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Posts posted by Oxin

  1. New Artwork by Goatasty.


    Possible concepts for Ex-Crewman Zhon (Based upon John/Johnny Corpus of Prodman fame, name pronounced similar to "John"), leader of the Vandals (Corpus Rebels), responsible for anti-Corpus Red Veil activities (looking for feedback for character revisions (if you have any post it in the main concept thread), find out more about him in the main concept under "The Vandals" => Characters).



    On the left here could it be ? The John Prodmen?!



    OK here goes someone make a badass photeshop of :

    Left Stance , Meddle Hair , Right Armor ,Left Scars ,Right Scarf ,Whatever : The Real John Prodmen .


    make it happen

  2. snip

    'I do like the potential of adding secret areas by letting certain tiles blend into the backdrop though. Certain tiles can let you jump to a secret area, maybe certain rocks...'



    To the left of the screen used here is a realy bad jump because you WILL hit your head on that ceiling and sometimes if your lucky it won't make you x2 jump even if your not holding the button when you hit it ,that was the only real thing that bugged me , well then again it could be my keybroad ,but if it is then that's bad because it's a PART of my laptop and it's an old one so it's a one peace.

    edit hey I'm trying to help this isn't hate this is me informing you of this error.

  3. Ok Colector/foleylantz Arcane helmets come in two flavors Useful and Garbage

      now to find the useful ones look up the Warframes' stats I say go to the wiki it has that info ,however

    if you want to 'buy them all' then hunt down the good deals no profit is bad profit , as the corpus w/ their greedy milk say. Ah HAHA

      So this is how it's gonna go don't lose track of anything go streight to the trading post forum don't look back ,try and find a man who

         'sounds like a salesman' try you best to find the BEST DEALS DON"T STOP FOR NOTHIN just go ,Go , GGOOOOO! ! !

    make me proud.

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