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Posts posted by Yanga

  1. So my personal opinion on the matter... I'm not too much a fan on the whole idea of Tap/Hold option as honestly, most people out there would exclusively only use the Solar half of the ability, only using the Lunar half to probably AFK or whatever else. Other frames tend to have better defense than Mirage in any case and her ability tends to be best when it comes to gunplay.

    I've seen a few that suggested different ways how to handle it too, a good one such as 

    1 hour ago, closetojack said:

    REWORK IDEA - A way to make Eclipse more active while giving Mirage more control and reliability
    When you press Eclipse, Mirage instantly gains her full Damage Reduction value for 8 seconds (scales with duration), but once that duration expires the DR will slowly decrease over time down to a minimum of 50%. Even when the ability reaches the minimum it does not turn off.*

    Pressing the ability button again at any point will get rid of the Damage Reduction entirely and replace it with the Damage Bonus, which will also retain its full effect for 8 seconds (scales with duration), and then also slowly decrease over time down to a minimum of 50%. It also does not turn off.

    This will ensure Mirage has to stay active with to retain her Damage Reduction or Damage Bonus, but also gives her control and reliability on those effects. On less demanding content you can be more relaxed with your inputs, which on higher levels you might want to switch more often for high damage burst windows or for consistent survivability.

    Regardless of how you're playing, you will almost ALWAYS have some amount of DR or DMG bonus, but you have to keep using the ability to keep its max potential.

    *You can hold the ability key to turn it off entirely should you desire

    Mirage performs a quick cast animation during every switch -- one for dmg bonus, and a different one for DR. The animation does not lock her in place anymore.

    Although the issue with this one would be having to be too active in pressing one key just to keep the ability at its best.

    I feel like if we want to make the ability Balance and Usable without having to change the ability entirely for everything, gunna have to find a middle ground that lets the ability work as a whole without making it a nightmare to program. Given how the whole 'Room Lighting' is the main issue for the ability as it can require multiple passes through every single tile made currently and any future tileset, it might be easier just to change how it scales around.

    Why not make it an ability with a slow drain like Equinox's 4?

    Idea is this. Casting it slowly goes from 0% to either Solar or Lunar half, hits their 'Max Power' and holds for ~8-10 seconds (Duration impacting the length of how long that 'Eclipse' holds), after that timer expires, it cycles back to 0% and goes to the other half's 'Max Power'. It'd be a coin flip on which half it'd start at so if people want to waste the energy to see if they can hold specifically Solar, that's on them. Mirage is a Jester frame after all, and what's a Jester without a tiny bit of uncontrollable RNG?

    This idea would at least keep people from exclusively trying to stay in Solar mode exclusively for the Gun damage and promote utilizing both halves of the ability. Learning when best to use the Lunar half to reposition in the middle of a fight and using the Solar half to gun down whatever ends up giving chase. 

    It would make less work in thinking on how to nerf Mirage since the damage would be more easy to hold, but not be active 'All the time'. Imo it might make Mirage more viable for Steel Path with it being like this for those who tend to play a bit more tactful in going through the mission rather than going full 'Guns blazing' approach that most missions tend to go by. 

    At the very least, it'd be an interesting idea to make something like this an Augment just to allow more versatility. Having a nerf version that's "Pick your version of Eclipse", or "Have it at full power but it's sways like a pendulum."

  2. Just a heads up, the original suggestion for the Carrier mod was this.


    It collects resources and health/energy orbs. If health and Energy are full, it would hold a certain amount based on the mod level.


    In the end, DE made it from that to what it is now. Even I was disappointed to see it went from something that would be entirely useful for anyone to just being a magnet for loot.


    Love the idea though for Ammo, would be perfect if added if done right.

  3. Honestly... I rather them have them remove the Fusion Cores on a few of the higher tiered Towers since you don't want to go 35 minutes in a T3 or T4 Survival and end up with a fusion core... If I am stayin in it for that long, I want something other than something I am using only once and auto deplete :(

  4. People you do realize that originally DE said that the Tenno couldn't speak before the update on Rhino right? They made Rhino Roar... So I don't think that adding a mouth to a Animalistic warframe would be that horrible. As long as the frame itself is unique and it doesn't resemble all other warframes, it could be seen as part of that Warframe in particular rather than the Tenno in general. I mean we have Limbo using a Hat right? Nova with her little anti-matter energy going off... even Vauban's alternative helmet has that wheel inside of it. So adding a maw to a Warframe idea isn't that bad. In fact, it makes it more interesting of how the actual appearance under the suit is.


    As for the warframe idea itself, although a tad disgusting with the second ability... and creepy with the bonus... it looks more of a Predator Warframe rather than animal. The only problem I have with it is Stamina as the cost for abilities instead of energy. Although it would add something new, it'd kind of force people to ask for some more Stamina related mods to actually fix any issue with it. Otherwise a good idea :P

  5. First two were fairly doable... it's that blasted third that got me hitting my head on a wall :(

    Any frame I used just got one-shotted. It was just absurd how freakin annoying it was to just kill one of those things at lv70-80. At least a Heavy Gunner at that level is killable.

  6. Torid is almost the only method of killing those freakin fast things... also stated before, standing on Boxes slows them down because they can't jump upwards, namely on a horizontal axis. Just make sure that the box you sit on doesn't line up with a staircase.

  7. Think of it as both... and the fact that most weapons still need to be taken out of coop to get for PvP. I think each region has its own thing so that it reduces lag... and the fact that most of the community is on the side of PvE content. I think the most you can get out of the PvE side for players are completionists that want all the mods and other stuff in the game... just never mention the Braton Vandal in PvP if you come across them... more than likely they won't have it. I know that I hate hearing someone has it since I don't lol.

  8. I thought some Prime weapons could actually use skins [Reaper Prime is one that comes to mind]... I think the reason why the Paris Prime cannot use a Paris Skin is because it differs too greatly from the original appearance. I still don't see what the problem is with the looks of it, for me it looks better than the standard Paris... would have it if I could actually find a Upper Limb lol.

    But then what is the fun of buying it when I can feel better when I finally get it from all that grind XD

  9. I honestly haven't seen camping since I only play with friends and we usually stay in the center of the map killing enemies that surround us. So I cannot say much in why people would be doing so.


    The most I can guess from with this is that it makes it easier to get better rewards rather than risking losing everything. If it is time they are going for (wither it is a 30minute run or hour..), some people good for the easy route. I think the only challenge they're asking for is something that can flush them out since they are complaining about it so much. But by the time that comes out, people are going to demand for it to be removed because it makes it too hard farming things. People are never happy with what they ask for, one of the main things you need to know about involving games. You always get that one guy who thinks things should be different.

  10. Eh, think of it like the Corpus without the money grab. They want to get power to do harm against their enemies, in this case the Lotus herself.


    [This is all speculation so yeah, don't assume I am trying to spoil things]


    Edit: This info is just going off what you said also so obviously this is not going to be anywhere near what people might expect lol

  11. Some of the rankups are pretty easy, only time they are not is if your warframe is not setup for it. If you do the platforming test, do NOT bring any fast warframes, I learned the hard way when I kept slipping off or overjumping the platforms when I was trying to land on them.


    As for tests that require you to use weapons, use either large damage to one-shot the enemies you are against or large magazine to reload as little as possible.


    Stealth test I would suggest practicing how to maneuver with the frame you use, if powers are allowed, just go Loki or Ash with Energy Siphon and just stealth kill all of em. Anyone else would just get you caught and have you lose a test life.

  12. I rarely use the 4 usually because most of the time I don't need to in solo. I use Nova normally and the most casted ability to my knowledge in solo is 1. Acts as a good stun lock for any melee unit. Only time I actually use 4 often is in Defense or Survival, otherwise it tends to be a waste of energy.

    Also, another frame not to spam 4 on is Trinity. Useful but not always the best move to spam. Her Energy Vamp is a lot better.

  13. Hmm the list would be extremely big for me... and it's nothing close to who I am.

    One: Have to be someone actually 'Down-to-earth'. Nothing where they think themselves better than everyone else.
    Two: Actually listen and take as many ideas from the community so that it fills any content they think needs to be added.
    -------------------------------Edit Line 1----------------------------------
    Three: Actually have constructive criticism if they are participating in forum activity [DE does a good job at this]
    Four: Investigates any problems that were to occur to the core rather than skinning the surface for details and going off of it.
    Five: Focuses on fixing problems that are the oldest or most annoying to deal with before adding things that may add additional problems to the older ones.

    Six: Able to resolve conflict through communication rather than tucking it under the bed.

    Seven: Able to see the positive sides of all 'bad' warframes and the negatives of all 'good' warframes rather than just siding on one side and saying the rest are bad.



    Need to think of how to phrase more without sounding too critical or making it sound like another thing :L

  14. Funny thing is that some people consider anything loot-pickup usability as the best thing you can have. :P


    As for the sentinel... I wish I could say more but I don't know if I am permitted to say since it involves the Design Council but I have some funny information in regards to it. lol.


    [it's nothing too major, just a tiny bit of information of what the original idea was for it. If I am permitted to say so then I shall mention it in the next post (needs to be a mod of some form).] {Old info in the archives, nothing new.}


    If there is another Design Council member here who know the posts inside and out for 'Carrier', I think you may know what this info is. XD




    Aside from all of that, it is the fact that loot is right now the most important thing for a lot of people. Anything that can help pick up or even improve their chances of getting better loot and in more abundance they will go for it. Kinda like that short bug that DE let run for a little bit that flipped the drop scale so Rare materials were common and common materials were rare. No one could make any weapons until they fixed that but everyone loved it regardless lol. I hope they do it again sometime just so we can get more of those difficult materials, even if it is just for a single day.

  15. Like the idea quite a bit here :)


    Very creative way to make a Grineer go against his own comrades while also keeping his own theme and not going overboard with Tenno powers. Cannot wait to see how the turrets turn out lol.


    The only problem I have is the method of creation on it, sure it should be a little more expensive than what the current warframes have, but that's going a tad overboard. Especially with how boring it would be to get the Seer twice.

    [This would also hinder those who do not have enough slots to actually get this frame]

  16. If they made a spear that you could throw, I'd enjoy using it. They have the method of doing what FlyaThanAkitE suggested where they have it chained to you so it would return and they also did the method of Spiral Reaper where it spins in the air and returns to you... just as long as it doesn't go too far. There are plenty of stances that they could use for it too since it is a form of Polearm. Hek, you could make a stance specifically for it since it has only one side of it using a blade rather than both.


    Whichever way DE decides to add this idea, I just hope they don't make it where it requires two weapons :(

  17. Imo I see the slide jumping a faster and easier method of moving than coptering... but that is due to my laggy Laptop. I guess this would be the new form of coptering but anything could happen, maybe make coptering better? :L

  18. Okay two things...


    One [i do not have a Syndicate Syadana], I was not aware that they could have a Arcane form so that is a surprise for me.


    Two, I believe the way how they made it is once you buy it once, it is seen as a item you can not sell (like the skins for weapons) so that you can only have one form of them and never lose it.


    Maybe in the future it may be made so you can purchase multiple of them so you can use whatever form you like. Idk when that would be added but you never know.

  19. With the current means of trading DE has, the Trade Chat is the best that they can come up with until they get working on that idea you have. It's been suggested a couple of times.


    In all honesty I hope something like this will be added just so I have a means of selling anything I have without being flat out ignored in trade chat because of how much people are trying to sell/buy. Just tryin to sell one or two things and just get flushed out by a dozen people selling like 30 things at a time with the occasional spammer who is just tryin to sell 3 things himself.


    Trade chat might be a mess but it's the best DE can do atm.

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