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About DasHurz

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  1. That is true, but if you fail because nothing is getting done, no bonus objectives are being met AND the defense target is getting swamped by enemies, then kills are also an indicator. You can be support-oriented and CC enemies, and/or run around and collect glyphs instead of killing stuff. But if everything is collapsing something is wrong. It took me 8 tries in total to clear the mirror defense this week, and in the final successful try most players just used their mechs anyway. But getting there really cost me some sanity. That being said I am not fully against the randomizer, since it makes you play things you usually don't and you might even rediscover a weapon or frame you'll like. For example i made an Arca Triton slam build with melee influence that was pretty strong and fun to play - and without the randomizer I never would|ve touched that weapon again.
  2. Yeah thats what I'm seeing in the future. At worst its gonna be on one side only premade sweatlords that will only accept the most meta gear on your random roll and on the other side it'll have 4 people all hoping for a carry on public matchmaking.
  3. Anywhere else in Warframe it is absolutely fine to have people that don't or can't contricute much to a fight. But DA is hard enough to make me care about 2 people in the team not getting more than a grand total of 20 kills. This mode is punishing enough for everyone's contribution to matter.... at least on defense missions, where you can fail pretty easily if you pile up too many enemies because 1-2 people cant be collecting glyphs (to heal the defense target because of a special modifier), fighting enemies and focusing on the necramech bonus target, while the other 2 just try their hardest to hang on for dear life. I don't have a solution. Maybe not allowing people to go into Elite DA without full builds. Or maybe easing the randomizer a bit. But right now without a premade team it can be a complete coin flip whether you manage to finish the mission or not, and I find myself getting angry at people when I see that they were unable to contribute in the mission failure screen. I don't want that.
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