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Posts posted by Bruhai

  1. 11 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    Well I find broken warframe to be most unique. Gargoyle? Meh, Hive? Nidus exist, Morpheus? We have too many frames with sleep abilities already, Ballerina? Ridiculous, Arawn? Khora exist, Kamaitachi? Garuda exist, Calligraphy? Debatable, Ghost in the machine? Debatable.

    I mean if they only made warframes that did not overlap abilities with other warframes then we would run out of them really quick. There is no problem having abilities shared because someone may just like the theme of one over the other. I mean we already have warframe that overlap on what they can do. Gara, Frost and Limbo put up areas of defence so should we take that ability from Gara and Limbo because Frost had it first?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, KnossosTNC said:

    You get the Ephemera regardless of whether you kill or convert the Lich. It's the weapon that you have to decide on.

    Ah I was under the impression I had to convert to get the ephemera but now that I know I can get both he is going to get the business end of my poky wrist. Plus a 41% Toxin Nukor is a bit hard to pass up.

  3. 13 minutes ago, MPonder said:

    Imagine there was a guy that everyday, go up some place high and throw sh.it in everybody passing on the street. The guy was never caught and as time pass by, he did thousands of victims.

    It was made a site about the guy and it had a forum. At a point, someone did a topic about how bad that was, but even in this situation, rises people that defend those actions with the most #*!%.ing reasons and logics you can think about, with things like, "it does good for the skin", "it is warm in the winter", "the guy is just kidding", "somehow, it taste good".

    No matter how bad something is, there are always people to defend it, my jesus.

    So because people see no reason to change the gun and think you should just find one that fits your abilities/play style they also would defend someone throwing crap from a roof top?

  4. I mean personally instead of buffing his breath I would remove it entirely and replace it with the swap elements power that everyone seems to keep asking for. As for his 4 I think it following you around would be nice but I like to play Ice tank chroma so that's the reason I don't like to use it.

  5. I think k his two needs the same buffs that his 3 got. Basicly let me move and cast and let me recast before the duration. As for his 4 and 1 I'm not sure what I would like to see change considering I rarely use them.

  6. 6 hours ago, sleepychewbacca said:

    I have yet to still see a MR18 riven though. Would be very interested in seeing if it's real, since 16 seems to be the cap. 

    I'm on my phone at the moment however I have like 3 or 4 rivens that are MR18. Though it seems tied to the opness of the stats rolled/MR of the weapon it's for.

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