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Everything posted by Velly_Neko

  1. 03.04.31 My friends and I went to discover the relics of the Abyss in the Storms of the Abyss on the railjack (Proxima of the Earth - Skirmish). We completed the first mission and received the reward, however, when we launched the 2nd mission and finished it, we did not receive anything, as the game informed us that we did not take the relic on the mission. At the launch of the third mission, we took the relic again, collected 10 reagents and the same thing happened. This did not happen until the last update. The error occurs after the end of the previous session when starting a new mission...
  2. 31.03.24 с друзьями ходили открывать реликвии Бездны на миссиях рейлджека, а именно в Бури Бездны - Стычка (Проксима Земли). Первую миссию мы завершили и получили награды, однако, когда мы запустили 2-ю миссию и завершили ее, то не получили прайм-часть с реликвий, так как якобы игра говорила нам, что мы НЕ взяли реликвии на миссию. Запустили третью миссию - также. До последнего обновления такого не происходило. Баг происходит после завершения предыдущей сессии при запуске новой миссии Разрыва Бездны в Стычке
  3. Идёт набор в активный горный клан и альянс для ПК игроков:КланLe Professional AgencyАльянс:-Empyrean_Infinita-Часовой пояс по МСК: от+4 до +9 если ваш пояс НЕ совпадает с нашим, то просьба не беспокоить (в альянс кланы берем не смотря на часовой пояс) Наши требованияАдекватностьВежливость в чатах клана и альянсаАктивность в игре Дополнительные требования(не обязательные)Иметь Discord со связью или в текстовом вариантеЧто мы можем предложить:Красиво оформленное додзёПолностью изученные чертежи без взносов и требований Помощь новичкам и вернувшимся игрокам в освоении нового контента / помощь маленьким и другим кланам в развитииОбщение в игре и в DiscordВозможность вернуться в клан после долгого АФК режимаБольшой онлайн игроков как старых так и новенькихО вступлении в наш сервер Discord:В наш уютный коллектив вы можете вступить сразу по ссылке внизу. Если вы не хотите вступать в наш клан/альянс, то можете остаться гостем на нашем сервере, однако, пожалуйста, соблюдайте правила сервера и не нарушайте их в противном случае вы будете наказаны:1. Нажимая на ссылку внизу, вы соглашаетесь с тем, что будете соблюдать правила приличия: не оскорблять участников, не игнорировать модерацию и своевременно отвечать на их сообщения2. Переходя по ссылке Discord напишите в чате "прихожая" о своем никнейме и о цели пребывания на нашем сервере, чтобы модерация вас оформила и выдала роли гостя, соклана, альянса3. https://discord.gg/xgZZqFemEC (наш Discord)Прочитавшему здоровья и благополучия! =)
  4. Hello, Tenno and dear DE! I would like to share with you the idea of creating a new Zariman room. Why not add a large empty room in the style of Zariman to the game, as well as decorations on this theme? I really like the design, and the recent four new rooms in the style of Griner, Ostrantsev Bay, the forests of the earth and the Unum Tower have brought fresh novelties and ideas, however, for the full realization of some ideas related to the modern world, the most ordinary and household decorations are needed, such as dishes (cups, glasses, plates and other decorations), kitchen utensils (kitchen knives, forks, spoons, etc.), cooking tools (frying pan, kettle and other decorations), furniture (chairs, tables, beds and other decorations) and similar Zariman-style decorations are very lacking for the dojo! The decorations available in the store and in Zariman syndicate are great, but there is a problem: large capacity. In the dojo, these decorations often look very cool, but in medium and small rooms, the implementation of some ideas is severely limited due to their large capacity. If the developers see this recording, please hear me and add zariman decorations to the dojo or please reduce the number of seats to 1-2! Question №1: Is it possible to create a new room in the dojo with the following characteristics for all rooms: a) Other rooms are not visible in the area where you are yourself, and there are 2-4 passages to other rooms (only doors are visible) b) A room in which you can create the weather and time of day (rain, snow, fog, morning, afternoon, evening, night) c) A room where you can place a pond, land and mountains Question №2: Is it possible to create your own aquarium in the dojo, where you can add fish from different places? By the word customizable, I mean an increase in the size, length and structure of the aquarium -You can add the caught fish to the aquarium or remove them (you need fish from the plains of Eidolon, the Valley of the Spheres or from Deimos) -You can add a new decoration from Uranus, namely an animated fish swimming in a small air space (a shark, a flock of fish or fish from three large locations Question №3 Is it possible to add the following rooms: 1) Mars-style room You can make a medium or large room completely fenced/semi-fenced with rocks, sand and sky, like on this planet 2) Winter room in the style of Venus and Neptune This room can be closed by glaciers or be open, but with a lot of snow, ice and falling snowflakes. The sky can be made starry, as in some icy places 3) A mind-owning ship A room where there is a large hall with walls of mind masters, like on their ships 4) Rooms from locations where we usually go through missions, for example, Defending the Earth without a warframe camera or the Ambula boss location scene Question №4 Is it possible to use scenes from Captur to create dojo rooms, for example, a scene from the Iron Citadel? Main question №5 Will there be animated characters from various syndicates in the dojo (New Loka, Steel Meridian, etc.) to make the dojo seem lively and not empty? If this happens, is it possible to configure these NPCs so that they take different poses, walk along a certain route or stand in one place, imitating security or other actions, for example, an NPC works at a terminal, stands and talks to other NPCs, walks into a certain area with weapons in his hands (weapons are different and you can set up), looks in a certain direction, stands behind the counter and calls customers (ostron) ? Question №6 An improvement for the Treasury. Is it possible to direct resources, credits and jewels from one clan to the selected allied clan within the alliance? Question №7 Preview. Is it possible to make a preliminary inspection of the scenery available in the construction mode or in the game menu, and not in the terminal? It takes time to get to the terminal and turn on the preview and run back to see the finished decorations, sometimes you don't have time to view everything in the allotted time, and sometimes it's impossible to get to the console if, for example, there is a decoration that blocks the console Question №8 Is it possible to make platinum transferred to the treasury directly by a clan member with the appropriate position and spent from there for various needs, for example, it was possible to buy jewelry for the dojo, speed up construction or transfer them to other allied clans in the alliance? If the developers see this entry, then please pay attention! Let's make the game better! :D p.s If you have read to the end, then please click "Like" so that everyone can see this entry and that at least some of the ideas will be implemented in the future!
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