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Posts posted by nathrizarri

  1. Keep the right click block function as it is, we can already swap to our weapons with left click, there are incidents that I want to gain energy with rage/hunter adrenaline but my frame blocks, when im on air i want to block and avoid damage but nature of aim glide makes it way too difficult to pull it off. I tried to look at targets but it seems only blocks their fire, which is kinda not cool

    When I open channeling, unintentional blocks drain my energy without my control. Simply revert it back, rest of the stuff is cool

  2. Block change is a nerf.

    Keep the right click block function as it is, we can already swap to our weapons with left click, there are incidents that I want to gain energy with rage/hunter adrenaline but my frame blocks, but in high level missions when i want to block i can't.

    When I open channeling, unintentional blocks drain my energy without my control. Simply revert it back, rest of the stuff is cool

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, frenzy64 said:

    If it was vertical people could still just spin in circles to hit everything. The point of it narrowing is to make it so as damage ramps up, you have to actually aim a bit.

    We already have a circle crosshair for every weapon in the game, plus you would still need to adjust your aim to perform what you said. This is quite different than default circle crosshairs that can open up for different approach, like adjusting the aim slightly in between of 2 different vertically positioned mobs at the screen to hit them both. This is certainly not in the game and will add a unique skill-expression/reward to mesa for sure.

    We already perform %360 nuke with a spin of mouse with current version, but we sacrifice visuals and feel for it. I hate to constantly refresh my peacemaker to see the glorious animations. All I want is to have various hit postures without making her pre-rework 360 clear, which I wouldn't mind tbh. Already we have numerous warframes that can clear 360 with a button so why do we stop with mesa too? But I know there are people like "OH WE ARE ALREADY TOO STRONKKKK" so yeah.

  4. @(PS4)caoshen0625 I do not mind Primed Stretch but Range is not a big issue for Warframe as far as I think. 

    6 hours ago, ArcKnight9202 said:

    It's too long, and I didn't read it: We don't need it.

    I'd rather never see this. It's already totally unnecessary since players can face-roll the entire game's content without anything outside basic mods. This is how broken the game's balance is.

    Personally, I'd rather they make power-spam more difficult. It's the biggest downside to playing multiplayer(for me). Without making totally cheese-ball enemies that plot-armor their way through our powers, and also don't instantly evaporate at the mere mention of a warframe, there won't be much worthwhile difficulty. Any advancements to enemy AI will be rendered meaningless as well.

    I end up soloing a lot of the time.

    Not being able to press abilities have dire consequences in this game, since game is designed around having your abilities all the time. As I said before, Rhino without Iron Skin is no Rhino. When I log into warframe, I want to feel the fantasy that certain warframe offers and feel good about playing the game. So called "Challenges" are totally meaningless to me since they make game more than it should be. @Wow I raided mythic with cutting edge for years, @lol I constantly achieved platinum/diamond elo and what hooked me into warframe was just opposite of these. This is a game that entertains me. That's what really matters. I do not expect "challenges" from a video game. Life has challenges that actually contribute to someone, unlike video-game challenges that disappear once you hit the power button.

    As for "face-rolling entire game's content without anything outside basic mods." That is quite disagreeable. What do you mean by game content? I dont think you'll be able to complete 4 rotations of sedna Hydron with just basic mods by yourself.

  5. As the circle narrows, Mesa's animations also narrow down. Gets quite dull to see same stances all over again. When there are multiple enemies on different angles it is so fun to start it and see her perform numerous "The Matrix" moves. 

    How about

    -Her field of view is no longer a circle but a lineer LoS. As she fires, narrowing happens on vertical not horizontal, allowing her to keep various animations and have a unique aim mechanic. Here are some examples:

    zja2G9.jpgas she fires, LoS narrows to;k9G10r.jpg

  6. 6 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

    I always find it funny that players use the argument that Primed Streamline would inherently negate the downsides of Blind Rage’s efficiency drop. The argument makes sense, but the execution by all means is impractical. You’re using a single mod slot to cancel an efficiency drop where that slot could be used for the purposes of range, duration, power strength, survivability, or augmentation, and the energy economy sustain is up to the point where implementing both Blind Rage and Primed Streamline together is almost foolish. On a personal perspective, I find this argument unsuitable in countering the introduction for Primed Streamline in the scenario of players vouching for “Power” “Creep,” so I’ll distance myself away from there.

    Imho, Primed Streamline is just a means to give players more duration-window for their toggle abilities if they choose to go the max efficiency route, meaning they’ll be using a lower rank Fleeting Expertise. If you’re a player that only uses Streamline/Fleeting Expertise for its efficiency perk, all the more power to you, but understand the scenario here. 1) You have to manage Primed Streamline’s card cost and submit a Forma into the build while balancing the overall capacity management that mod will affect the build overall, and 2) there is a very important niche with some specialized builds where duration IS a dump stat that makes Fleeting Expertise have more weight in the build over Primed Streamline.

    To finalize my post, I’m not particularly the type of player that argues extensively about “Warframe isn’t challenging enough” or “DE give us more challenging content.” In the case of mod builds and theory-crafting over them, however, I’m a very big advocate in the potentiality of mod and build diversity. Primed Streamline could open up, even just a little, that tiny window for build diversity. And I’m all for it.

    Think of it this way. Just like Serration, Hornet Strike, and Primed Pressure Point is a rite of passage for players to max those mods to max rank so that they can achieve the max-present-balanced dps levels for normal gameplay - Primed Continuity, Primed Flow, Primed Streamline, etc. is the next level up. Give the players something to work on, to work toward to. Don’t give them things like... “Primed Sure Footed.”

    It's good to see someone having similar mindset. I think if P.Streamline exists, Fleeting expertise wouldnt be even in the discussion and that slot can be reserved to so many other possibilities. Most Augments atm are either lackluster or do not live up to competition for slots. Introduction of it will surely allow more paths and personalized build paths. Personally, negative stat mods are the biggest enemy of build diversity. Take mirage for example. Either 1-3 or 2-4 builds exist because of range penalties. Or mesa, to be able to use her 4 in an acceptable cost you have to sacrifice all the range you got, cutting the functionality of her 2-3.

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  7. 28 minutes ago, Teridax68 said:

    This I think completely misses the point. The problem isn't whether or not players are casting multiple abilities in quick succession due to short durations, the problem is that players can easily have 100% uptime on all of their abilities, because Energy isn't gating our ability usage once we advance enough into the game. It therefore does not matter whether or not Primed Streamline would increase our durations, because our abilities would continue to have 100% uptime (in fact, it would make the problem worse by giving us an even more significant excess of uptime). For the game to ever have a chance at providing us a challenge without cheesing us with Energy drain auras, Nullifiers, ability-immune enemies, and the like, we need to come back to a point where we cannot simply kill everything on the map whenever we want to on our nuke frames, make ourselves permanently invisible/invincible, or otherwise permanently put ourselves in a state where it is essentially impossible for us to lose. Implementing Primed Streamline would only make that goal harder to reach, because if the mod were to be eventually removed or nerfed, it would only frustrate those who purchased it.

    Ofc we should be having %100 uptime with most of our abilities, especially critical defensive abilities. Those abilities are what allow warframes to function in the game. Rhino without 2, Mesa without 3? If you are looking for a challenge you can try to play without activating those.

    Issue that you just mentioned is not rooted into mods but the gameplay and enemy interactions. Game should challenge you by interacting with you. Take nullifiers for example, they force you to swap your weapons, that is good but not enough. IF you ever been in a Toroid farm you can see there are enemies that remove your active buffs/abilities with magnetic kind of aura, they are fun and challenging to play against. Game needs more of those enemies instead of %45 damage reduction Nox.

    I totally get your point and I support you, but P.Streamline or any energy creep and what you just said are completely different areas. Warframe enemies are very static and predictable that is an issue here. But with the current host system, I doubt having reactive/dynamic enemies would work due to wierd lag spikes from hosts. 

    P. Streamline can free up some of the mandatory factors from gameplay. Lastest devstream they admitted there is a problem with zenurik and its popularity and they said they will work on it. I personally would like to see more interesting augments and stuff instead of indirect attempts to tackle energy issue. Take the lastest Gara augment for example, could have been much better, but because of the energy issue, this is what we get instead.

    BTW I'm happy to have a discord talk instead of forum back and forth since long text wall dialogues between us have a chance to render other's opinions invisible.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Teridax68 said:

    So the answer to an Energy economy problem... is to make the problem worse? What? Also, Trinity and Arcane Energize have both been a long-standing part of the game (Trinity is one of the original 5 frames), long before we started trivializing the Energy economy, and it is the very advent of Fleeting Expertise and Zenurik, even before the Focus/Operator overhaul, that have started the problem. The issue here is that you're not opening up gameplay options, so much as just piling on more power: carrying Energy restores does not crowd out other useful Gear options, for example, and it is already entirely possible to trivialize the Energy economy even without Zenurik, Trinity, or even Arcane Energy, only some efficiency and max Energy mods. Efficiency builds that run Fleeting Expertise + Streamline, or even just Streamline, are already too good at letting us spam abilities, and bringing in Primed Streamline would only make matters worse.

    Spam your abilities all day you want, after certain point they will just tickle the enemy.

    If spamming is your problem, Fleeting Expertise is the foundation of ability spam, not because of its efficiency buff but because of the duration debuff. Whole point of P.Streamline is to push Fleeting Expertise out of meta so we can have good durations with low energy costs which will cut the spamming problem. As for buffs, it directly solves the spam issues. When I think of big damage abilities, most of them are DOT instead of instant damage. Why would you use your Garuda/Volt/Saryn 4 when you already have it on enemy? And with freed mods from removal of NM/FE mods, you can opt for more range that can translate into "Oh there are new enemies thats why I need to spam it despite it is still on". P.Streamline will shine with its indirect buff to duration, not because of its extra efficiency. Some may go Blind Rage/Fleeting Expertise/P.Streamline but they either need to make great sacrifices from either range or duration(looking at narrow minded here) and that is totally ok to me.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Primed Streamline would directly upset Blind Rage. The power-creep from that mod is insane. It is not necessary, especially with the various energy restoration options. We don't need Primed Streamline.

    I disagree with you there. Blind rage is already quite popular with numerous tanky frames who can utilize hunter adrenaline/rage-life strike. Warframes have soft cap for their % effecting abilities, anymore dmg after that point hits and will always hit a hard wall due to enemy scaling. That extra ability str can only last couple rotations once the enemies really start to get serious. Of all 8 mod slots, for most of my frames, I do not see a scenario where I'd be replacing another mod for P.Streamline for Blind rage. Anyways, that extra ability STR is really not that OP as you mention.

    What really excites me about P.Streamline is that I would be dropping Fleeting Expertise and possibly Narrow Minded together with it on most of my "energy drain" frames. Since I am quite happy about their STR already, I may be going for couple Augments that are not possible before due to mandatory mods or build more range/duration depending on the situation.

    @Teridax68 All the contributing factors you mentioned, Trinity-Zenurik-Arcane Energize are the reason why Primed Streamline should exist imo. Why do Trin/Zen/Energize they exist? Because we need more energy? If we do NOT need such high energy then we can replace Trinity-Zenurik-Arcane Energize factors with more diverse options that can open up some gameplay choices.

    Obviously there is a problem with Energy. Supply/demand needs to be balanced. Did you notice that every crate in Fortuna drops 2 energy orbs? DE knows there is a problem with energy.

  10. 17 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

    We already have too much power without this. Why do we need primed streamline when we can already stay perma invis/healed/invincible/whatever else already. The only extra builds youd be able to do is to skip fleetimg expertise, pretty much meaning you get 60% more duration ontop of your buolds normally. Sounds power creepy to me

    My foundation is the tackle the need for more energy. You can use P.Streamline for more ability str yes but I doubt that would be necessary since our power levels are quite good without it.

    Already we are one shotting most stuff, more str is not necessary.

  11. I think it kills the beautiful color contrast shed has. I'd like to see an "alpha" level option similar to the sigils we have for deeper customization.

    I get the possible intention to add functionality to visual effects but this is not the proper way to handle imho. She looks like being dipped into Gara's glass atm. Yes I am notified whether it is on and off clearly which is good but to compromise from visual satisfaction so much for a frame that I insta prime accessed is dissapointing.

    I don't support energy color change as a solution since it effects so many other things that I wouldn't want to be changed in this or many other case scenarios.

    Similar example is Saryn to me, her skill colors are green but suit energy is pink. When I want to change "just" suit energy, it changes skill energy too which I do not want to.

    If a general solution to be applied, I want deeper energy customization levels with alpha/color per skill/channel etc. 

    If a bandage solution is going to be made just for mesa prime, I'd like to see a toned down alpha version of this one with the possibility of less blue more white version.

  12. It's way too blue-ish imo. To a point that looks like gara's glass. For my taste, it competes with warframes original color contrast and binges on blue. She looks gorgeous without pressing 3 but I don't want to punish my visual taste for functionality. Dial it back please or make it a white aura instead of blue. Tried energy color change but didnt affect anything and tbh I shouldn't be forced to change an energy color that I already like for the sake of something like this. 

  13. 1 hour ago, miomima said:

    you dont need 300% AP build to kill high level enemies, full umbral build with 200+ range and 160EE is enough to constantly spam your abilities with zenurik buff.

    im not against late game scaling (just look at excalibur - he have awesome scaling with his blade) im against way of devilering that scaling (every tick of damage from excalibur is a swing of the sword which requiers aim, positioning, energy to sustain) Saryn right now dont need anything to deliver her damage, she kill enemies she dont even aware of, and that should be deleted from the game, not only from Saryn.

    And since im not a fan if destroying other people gameplay - Saryn just collect dust in arsenal.

    Ofc u dont need %300 ap, once you reach %100 status chance on 1 is the soft cap. Im using an umbral build too but I would never opt for %160 efficiency, its total thrash on her. I don't think the playstyle you mention is her top performence but rather a macro build where you set and forget it. 

    By spamming abilities you mean for her 4, a simple general implication of 10 second rule which exists in ESO would be fine and encourage some internal timing which I enjoy in ESO runs to all fields, making ultimates more engaging and meaningful to use.

    As for killing the enemies not she is aware of, that is a crucial part of any DoT/Toxin/Plague/Disease type of character. It is sinister and merciless and I am completely ok with it.

    I dont play her with %160 eff and spam stuff, if anyone does they would kill their own fun for the sake of literally no gain, let alone the fun of others. Her Viral dmg isn't that high compared to Spore and her 4 exists mostly for the Viral procs. 

    If this is so much of a problem, just bring a general game rule where u cannot use your 4th ability 2 times in 10 secs, problem solved!

  14. 6 hours ago, miomima said:



    6 hours ago, miomima said:

    Lets buff Excalibur radial javelin till it gona oneshot all enemies on map till level 1000. That what yoy want.
    Oberon is a melee frame because in trailer he used Silva and Aegis :facepalm:

    1 shotting 1000 lvl enemies? Oh you were talking about theoretical aspect so far? I thought you were being practical, my bad.

    This aint about simple trailer doe, She, literally, had a melee only ability. Even now player gets %200 benefit from her 3 as melee. She is a melee frame that can perform well with non-melee, I get that this makes likes of you to think she is a caster but her full/true potential, without a trinity to supply you constant energy, can be unlocked by melee adrenaline-p.flow-life strike combination. That range people constanly complain actually has a huge downside of super expensive spell costs due to %45 efficiency, a frame that already has high base energy costs.

    Sure you can go Regen Molt and keep yourself up while being range caster but that does not scale well into high lvl content and probably require you to sacrifice a crucial mod.

    Warframe is dominated by AOE abilities, I think all Warframes need to have some sort of infinite scaling and weapon interactions with their unique way. I insta grabbed Saryn P. when I started with plat just because I loved the way she look but damn that was the best 250 plat I have ever spent. Regardless of how much dmg she deals or not, She is super-fun. Never used her spam 1 on molt back in those days, went full melee with Quick thinking. 

    She is fun, even without all damage, her Ability Interaction is in a sweet spot right now and I cant find another frame that is fun to play.

    Bare in mind that back in those days, she had very cheap and almost guaranteed 2 status procs on the enemy, toxic lash spreading and 1's viral. Atm to have 2 status she needs to use her very expensive energy cost 4. 



  15. On 2018-09-05 at 1:03 AM, miomima said:

    Wukong is melee frame, excal is melee frame, valkyr is melee frame, atlas is melee frame. Saryn is nothing of melee frame, yes melee make her 10 times tankier, but her theme is nothing about melee. And i highly doubt that viral proc on all enemies on the map can be even slightly weak. (and since melee 3.0 is coming - hello condition overload queen that procs not 1 but 3 status effects just with abilities).

    She is a melee this is not an opinion, it's fact. Just until recently her 3 was melee only. The frames you mention are "outdated" melee frames. Saryn is a melee that can function well in the current stage and she is not the issue here, old frames with outdated kits should be reworked and buffed instead.


    Sorry to inform you but she can have 2, not 3 status effects upfront in a reliable manner. Toxic lash no longer spreads with spore after rework and if you are not channel blocking with 3 active you cannot have it ranged, even so it drains so much with life strike to a point that it is unreliable. Or you can double tap 2 but it is range even with Max range is quite short and expensive.

    Hell she was shipped with nikana prime and all of her promos were melee extravaganza. 

    If she is killing your fun, play solo or pre-made. Volt kills my fun with ridiculously high attack speed, transforming my frame into a seizure case for doctors, but I don't go around and btch about volt nerf

  16. 1 hour ago, miomima said:

    Meanwhile some frames cant get to wave 6 solo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but since ESO is not a big part of the game - we dont talk about it.

    Saryn is AOE damage oriented frame, but for some reason she is a tank too, and CC, and debuff oriented frame, oh and she have escape. Meanwhile there is other AOE damage oriented frames like Ember which dont have any tank ability, no escape, her stuns is non existance and on top of that her main ability is channeling - so she cant replenish energy, and her damage dont scale into late game.

    Volt - his first ability targets only 5 enemies at once and deals damage only once (when saryn deal damage to full map and it goes as DoT till enemy dies, so bassicaly infinit damage for no energy), he can tank only with shields and they dont help against some eximus aoe damage unlike armor, and his 4th deals damage only if a lot of enemies are close to each other, this damage dont scales into late game (especialy against armor).

    Who else is damage oriented warframe? Mesa? - her first ability doesnt exist, shes tanky against range damage and get demolished when out of energy (unlike saryn with umbral mods) and all her damage is limited by line of sight and its channeling too so she cant regen energy while dealing a lot of damage.

    Perfectly balanced frame, all abilities are good on all missions from begining to the end, have close to perfect stats, can fill up any role and be the best at that role. But some people think that people who complain about something - dont have that something, when its false. Every game i play as Saryn i see how i destroying all the fun for others, so i litteraly start to cripple myself by not press my "kill all" buttons.

    she is a melee frame, of course she needs to be durable. For a melee frame she is not super tanky either. She is a well rounded frame but absolutely not best at any given role.

    There are better tanks better ccers better dmgers. She scales infinitely in paper but once she drops the spore, if you don't go full str/ duration, she loses her dmg quite rapidly, which you won't be if you are going for Max range.

    She is a jack of all trades and does exceptionally well with not super challenging content. Her Aoe is not enough to keep her scaling going on lineer maps and with upcoming Fortuna, her utility will diminish further.

  17. 13 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:



    Can we keep it down with the polemics please? "Crybaby" easily goes both ways btw. "Mimimi don't take brainded ez mode away from me" etc.

    Except, it's not braindead ez mode. He complains about Saryn's win condition and how it makes his game un-fun for him.

    There are stages that I get 80k focus with solo Saryn and there are 15k. He looks at 80k and ignores 15k. This is why it's 


    A big pile of BS


    He is the problem.

    Saryn barely escapes constantly spamming  1 even with max range. Nerfing it even further? Just because a saltboi can't use his Excalibur on a 3 dimensional environment? 

  18. @ActionPoohole

    I am amazed that you have put so much effort into such a big pile of BS.

    Saryn is damn fun to play and quite versatile, which is quite normal.

    There are niche frames/weapons and there are general purpose frame/weapons. Saryn is the second cathegory, it is perfectly fine.

    There are dozens of incidents where Saryn falls short with her current range. Nitpicking one aspect where she is strong and making strong and possibly harmful suggestions, no no.

    She is the right direction that warframe needs to go, just because rest of the cast has poor kit doesn't mean she needs a nerf.

    Wait for dmg 3.0, with the rework coming to Dmg, most of the problems you go full crybaby will be adressed.

    You are the problem, not Saryn.


  19. I am wondering about what is going to be made about Saryn's extra block from Toxic Lash. AFAIK blocks now block all damage in melee 3.0 like channel block, correct me if I am wrong.


    It would hurt melee Saryn's game play substantiallly if toxic lashes high block percentage would be taken away. It was a great tool to store energy with Adrenaline/Rage build.


    Maybe give toxic lash a new property like, gaining energy for the blocked amounts? Rewarding her clutch blocks and opening up a mod slot by reducing the necessity of rage/adrenaline.


    Or just keep things same like weapons blocking their current values and toxic lash boosting it.


    Also please improve her visuals with toxic lash, way hard to notice atm.

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