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Posts posted by HeroPwn

  1. Bringing a high RoF weapon to compensate seems the only way really. BUT, the weapon switching speed is so horrible that by the time you switch you're most likely dead in some cases. And DE sure seems to not care by putting out band-aid mods to increase holster speed, which currently really is a waste of a mod slot honestly.

  2. -

    In my opinion I truly believe that sentinels should have a way to come back to life, but I seriously hate players that purposely kill themselves to revive a sentinel (and carrier of them all lmao), which in return messes up the whole flow of the game (like one teammate going down manages to make the whole team die in many of my experiences).

    Even if they don't have a way to respawn, I truly believe there should be a way to heal them reliably without it being related to some skill (trinity's blessing or nekros desecrate spawning health orbs for example).

  3. 3 hours ago, malekas said:

    You said Polarize couldn't kill anything above level 40. I took Mag to a 50-60 exterminate and I was killing things with Polarize.


    Now if you want to talk about level 100 enemies that's a different story. Theres a lot of things in the game can't kill a level 100 in one shot. 

    I said it's pretty useless to use it. I never was talking about it's damage potential, but about it's armor/shield removal potential. I already said I didn't care about it being no longer a nuke, BUT the fact remains that at those high levels, to have to constantly cast Polarize to even feel a difference is "meh".


  4. 1 minute ago, malekas said:

    Are you sure about that? Because I took Mag to a Corpus exterminate sortie the other day, and Polarize was still killing things.


    Just saying.

    Definitely, if all you're going to is "just saying" then stop, tired of repeating myself. It's like you people never read that I test them on lvl 100 (you know the enemies you find on sortie 3).

    The sortie you talked about was sortie 1, sortie 3 was interception with augmented shield, and mag was couldn't even take out 1/10 of shields.

    Get back on topic, if I wanted to review Mag (which I already did), I'll go to the Mag rework's feedback.

  5. 24 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    “Mag generates a powerful magnetic field that encompasses a target. The field has a 2 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 meter radius and lasts for 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 seconds. All projectiles, bullets, enemies, and Polarize shards are pulled to the center of the field. During the field's lifetime, incoming damage from all sources will be multiplied by 125% / 150% / 175% / 200%. Additionally, the field deals 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% of absorbed damage per second to all enemies in range. If the initial target is killed, the field destabilizes and explodes at the end of Magnetize's duration for 50 / 150 / 200 / 300 Blast b.png damage in a 5 / 10 / 12 / 15 meter radius. The explosion damage is increased by 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 percent of the total damage of the field.“



    All bullets includes hostile bullets as well. A percentuall part of endless scaling, multiplied, hostile bullets. It's not only theyr defense but also theyr offense that scales infinitly ya know, what makes magnetice a pool for a pretty high quantity numbers.


    And excuse me...i wasn't aware that you need a auto-pilot to kill enemys that basicly kill themselfes while you kill them...

    You tell me.

    It's so obvious you're dodging my previous points. Again, I'm not talking about the explosion damage, I'm talking about the ability's pull.

    The ticks from enemies themselves is low, it's not even noticeable in high levels (80-100), the main source of the damage comes from your OWN WEAPONS, not enemies.

    You only see the stats, yet you still haven't even got the 18.13 update to even experience it yourself. Please do yourself a favor and stop. You're reaching hard and it's not working.

  6. 5 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    So...the pull is the main feature? Not the endless scaling damage which still uses the bullet attractor theme in its essence but shares this multiplied friendly and endless scaling hostile fire as dot which explodes in millions? So bad.


    What is it the ability “pull“ does in your oppinion? How can something run out that is pulled back? How exactly is something in the way that can be used as shield and ongoing damage source by pulling enemys in?


    And what was the name of the crush augument?...

    You may wanna pace down on the eye rolling a bit...may be the actuall reason you're unable to kill lvl 40 enemys, even tho you have divine CC, defense and endless scaling damage in her hands..

    You're trying hard to find a straw man, Magnetize's pull itself is weak, it isn't strong enough to keep enemies that go in it to STAY in it, they WALK OUT of it. I'm not even talking about it's explosive damage which only works with certain weapons anyways, and require you to kill your target, which in high levels can be problematic to some.

    If crush needs an augment to be good, then that augment might as well be considered band-aid, something that's not good in WF.

    And I didn't say I couldn't kill lvl 40s. Read my post again, might help you. I said polarize is USELESS beyond lvl 40.

    LOL @ "Divine CC, defense, endless scaling", which by the way that "endless scaling" you speak off doesn't exist, as the damage itself is  not % damage. Are we playing the same mag?

    Go back on topic, pointless to continue this.

  7. 7 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Where is the nerf tho?

    Pull and bullet attractor both got a massive buff.


    Pull randomly scattered enemys across the map, it now pulls them to your location (don't wanna melee? Use explosives. Why wouldn't you melee tho when naramon is finally in her grasp)


    Magnetice isn't limmited to one enemy anymore and shares the ever endless scaling damage to all enemys in range!


    Both abilitys offer a share of divine control over thy enemys, what's a massive boost to mags suvivability she previously missed, with means to go endless against all fractions.

    What did SP for you on grineer and infested missions as you moved “trough the star map“?.. 


    Seriously, i'd love to know.

    Gonna roll my eyes at this one, feels like any player that says mag is in a good place now seriously hasn't tested anything on enemies around level 100.

    Polarize does tickle damage since it no longer scales. I sure love using above 15 cast to remove some enemy armor. Also those shards do insignificant damage when used with magnetize. And no I don't want some NUKE-LAND ability, but it sure as heck a waste of energy to use it past lvl 40.

    Magnetize, tho great to some, is plain annoying as having played as a mag and with a mag. Works on one enemy, the pull of magnetize is so weak that EVERY enemy walks out of it (other than the one being casted on). It's also noted that if the enemy dies before the skill goes on the enemy (around 3 seconds), then you wasted energy. And since there's no way to remove the bubble, the bubble just stay there, blocking my way as a mag and my teammates too, it's not even useful since like I said before, any enemy just walks out of it with ease.

    So mag excelled at killing corpus before but now I don't even see her beat corpus/grineer/corrupted past lvl 40. So yes she did get the "meh-ening" or whatever. The good thing tho is that starchart caps at level 40.


  8. I really thought the new system was get your weapon at rank 0 when you take out of the foundry, and then when you forma it restarted at your MR. I mean it's an improvement over what it was before this Hotfix, but this doesn't make Draco less used or kill the grind since we still have to re-rank things back from 0 to 30.

    As for Trinity, jeebus will y'all finally make the number of links you get at once (currently it's a maximum of 3) be affected by power strength? Right now it's pretty useless since the cap of the Damage Reduction is 75% on Link, making it useful only to defend against knockbacks/procs but nothing more.

    And why is the only scalable damaging skill is on a support frame? I thought y'all wanted to make skills scale into late game, but most damaging frames just tickle the ghawd damn nipple of a heavy gunner in 100+ lvls. But judging on how y'all made polarize no longer % based (which it should have stayed as) I don't see how y'all plan to do this.

  9. I hate nerfing but this "Don't nerf anything 'cause it's PvE" mentality has to stop. What's the point of using another weapon when one makes most categories obsolete (DMG 1.0, Acrid made EVERY weapon in the game a JOKE, and in DMG 2.0, it's synoids simulor and tonkors) and makes "end-game" content bearable?

    "WELL DON'T USE IT BRUUH" Pathetic screaming that I keep reading over and over in many post (both region and forum) as for your reason to why it shouldn't be nerfed really makes me think you don't know what you're talking about.

    Do I agree with the recent 18.13 changes? No, mainly because this is really something that should have happened at the same time enemies got their scaling reworked.

    Do I believe balance needs to happen? Yes, but DE sadly will have to nerf some frames/weapons  (which they are right now) and buffs many (which they're not sadly, like oberon/zephyr/hydroid are the most mentioned).

  10. 1 hour ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

    It's not only Hieracon it's when any difficulty arises, players scram. Like they're scared of death. Dying 2x is a sin so great, that they'll rather D/C even. Same mentality across the games with K/D counts. They will do anything to avoid having deaths as they're conditioned that death = bad.

    Deaths happen in games. They especially happen in higher level encounters. They're going for riskier rewards that require being more than being AFK.

    Blizzard is going to have the exact problems DE is having (as the next expansion Blizzard is adding auto-scaling mobs. The #1 Oblivion mod at the time was to remove auto-scaling of mobs. But despite that history, and gaming population appeal [even in single-player God mode], devs are doing exactly what players wanted to remove. It's easy cheese for devs to add, but cheese, again, players dislike).

    DE has to rethink caps, not only for populations preferences, but so players can get used to dying and taking chances. No failure gamers don't learn from mistakes, either. An Aimbot isn't going to teach a gamer how to play better. The only way they can, is by trying and not look at deaths in games as so bad they'll d/c to prevent it getting on their record.

    Agreed, sadly so far, going for more riskier missions in warframe is not that rewarding currently, excavations like hierracon give you 5000 credits at rotation A, mods that can be dropped in the early game like Mercury on Rotation B and C when you're fighting level 80 infested.

     With the new revive system, players don't have to fear dying that much (as it was just 4+2 arcane revives per day before) and can make risky moves from what I've seen.

  11. 41 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

    People play Sorties and expect trouble.

    They expect a cakewalk or be carried in other content. That 90% of THE content in the game.

    Rare to find anyone going above 1600 in Hieracon, because min-maxers put up everywhere that's the perfect time to leave -- just when they can face any real danger, too.

    The fun for some is duking it out to the max, pushing themselves against great odds. But if groups simply leave when people start to die, there's no challenge for them.

    By the time one finds "challenge" in warframe, the game just stacks on enemies with horrible mechanics (nullifiers, commanders, bombard's rocket that you can't even dodge, ect) and you get 1 hit by the scaling. And that's not even mentioning that excavators never scale with enemies, by the time you reach 1600 cryotics as you said, enemies destroy the excavator pretty much in few hits that you can't react them. And by that time, most squishy frames like Mag just go down by 1 bullet. It's not a challenge honestly since there's no way to deal with that challenge.

    If the current "end-game" is level 80-100 sorties, then Mag so far can't deal with it in my opinion. And that's not even mentioning the Level 150 interception alert we had around last year.

  12. After playing around since release of this, it's a "tweak this, tweak that" feeling.

    1. Pull is the same, I'm fine with that, I do believe like it was said in some post before me, a push option could be nice.

    2. Magnetize: Fine so far, sadly the pull is so weak that any enemy that is not stationary and/or is out of their attack range just walk out of the bubble, no matter how large or how much strength you put into that thing. Also it's pretty hard to charge the bubble after an enemy has died, I could only reach 30k at most with many weapons unless if it was Phage or Atomos (I was hitting 300K with the phage easy, and near 1 million with the atomos). All I want for this ability is to have a stronger pull so enemies stay in the bubble when they walk right in it, and that most weapons can charge the damn thing.

    3. Polarize, oh boi oh boi, this one is a mess. It's the sole reason I have so far had mixed feelings with the rework, and it needs heavy tweaking. Polarize now is like Nova's MP, so far so good. The problems? It's no longer scales into late game since it's no longer % based, also the skill runs off duration for range, which creates a whole mess in the modding for some. After doing some testing (I do all my testing on lvl 100 corrupted), it's only good at removing armor off the butchers, but takes around 3 cast to remove lancer armor, and around 10 cast to remove Heavies, that's around 185 energy at max efficiency, not worth it.

    Since there's no fix for enemy scaling so far, the ability needs to be the same as before, it can spread like Nova's MP (which makes it less nukey) but removes a certain % (suggest the same as it was before for shield, and 10/20/30/45 for armor) and it runs off power strength. Also make the range of the explosion not affected by range mods and make it 3/4/5/8 meters. Tho the health damage part needs balancing so it isn't just nuking whole rooms again.

    4. Crush, I really have nothing to say about that skill, I don't use it that much, make it ignore armor? Who knows, I'll let somebody more experienced give me an idea there. To me it just feels like a damage boost and still a crappy press 4 ultimate, Excalibur's 3 does the same thing and cost less to do so.


    Hey so far I'm liking balancing, but straight up killing scalable abilities while not fixing why players find themselves forcing themselves to use them, which is Horrible scaling, god-like accuracy from enemies, just straight up getting 1 hit everywhere unless if you're CC'ing or using god-modes (wukong for example), and the stupid AI which brings no challenge so that stupid scaling has to be there to compensate is not good. Heard y'all wanted to fix the scaling issue in U19, but balancing frames before and not at the same time really makes this feel like a nerf with no gain.

    Edit: With the increasing amount of energy she uses now, make the skills cost less and/or increase her energy pool significantly.

  13. Y'all seriously didn't care about any of the feedback we said, like wow, most of the passives are sorry to say this: are pure DOODOO!!

    What's the point of asking feedback when y'all don't even consider it and still go with passives that from what I've seen, a majority of players disagreed with and gave y'all possible passives that were not game breaking at all but went with the frame theme and were good.

    This is why I have rarely even put hope in y'all since the last 2 years, still gonna enjoy the reworks tho :/.

  14. 4 minutes ago, I-JUST-EAT-YOU said:

    Thanks, I play the game the way I'd like to and have my opinion on mag+her rework (basically removing her 1 usefulness and adding some useless utility)

    Lol what, mag is a crappy one trick pony, the fact that the only good thing she's at is being a press 2 to win is pathetic, most frames can face off 2 or all 3 factions, mag has no versatility in just pressing 2 and killing a whole map.

    The fact also is that Excal outshines both Mag and Volt as starter frames currently, and the rework is needed.

    What's the point of build diversity if you can only build mag one effective way? One that's not even useful against the other 3 factions.

    Skill is broken, end of story, and it's still going to work the same way as before, just not instant.

  15. 1. Y'all mentioned D slots mods being made since if I am right last year, are they still being made and were put in the back, or the idea was just scratched? (More like because we're still getting a ton of new gear with D slots but no mods to compliment them).

    2. Some mods are really lackluster in terms of what they give (For example Sure Shot only gives +15% status chance, while in my opinion it should give like 150% at max rank), so will they be buffed?

    3. Will the explosion splash damage ever be fixed so it doesn't go through volt shield/frost globe?

    4. Will some old prime get some buffs? (Like seriously, AkBronco Prime is one that comes to mind)

    5. When Ivara will get her augments? (If nobody asked that yet).

    6. Will bosses like raptor, phorid, ambulas get reworked? They're just reskins of other units.

    7. (Not meant to be taken seriously) Will we ever get Zanuka pets LOL?

  16. People use fleeting and streamline combined because it's the obvious choice where the downsides to using them are either non-existent, negligible or easily rectified. It's a safe and easy choice to add either or both to any build you have, that doesn't make it a build centered around it or the concept around it, like duration, range or power builds, that just means all those builds benefits from it. You will simply never hear anyone say "Oh I am running a high-efficiency build, because it let's me cast far more than usual", because everybody is already doing that so it's a @(*()$ given. You don't have to fool yourself anymore, because you're not fooling anyone else. 


    It should've been like that from the start, but as we all know DE is slow to come around, and late is better than never, just like how they removed coptering. At the end of the day, it happened, and you're just going to have to deal with that like you have to deal with everything else DE does. 

    Why do you keep thinking that everybody runs those 2 mods together on EVERY build? You've seen FaitKO builds on her excalibur? Not even one efficiency mod on there. You keep saying the same thing over and over about how everybody runs those 2 mods or just one when not everybody does the same thing. Just because it's safe and efficient doesn't mean that everybody will pick it, so stop fooling yourself into a belief that every WF player uses those mods as if they're MANDATORY mods in every build. And yes, people certain time actually use high-efficiency builds to spam an ability, just like chroma sometime uses max efficiency/negative duration allows him to spam elemental ward to heal himself and his teammates.


    I thought corrupted mods were supposed to allow a player to focus on something they like from their kit, but I guess it wasn't enough for some of y'all of a downside that fleeting was taking more than half of any duration of a skill, seems like it also has to mess with your toggle ability also, as if we aren't running out of mod slots already.


    I'm done, since you say the same thing over and over and talk as if you were every player in WF and knew every of their builds.

  17. So when one extremely specific build for one specific power kills all the other abilities while making that ability the only viable one, the solution is to leave it alone. Got it. 13.5/10 best logic.

    There's not supposed to be an overall objectively best build for any frame. Your choices on what mods to put in are what's supposed to make the build the "best". Sure, you wouldn't mod for shields on a Valkyrie, but you wouldn't mod for armor on more than half of the other frames either. You're supposed to have several choices on what to build and why.

    Because I choose to sacrifice 2 of my abilities to make one powerful. Like I said I have two builds on my excal, one is fully balanced that every ability isn't bad, and the other, one I can just go full press 4 or E whatever people want to call it this days.


    Yes it should be left alone, because it's my CHOICE to choose to sacrifice those abilities in my builds, I ain't dragging you, DE, or anybody in the game with it.


    I'm sorry, what builds? 

    Low power-cost was not a build, because you could pretty much use high efficiency on everything with little to no loss. And don't give me the "Durration Suffurred HURR!", because If you used Fleeting and a maxed streamline, you would actually buff your duration builds since you would gain more time for every point of energy spent than you lost, with the only downsides being having to cast something more often. 


    Most builds in the game before this change all had Fleeting Expertise in them, hence every build used Fleeting Expertise, hence Fleeting Expertise had no play in build-diversity at all since it was always there. Now there is MORE build diversity since people will have to weigh between duration and efficiency on toggle-able abilities, as it should've been from the start.

    And you, that the build is low power cost or not, it's still a BUILD, deal with it. You say little to no loss? Adding fleeting made frames like mesa only viable for her 4, because the cost was THREE of her ability for ONE, if that's little then I don't know what you consider big. Y'all keep saying fleeting had no cost, but it seems y'all only thinking of the one toggle skill and forgetting the other 1-3 skills that rely on duration.


    Most builds sure used fleeting, but was it required? No, people chose to put it there in the first place. 

    This is way too similar to the multishot arguments that happened less than a month ago, and honestly, I'm not going to deal with it.


    If a player wants to min-max, their choice, want to balance, their choice, want to just f around with their build, their choice also.


    And if it should have been like that from the start, then it wouldn't have happened now, that's even worst than the "it's bug" excuse.

  18. No it doesn't. It actually increases build diversity by promoting the use of other (in this case duration) builds because they're actually usable now that you didn't kill everything for efficiency.

    If to you build diversity means killing other builds, then it's not diversity. Any max strength build just to go the drain for what? Promote balanced build? If so, then using non-corrupted mods like continuity solved the problem that never existed in the first place.

  19. Build diversity? Its obvious

    Isn't build diversity if I'm forced to use duration mods just so I can keep my abilities up longer.


    The only build I can use on my excal now is his balanced build that has only has streamline on it. As for his max strength build? I can throw that in the water since blind rage forces me to add fleeting, while Transient will now force me to add duration, so will fleeting too. So what do I have to do now? Replace 3 of my mods for survival for just so I can add duration and make the cost sustainable.


    Corrupted mods allow a player to sacrifice their abilities for some abilities they use most of the time. People say fleeting had no downside but that -60% duration sure made some skills totally useless unless if you added duration.


    Now? Not so much, I'll just go back to adding the non-corrupted version on toggle frames since I'm just messing the builds up by adding fleeting.

  20. I agree with your second point.


    So how does Mag encourage lazy play?

    You can try it in the void survival/defense, 4 Corrosive projection, 1 mag/prime with max range/max effiency/some strenght if possible and the augment. Get teammates to pop the bubbles, spam 2, kill everything, press 1, collect oxygen. And you voila, you killed a room without moving one inch, use only one of your fingers, and move occasionally so the AFK system doesn't block your energy flow. And the only disadvantage to that tactic is? Your teammates need energy. And if it's something other than survival, it's even easier since you can just get a trin to refill teammate energy.


    In a game where keeping it moving is the best option, mag with the augment totally goes against that. Is it bad? Kinda, since you're doing nothing but press 1 button.

  21. It seems the multishot nerf has caused the devs to think about the whole damage system (again). So hopefully this multishot change will be part of DMG 3.0.


    But honestly, banshee is so underrated, she can reach damage high enough to last forever thanks, great CC. And if silence was able to recast before the timer ran out, it would have been perfect even tho she's squishy.

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