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Posts posted by h3llcat5

  1. Hello,

    I thought I wrote about this yesterday, but I don't see the post anywhere.  I want to request that we have the option to fade to black instead of white because it hurts a lot and gives me a headache for the screens that fade to white after finishing a mission.  it could also be nice for it to fade to the theme background the user picked instead of fade to white.  I can do dark orange. I use vitruvian background with zephyr harrier theme.  can't use zephyr background because too bright.

    I hope this can be addressed.  Thank you!

  2. Hello,

    I'm not sure where to make this suggestion / request exactly, but here goes. I'm disabled. I get lost in too many colors, or not enough different colors. Examples - Eidolon fights are terrible for me, I have to close my eyes. Is it possible to make a setting for disabled people to tone down the flashes and effects?

    part 2- on the map / overlay map. The triangle that represents my warframe - I lose it in all the white lines of the map. I need to be able to make it yellow and bigger or something like that. also would be helpful to me if I could set the ping / marker tool to a different color.

    Are any of these possible / considerable?


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