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Posts posted by Abysspurnyan

  1. I just noticed this in the simulacrum with my excalibur umbra.
    I'm using chromatic blade yet I still have physical damage on exalted blade for some reason, while also doing less damage than I should.
    EDIT: chromatic blade isn't working at all actually.

  2. It's infuriating how 9 out of 10 host migrations end up breaking the mission, making you lose everything you've gained so far.
    I can't even begin to comprehend how something as serious as this doesn't get fixed.

    Sure, this might not be an easy thing to fix, but at least give us a temporary measure to make it clear who's host at all times.
    This way you'll know when it's a better idea to just extract to prevent encountering host migrations that screw up everything.

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