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  1. As others have said, pay to skip the quests is a bad idea. The story is the reason I've used to get people into this. It's by far the biggest draw, and is the main reason I'm still here. Sure, the thousands of hours I've put in aren't in the story, they're in the grind and acquisition of various gear pieces. But I love the story and live for it. I agree with what others have said. Pay to remove prerequisites. Make it so they can do the quests now with no time gating involved. The new player would spend a day or two worth of time going through the story in order, unlocking everything, and understanding the various mechanics that are introduced through those quests. It's not going to impart skill or knowledge, but at least it'll let them understand *why* the story exists and get them caught up. Please don't skip all of that. It doesn't help the players out, nor does it help the community.
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