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Posts posted by (PSN)KyomaSatomi

  1. Recently, when I tried playing Railjack on Switch, I had the problem that the ship was pulling upward by default and I can't change that movement no matter what I do. This makes the mode for me unplayable on that system. Is that a known bug? Can I do something about it?

  2. Am 6.5.2024 um 21:20 schrieb UnstarPrime:

    I am not an expert on every method to get relics, but I'd be surprised if ESO was a particularly effective method, unless you simply love doing ESO.

    • From what I've heard, getting relic packs from Teshin's shop with Steel Path Essence is a much more efficient farm than standing.
    • If you want Lith, Meso, or Neo relics, doing solo Capture missions in the Void will get you them fast; the lower level one for Lith and Meso, the higher level one for Meso and Neo.
    • If you want Axi...I think folks recommend Disruption, since you can get 2 C Rotations every 4 Rotations?  And I know other missions work as well if another mission is more to your liking.

    Anyway, if you like ESO, keep on going for it.  But if you're getting bummed out by folks leaving, just know there are plenty of other options to try, some that may even be faster and/or more enjoyable.

    ESO has the added benefit that I can also get some Focus.

  3. vor 55 Minuten schrieb Smiky:

    Same story as always... Do you realize that random public groups are not obliged to follow your arbitrary rules and expectations how they should play the game mode right? Or how long they need to stay in mission.

    If you need to have uninterrupted XY ESO zones GO make your own premade group via recruitment chat or whatever means with those conditions in place.

    Maybe assuming that people would stick for at least 4 zones was my mistake.

  4. vor 10 Minuten schrieb johnno23:

    because you mention ESO ?? I can max out all my daily standings just running regular void fissure or arbitrations where I earn vitus essenxce a ton of mods etc etc. ESO for all faction standings is not a good strategy in my opinion.?

    If I wanted to get Simaris standing, I would do the daily target.

  5. vor 1 Minute schrieb sunderthefirmament:

    Saryn is my top pick for soloing ESO.  Mirage can do well with her Explosive Legerdemain augment.  Lavos is a strong frame, but I wouldn't expect him to carry ESO.

    I'm not that good a buildcrafting, so I took what I considered the most appropriate in my opinion.

  6. vor 5 Minuten schrieb johnno23:

    if you need simaris standing simply take ivara go to any void mission area scan and silently take down all enemies with melee whilst invisible and grab a full daily simaris standing bonus in very little time done and dusted.

    I cannot remeber how many points you get for scanning the enemies for a daily bonus but in an externimate you can max it in a single run solo


    WHy do you think I mean Simaris?

    I said I want to buy Relic packs. So I'm going mostly for the main syndicates.

  7. vor 5 Minuten schrieb sunderthefirmament:

    Again, consider using recruit chat.  Alternatively, bring builds that are capable of clearing up to wave 8 (or however far you want to go) by yourself.

    So far, 've been taking my Lavos and spamming ablilities and Cedo alt fire as much as I can. Haven't been able to go past Zone 4 tho.

  8. vor 1 Minute schrieb sunderthefirmament:

    Because they've ranked up what they wanted to and are likely ready to move on or forma it again.


    Most people playing ESO are using it for affinity, not as a chance to set new records or get the Lato Vandal.  If you're looking for longer runs, use recruit chat, inconvenient though it may be.


    Also, take note of who is host.  If they don't go through the portal, you shouldn't either... unless you want to be host migrated.

    My reason to go for ESO is to gather standing (I need to buy a lot of relic packs right now) and thanks to all those dropouts, I now have to dedicate a good amount of time to repeated ESO runs.

  9. I've been going back to do ESO more regularly and I noticed that when I go with a public group (which I do most of the time), I see people dropping out after 2 or 3 zones and pretty frequently, I am met with a Host Migration before coming to Zone 4.

    It is infuriating when I see people leaving when they just came in and leave others alone at the very start of the activity.

    Why are people like this?

  10. vor 54 Minuten schrieb (PSN)slightconfuzzled:

    Back to what I mentioned about gameplay loop? Knowing how your 4 works and then using it well, knowing that your 3 reduces cool downs, knowing how to slide around with your 2 to hit as many enemies as you can, ensuring you hit as many enemies as you can with your 3 and 4, thats as important as modding. Cold for example, as a single element is actually pretty strong, it just isn't often talked about because Viral is so much more useful in most other general situations. With Lavos though you can have both easily, its a great CC and slow to many enemies, and your 2 comes with it innately. Then as far as enemies? Well one obvious example of how Lavos can interact with enemy factions, is that Corpus can be very weak to Toxin, because it can bypass their shields, so just having that knowledge and implementing is a thing. 

    Yeah, my biggest problem with understanding builds is my inability to get synergies within a frame's kit or between frames/weapons/companions/etc. I don't consider myself stupid, but you can see me as "slow on the uptake". And add in a certain hesitation to look up guides for help.

    • Like 1
  11. vor 23 Minuten schrieb RLanzinger:

    Archon Vitality double Heat status (less armor) and Archon Continuity make tox => Corrossive (less armor again)

    I need to visit Chipper again. I have Archon Vitality, but not Continuity.

    vor 25 Minuten schrieb RLanzinger:

    I choose an damage on swap to pair with CEDO's glaives and a good ammo hungry secondary (incarnon)

    What Incarnon secondary do you recommend?

  12. Does anyone have good builds for Lavos? I mean builds that can be used in things past normal starchart missions.
    And since I still struggle with understanding builds (I recently reached MR28 tho), I'd appreciate anyone who would teach me on how to understand things better.

  13. vor einer Stunde schrieb TheArcSet:

    You probably already been answered, but as a short version.

    Even with the recently weakened enemies, you'll reach a point where very few weapons have the 'RAW' damage to be efficient, then you need procs to: prevent damage-reduction, buff damage dealt, by-pass protection and deal constant DoT.

    Viral is popular now because it so drastically shifts the ammo/time to kill ratio and bleed has always been popular as a way to ignore armour.

    I was actually surprised what difference it makes if you use Corrosive or Viral with Hunter Munitions and how much damage you can do with the bleed procs alone.

    (then again, I wonder what I do know about the game anyway)

    • Like 1
  14. I had some talk recently about weapons like the Kuva Bramma and how it is best used to to directly aim at the target.

    And right now, I'm ranking up the Kulstar and my usual way of shooting directly at the enemy doesn't seem to have much effect.

    I'm not too used to AoE weapons. Any advice on how to improve with them?

  15. vor 52 Minuten schrieb DealerOfAbsolutes:

    Another thing to note is that ever since Corrosive got capped to 80% armor strip while being only neutral against Alloy, it's strictly worst than Viral against Alloy armored Grineer like Bombards and more importantly Elite Lancers that make up the bulk of the Grineer army. Corrosive is only really useful against Ferrite armored enemies like Heavy Gunners and the Lich itself because Armor class modifiers double dip as seen in the equation below: (Boosts your damage and mitigates armor value in damage calculation)

    Damage Modifier = (1+ Armor Modifier)*(1+Health Modifier)*300/(300+Armor*(1-Armor Modifier))

    From the equation above you have the Damage Reduction Formula:

    Damage Reduction = Net armor / (Net armor +300)

    Sortie level enemies can have 6000 armor which is 95% damage reduction. Strip 80% of it and you still have 1200 armor which is 80% damage reduction. Basically a 4x increase at full stack with Corrosive, which is inferior to Viral's 4.25x and Slash procs just deal 35% of your Base damage per tick with 0% damage reduction which get boosted by Viral.

    I could see how the procs got to work and eat away enemy health in the mission (I prefer acutal missions over Simulacrum). It really was surprising.

  16. vor 11 Stunden schrieb Traumtulpe:

    Hunter Munitions is pretty much always used with Viral, and while it technically adds damage regardless of enemy,

    Update, I changed the element to viral and I got interesting results on enemies (lvl5 Lich mission)

  17. vor 7 Stunden schrieb Traumtulpe:

    Hunter Munitions is pretty much always used with Viral, and while it technically adds damage regardless of enemy, it only really shines against high level armored enemies - because it's damage is delayed, but not affected by armor at all. If you quickly kill your target regardless, it won't do much.

    Corrosive procs reduce armor, Hunter Munitions bypasses armor anyway. That doesn't really make sense together.

    I was using it in Lich missions. The Corrosive was because of the Grineer.

  18. vor 2 Stunden schrieb DealerOfAbsolutes:

    and why Hunter Munitions is put on a pedestal by the community.

    I put it on my Soma P, but it didn't seem to do much. Tho I have to say, I had a Corrosive build and HM was only rank 2 (didn't have much more capacity since the weapon was 0 Forma)

  19. vor 24 Minuten schrieb KosmicKerman:

    I'll add one more thing for you. When Viral procs it does 100% damage for 6 seconds, i.e., it doubles your damage. When heat procs it strips 50% of armor and does damage over time for six seconds.  This makes viral heat builds very strong since when both damage types proc they strip 50% of armor and do double damage. 

    Sounds logical.

  20. vor 12 Minuten schrieb Traumtulpe:

    I suppose the explanation needs to be more basic.

    If you can kill enemies without worrying about status, just stick with that.

    Once the level rises enough to make the killing slow, get some viral procs and you'll have an easy time again.

    Eventually you weapons will do insignificant damage. They will tickle the enemy, and that is when you have to target enemies weaknesses specifically. You may be unable to kill anything in a sortie with enhanced shields or with physical enhancement. The right element or proc makes this problem go away in an instant.

    Furthermore, the damage caused by procs is not necessarily intuitive. Procs can be very ineffective if you do not understand the calculation. A shotgun with 5% status chance per pellet might proc a lot (from the sheer number of hits), but will never deal useful damage with Slash procs (excluding from Hunter Munitions).

    Well, that was a more clear explanation.

    I'm sorry for being such a blockhead who can't deal with numbers.

  21. vor 39 Minuten schrieb DealerOfAbsolutes:

    Just watch the video I linked. Leyzar goes into detail in the Simulacrum and plainly demonstrates the destructive power of Slash procs and why Hunter Munitions is put on a pedestal by the community.

    There is math involved under the hood, but the Simulacrum allows you to see it for yourself. The modding screen can't be trusted considering how it used to keep track of multishot and etc and doesn't take into account Banes.

    If you don't really want to watch, just start at 6:30.


    I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I didn't know that you could get 4-digit damage with only the bleed procs.

    But honestly; what do I know about this game anyway?

  22. vor 17 Minuten schrieb DealerOfAbsolutes:

    Slash damage itself is indeed useless at high levels due to armor, but its proc (Bleed) is the best thing against armor. When damage reduction from armor exceeds 95%, the raw damage on your stat screen becomes rather meaningless.

    I actually thought it was the opposite, the damage from the proc tics being the minute number compared to the damage the weapon does.

    And I have a hard time getting it in my head if this isn't the case. Because all those numbers behind games usually make my head spin.

  23. vor 3 Minuten schrieb akots:

    You might want to see for yourself how things work in slow motion. Just go into similacrum and try out some weapons to see the effects. It is basically damage over time.

    I know it's DoT, but to me, it always felt rather minute. I never tried it in simulacrum tho, because I never needed to use simulacrum before.

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