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  1. Let's start by listing the philosophies Automated Play, Disruptive to Squad, or Overly Dominant. And now time to explain why I think these nerfs don't follow any of said parameters; Staring w/ Nezha's Aug. 1. Automated Play: With how Nezha plays in general it'd be pretty impressive to see someone automating the timing of when Warding Halo goes down and could be reactivated consistently for Nezha to be immortal and play the game for you. Especially considering Warding Halo's variable HP. And concerning actually spamming the build AFK it's likely be too much energy to AFK for any problematic amount of time. 2. Disruptive to Squad: To put bluntly this could be said for any almost any DPS frame ex. Saryn, Mesa, Gara. So there isn't anything disruptive about this augment in doing on what it was designed for. 3.Overly Dominant: There simply isn't enough/can't possibly be enough data to suggest that Nezha completely took over anything with this Aug in the span of like a week. Overall thoughts n feelings. This Augment FINALLY gave Nezha a more unique identity as a frame rather than just being essentially better faster Rhino. Nezha finally started to feel like NEZHA and with this change, that feeling is gone. Despite on paper the nerf is only 50%, its effectively at ~70% effective nerf because of how range works. IF you truly want to nerf it then only nerf it by less than 50% on paper and effective range. Now even with a max range build it feels absolutely too small for the investment when there are other frames with greater DPS numbers and/or DPS range. are in the game. This ISN'T calling for any nerfs but just undoing Nezha's Aug nerf. Next Dante's Nerfs. 1. Automated Play: Dante's playstyle involves and revolves around spam casting and wouldn't be sustainable for AFK'ing, especially considering having to keep up Overguard which would get broken even quicker at higher levels. 2. Disruptive to Squad: Granted this technically disrupts one of the 5 remaining Chroma players (and the 1 Loki player) cuz they can't their damage buff. HOWEVER there's plenty other's that can do the same ex. Styanax w/Intrepid Stand, Hildryn constantly giving shields. And there's other anti-frame synergies like this really old Nekros Shadows of the Dead making Oberon's Renewal just HEMMORAGE energy. And this nerf doesn't even address said complaints from said 5 Chroma players. (Being unable to gain Vex Armor's DMG Buff Due to Overgaurd) 3. Overly Dominant: Well of course he was.. BECAUSE HE WAS THE NEW FRAME THAT EVERYONE WAS ENJOYING FOR LIKE A WEEK OR POSSIBLY LESS. Once again 7-8 days on a frame's launch can't be enough data/ not the correct information to extract from the data. Everyone was simply enjoying the frame that WAS well designed out the gate and felt great to play. Given a longer span of time players wouldn't be playing him as consistently. Overall thoughts n feelings. These changes along w/ Nezha's Augment feel really kneejerk to people having fun with the new toys rather than following of the nerf parameters you have set for yourselves. These were NOT small tweaks by any means and have instead absolutely ruined the fun players were having with Dante. And now there's bad tastes left in many player's mouths who are now essentially in fear of either buying a new frame outright w/ Plat (or IRL money like in Dante's case) and invest any time into them in fear of them getting nerfed barely a week in. Suggestions: The changes to Light Verse + Triumph don't fix the issues that the minority of players were having issues with in any manner. What has happened is that you've now made Dante have to cast more for virtually no reason as the final numbers aren't too different it juts takes longer to get to said values. Instead what could've been done are changes to how things interact w/ Overguard like Chroma who is in need of buffs anyways to instead just have any damage increase both of Vex armor's buffs. This has just made Dante less energy efficient and nothing more. The Tragedy change of adding a LoS (Line of Sight) check as strict as the one currently implemented has absolutely demolished Dante's consistent damage output and has made it feel just worse to use in many levels. Now I understand that you guys will be changing the LoS checks in a hotfix but I'd like to throw in some suggestions I've heard that could be better. 1. IF Dante's 4 having no LoS checks at all is an issue then why not change it to how Dark Verse's LoS checks are but in a 360° radius so that it can retain a near 1 to1 of its original overall effectiveness. I know that's easier said than done but its FAR better than what's currently in place. 2. If the problem was Dante map nuking at lower levels w/ his Tragedy then another change that could've been done is that his Tragedy shouldn't do damage except to enemies effected by statuses are the only things that take the effect of multiplying the status damage and dealing all DoT effects in one go and increasing the multiplier as a result of losing the initial damage dealt. 3. And finally the easiest change that would result in the least amount of work AND making the majority of players happy again would just be undoing these and the Nezha nerfs rather than having to possibly refund players platinum and resources or even IRL currency spent on Dante.
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