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  1. My first thought when i saw this concept was that they remind me of the orbitar weapon type from kid icarus uprising.
  2. See i was thinking like a mix of Styanax' rally point, and lokis radial disarm with damage resistance instead of energy regen. You do you man So name wise i was thinking Jatayu (known as the king of vultures) from hindu mythology to tie in with the whole roc bird inspiration, but if we do get warframes with a J name and a Q name, then i would gladly accept Huitzil as the name.
  3. So I enjoy the concept of a grappler warframe being based off of luchadors and wrestlers in general, but i would enjoy it if the visual theme and some of the powers incorporates that of the Roc, a mythical creature thats basically a giant bird of prey, as i think it would tie in nicely with the luchador/wrestler themes as well as tie in birds like the quetzal bird, condors, vultures, and the elephant bird (specifically the vorombe titan). Anyways thats just my thoughts what do you guys think?
  4. Welp its been almost a year since this bug has been reported and still no sign of them fixing it.
  5. What future prime weapons do you guys think will come with future primed warframes (excluding gauss, voruna, and citrine because they already have 2 signature weapons). I personally see the gotva prime being one of the weapons thats released with xaku prime (the other being the quassus prime).
  6. I feel like excal umbra should also be able to use intron, but have a basic bonus passive (like say +melee damage, or this warframe has an extra jump).
  7. To be fair, You could have just named it 'Cursed Grounds' Or 'Cursed Terrain', but you do you. I don't think were getting another egyptian themed warframe, but another warframe idea could be a void Angel warframe, based off of biblically accurate angels, have it be named Jerahmeel.
  8. Terracurser seems odd, but is a good name. Also there is no warframes that start with the letters J, Q, or U.
  9. I have a outlaw/ronin-themed warframe which has Dual Gunblades as its exalted weapons.
  10. Personally i would change the name of the fourth ability, as it sounds a bit to similar to oberons hallowed ground. Also this warframe could be named Dullahan, and be the first warframe that has the letter D as the first letter of its name.
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