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About Yanga

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  1. So my personal opinion on the matter... I'm not too much a fan on the whole idea of Tap/Hold option as honestly, most people out there would exclusively only use the Solar half of the ability, only using the Lunar half to probably AFK or whatever else. Other frames tend to have better defense than Mirage in any case and her ability tends to be best when it comes to gunplay. I've seen a few that suggested different ways how to handle it too, a good one such as Although the issue with this one would be having to be too active in pressing one key just to keep the ability at its best. I feel like if we want to make the ability Balance and Usable without having to change the ability entirely for everything, gunna have to find a middle ground that lets the ability work as a whole without making it a nightmare to program. Given how the whole 'Room Lighting' is the main issue for the ability as it can require multiple passes through every single tile made currently and any future tileset, it might be easier just to change how it scales around. Why not make it an ability with a slow drain like Equinox's 4? Idea is this. Casting it slowly goes from 0% to either Solar or Lunar half, hits their 'Max Power' and holds for ~8-10 seconds (Duration impacting the length of how long that 'Eclipse' holds), after that timer expires, it cycles back to 0% and goes to the other half's 'Max Power'. It'd be a coin flip on which half it'd start at so if people want to waste the energy to see if they can hold specifically Solar, that's on them. Mirage is a Jester frame after all, and what's a Jester without a tiny bit of uncontrollable RNG? This idea would at least keep people from exclusively trying to stay in Solar mode exclusively for the Gun damage and promote utilizing both halves of the ability. Learning when best to use the Lunar half to reposition in the middle of a fight and using the Solar half to gun down whatever ends up giving chase. It would make less work in thinking on how to nerf Mirage since the damage would be more easy to hold, but not be active 'All the time'. Imo it might make Mirage more viable for Steel Path with it being like this for those who tend to play a bit more tactful in going through the mission rather than going full 'Guns blazing' approach that most missions tend to go by. At the very least, it'd be an interesting idea to make something like this an Augment just to allow more versatility. Having a nerf version that's "Pick your version of Eclipse", or "Have it at full power but it's sways like a pendulum."
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