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Posts posted by --Q--ualityContent

  1. I miss them and the current content isn't really all that appealing since everything feels like a modified mobile defense and has no real tactical coordination similar to Raids.

    -Anyone who reads this, hope you have a good day. 🙂

    • Like 4
  2. The Staticor was a atrocity in Conclave and I think players who abused it should be ashamed of themselves, now honestly stop whining, you had your 5 minutes with it.

    • Like 4
  3. Honestly at the point Conclave is now I'd rather they take out all the broken stuff so that it becomes playable again.
    I mean they took out Ember and Wukong and it may be controversial to say but It's better than leaving them in with one shot abilities (looking at Khora).

    • Like 1
  4. I have to disagree, conclave got it's own balance and adding such mods to it would just break any semblance of said balancing as you mentioned mods affecting the "time to kill" and "dps".

    And regarding your argument of Warframes and Weapons needing mods, Conclave got it's own balanced mods, so I don't exactly understand what you want to say.

    • Like 5
  5. I'm too lazy to cite stuff here but I agree with @Stormdragon on most things.
    I also think that some PvE players lack a certain "Live and let live" attitude, I mean what has conclave done to harm them, I mean it's clearly not content for them if they hate it so much, I mean I have never seen a PvP player say delete PvE.

  6. vor 37 Minuten schrieb peterc3:

    Pretending a stat is utility doesn't make it so and getting upvotes for an incorrect opinion isn't going to make DE find the argument more convincing.

    Are you working for DE, stop pretending like you know if that is right, that is for DE to decide with their game.

    You clearly hold a very hostile intent in your wording and are assuming someone does it out of malice, I would honestly prefer if you stay out of this thread with your hostility.

  7. vor 18 Minuten schrieb Duality52:

    Certain element such as Gas or Electric makes greater use of the increased range. That improves DPS to weapons that have an AoE (the reason Firestorm or Fulmination isn't Exilus). Take the Gaze or the Atomos in comparison to the Spectra Vandal. Synapse to Amprex or the Ignis (Wraith).

    Gas Procs don't go beyond their inital 5m range regardless of modded range, Amprex and Atomos secondary beams don't get additional range due to the range increasing mods.
    I don't really understand how that "increases DPS" in the respective cases anyways.

    Edit: I am talking about range mods, not AOE.


    vor 13 Minuten schrieb peterc3:

    Then stop pretending there is nothing non-utility about mods like this. DE knows, we know, it doesn't make your feedback or idea any better or make DE more receptive to your idea.

    It's a pure utility mod from my standpoint.
    The fact that you dislike that opinion does not make my opinion null.

    • Like 3
  8. vor 1 Stunde schrieb peterc3:

    A mod that makes the Ignis extend even further. Clearly utility.

    It only extends it, it does not make it's AOE bigger and is not a DPS increase.
    And if you want to whine about the Ignis the Mag mods should be way worse for you since someone can press his left mouse button for 1 minute now.

    I just want to point out that there are other beam weapons with abysmal range which can't profit from this mod in a way that does not hurt their damage output.

    So stop being condescending.

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