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Everything posted by Metal_Sign

  1. Pablo mentioned a "shafts of light." A "Spotlight." That is fun theming for a stage performer. Have damage boosts in the spotlights, and damage resistance outside of them. You'd need to make it instantly give max bonus as soon as you touch them, and perhaps after a delay, begin scaling it down to the damage reduction version until you refresh it. This would make it easier to interact with Mirage's Prism, ability, which also uses the same lighting logic as Eclipse does currently, and can be made to interact with Sleight of Hand's jewel, which also uses Eclipse's lighting logic. Just make the jewel notice when it is placed in a spotlight.
  2. If using it makes things more visible and is improving your performance, then you are, in fact, using it for accessibility.
  3. That applies to the paying supporters at any time period. There wasn’t a “game’s launched; we don’t need money anymore” year.
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