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  1. Unfortunately, that's not the only missing item. I got around to double-check his inventory today, and found the following items to be absent: Wintercress Syandana Lemnas Staff Skin Twin Grakatas Towsun Skin Deimos Velocipod Prex Deimos Carnis Prex And technically, the Orokin Catalyst and the mod packs, but that's probably intentional. EDIT: I've checked this on PC, but the same issue was reported on PS4 as well.
  2. I noticed the same thing on PC. There, the missing items are: Wintercress Syandana Lemnas Staff Skin Twin Grakatas Towsun Skin Deimos Velocipod Prex Deimos Carnis Prex And technically, the Orokin Catalyst and the mod packs, but that's probably intentional.
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