stay exclusive for whatever reason, I might be dissapointed/ frustrated / angry if it was being made available again as well. Then again it's also kinda weird to... find it satisfying to own an item in a videogame that other players of said videogame are unable to get. - but I assume that this isn't what the all the fuss is about.
  5. Somewhere on this planet there is someone who's like "Oh, this idea's gonna make me rich in no time!"
  6. The Hek is back ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. In that case, my statement wasn't directed at you. Your argument (More diverse deluxe skin designs) is completely valid and I do, to some extent*, agree with you. I did however see a lot of people on other platforms (*cough* reddit *cough*) cry about the Styanax skin being too sexual - and I request these specific people to quit their crying. *I do not know how much time, work and money goes into the design and 3D modelling of a new deluxe skin. Probably more than I can imagine. IF it is remotely as much as I think it is, new deluxe skin plans must be well evaluated before the process is being started. I don't know how well Liger's skin designs sell in game - but I do assume that they sell much better than other skins, due to what I personally observe in game - this is subjective ofc and I might be wrong. Now IF so much work goes into a single deluxe skin, it would be risky to commission another artist who is not as experienced with the matter. "Never change a winning team" or sth like that. I understand your point - I want more diverse skins as well - But I understand DE sticking with Liger as well. There was another concept artist DE worked with ages ago. Ignus Dei I think. Something something Ember deluxe skin. Something Something never added in game. Oh... look: Now as you can see, there's as lot that can go wrong when commissioning an artist. It just seems to me that they roll really good with Liger ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. First off I'd like to say, that these skins aren't exactly my favs either. For me, peak design are the old simple warframe designs, like Excali, Nyx, Ember, Frost. Nyx Nemesis has a special place in my heart as well. BUT... it is more than obvious that a whole lot of people like Liger's designs. Including their concept art for the styanax deluxe. While the design does seem to polarize, I feel like the vast majority likes it. What I am about to say is not directed at op , but at the crybababies complaining about the skin for all the wrong reasons - you need to calm down. If you don't like the skin because it's too ""sexual"", then don't buy it. I see none of y'all complaining about Wisp or Saryn.
  9. Take my "Yes". It would open new possibilities to... just go and give these areas a little rework - including the relays. Just mash all that stuff together. Yeah that's be really cool. And give all the NPCs some new lines - just like how Ordis got some new lines.
  10. Something between "Ok, elitist pro gamer." And "what?" No seriously. I am sorry, but the original post smells like bait. And if it's not bait, it's elitist talk. So what? If being L3 makes them happy? If it makes you angry that you are "bEtTeR" while their mr is higher..... , then maybe you should just change your mindset and/or switch to another game. So what? Might as well look at it like this: They are the ones who buy plat! They are the ones who keep the game running.
  11. I lol'd. It's all good tho. Lotus says it's okay to show some skin: No seriously - I have yet to see someone complain about that? "Put some clothes on, Lotus. Ain't nobody wants to see that" /s... just in case
  12. I.... disagree? I think he's cool. In - game model even more than the concept art. which can be found here: The artist who made the concept art is Liger-inuzuka. They made quite a few Warframe designs as well.
  13. CAT! uhm... I have one wish: Take the story back to where it started. The new quest is awesome and all. But nothing beats the original conflict between the Grineer, the Corpus and the infested - for me. Rn everything is confusing and - honestly? - quite random. Duviri? I enjoyed it, but god was that a freaky excursion. WITW? I LOVE the Cavia! But ... they put magic / Alchemy elements in Warframe? *rly?* And now? Now we're going to frikkin 1999. ._. I mean... cool. I grew up in the 90s. I will surely enjoy this. But I miss the Grineer... I miss the Corpus. I miss.... a story that's somewhat linear- I don't wanna say "makes sense", because I am well aware that with some mind gymnastics you are able to make this make sense. I am glad that they can pull things like 1999. omg, that trailer. But it's not exactly what I wish for. I don't care about weapons, buffs, nerfs.... that's not what keeps me coming back.
  14. If it wasn't for .market, I wouldn't bother trading at all. Trade chat is a mess. Wouldn't want to completely *delete* trade chat, but.... as your pointed out, trading there can be quite a pain. I am still somewhat interested in some kind of automated Buy/Sell system. Not necessarily with auctions, should this raise concerns. Even though people brought up the risk of decline in plat value. No idea...
  15. Take my upvote. Because that's exactly how I feel about the more recent additions. I MEAN - don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the ... fantastically confusing mess that is Duviri - I really like the Cavia... the WITW quest. Especially the new Characters in the last addition. But where is this all going? It doesn't make sense anymore... they just seem to... literally bombard us we new (and I mean REALLY new) content, that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the previous additions. On a positive note, this gives me the feeling that the game is doing well. And coming up with completely new stuff keeps old players coming back and sparks interests from gamers who have not played the game yet at all. But - lore wise speaking - What about the old "Content"? Did we forget about the conflict between the Corpus and the Grineer? What about - as you said - Vor? among other characters of course who just---- got lost somewhere along the way. We'll be going back to.... 1999 soon. And while I am REALLY looking forward to that, I also have to say that - talking about the direction the story is taking - this is a HUGE "WTF-Moment". Both in a negative, but also in a positive way.
  16. Good morning, I keep encountering "unknown Error" when attempting to build Eidolon lenses ( tested for both Naramon and Zenurik. same error). - The foundry lets me chose a greater Lens to use for crafting - I am being asked like "Are you sure you want to build the Eidolon lens?" - I click "OK" -Error happens Error first encountered days ago - presumably after the last update. Relogging/ restarting does not fix it. Screenshots: Edit: I will attempt to build the Item in the Companion app later. Edit 2: Curiosly, the Lense BPs do not show up in the Companion app's foundry.
  17. I am not entirely sure how to "zoom into the texture". But I scrolled closer in the arsenal, and it doesn't change. it stays low rez (unlike, for example, the helmet, which has it's own texture). I added another screenshot with higher color contrast - to show this also persists on the normal Frost, not just prime. (note how the helmet is high rez and the rest of the body doesn't seem to show properly)
  18. Just reporting a somewhat minor Bug. Frost immortal Skin seems low rez and pixelled. - No specific actions required to make the bug occur. It's just there. - It's like this in every location (Orbiter, relay, dojo, in missions...) Here's some screenshots: edit: Made another screen of normal Frost. same Problem.
  19. Hmmm, yes... that's definitely her. Looks like I won the drifter lottery then... because I am really happy with how mine turned out. Changed nothing cept the cosmetics and the ink.
  20. More than 10 years of playing Warframe without EVER having to ask myself these questions have come to an end it seems. -_- Absolutely Not! NO. STAHP IT!
  21. Okay - thanks for the info. 🙂 This just does make a difference for me. Knowing it's not the fault of the folks who run this exact warframe wiki makes me feel a bit better.
  22. She's on her well deserved vacation. I was in the process of taking a break from Warframe and even I took notice and logged in to spend all my Nora Creds on Nitain. That said - She's returning on 29th, right?
  23. So it's not just like that for me? cool. cool. Ofc I have an ad blocker on Desktop. Who doesn't. But sometimes I wanna look up things on mobile.. Last time I used the warframe wiki on mobile, I got an add of some telecom provider that would let me return to the page at all. Screw that. I am not using the wiki on mobile anymore. Question is whether this ad terror was triggered by the admins who run the WF Wiki or by the guys who run Fandom.
  24. lol wat? Don't you think you're acting a bit.... entitled here? Because we aren't entitled to anything because we started in 20xx. And since it seems to matter (While it really doesn't) - I started in summer 2013. And I love the credit boosters. I will gratefully take everything they throw at me for free.
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