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Posts posted by Oxin

  1. Voices would be difficult, if not impossible to make a Tennogen thing, seeing as the Tenno are likely going to factor into, comment on, and interact with upcoming events and bosses.  The voice work would need to be updated every update that contains new lines, most likely, and I just can't see that happening.


    That being said, I'd like a hot blooded psycho tomboy chick voice for my Tenno, but... *shrug*

    "It's not like I want that or anything.. BAKA!" what you sound like.

  2. Trying to see how I can do the tubing. I think I'm gonna go with the middle one since it seems the least intrusive. I hope the pulsing energy will still be visible though...   Can't really tell cause some parts are unselected/masked.


    Don't need to worry too much about this part since I'm thinking of having the tubes as separate objects in the low poly.S8C1xSF.jpg




    The 2nd one looks good...

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