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Posts posted by B4HEK

  1. So, in melee 3.0 all healing from Life Strike is from charged attacks, which is super slow and i never use them, also RIP instant healing in melee, because of life strike nerf, RIP immortality for some players (excals exalted blade HAS NO charged attacks).

    I`m done.

  2. We have a LOT of weapons (primary, melee, secondary), but the game comes to be boring when you leveled-up all of them...

    A few days ago I read about artifact weapons system in WoW... I don`t want for developers to completely copy other games, but this system is amazing..

    For example: there are 130 melee weapons in Warframe + zaws(yes, they are custom, but not at all). What if you let player bind one weapon to his account and unlock special system of weapon abilities (not spetial abilities of weapons like zenistar etc., but REALLY BIG skills tree for that specific weapon or something like that with full improvement requiring a quantity of experience comparable to focus system). Also, the ability to change weapons appearance to something another would be incredible.

    Just to say: I have rank 25 account with ANYTHING and focus farming is not so interesting for me, but if I could every day to learn something new about my weapon and expand its capabilities...

    I ask you to think about it.


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