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Posts posted by Kirby47

  1. Elemental mods don't modify base damage number, they add additional damage. 

    100 damage of any damage type +90% fire damage will deal 100 + 90 fire.


    Penta has higher base damage, so it will always get more damage from the same mods.

    110 damage of any damage type +90% fire damage will deal 110 + 91.

    I don't think 90% of 110 is 91... it's 99.

  2. Uhm, I don't see why you felt the need to quote me with that? No one said anything about "3-inch thick steel armor". Who wears that, by the way? Pretty sure the Grineer and Corpus don't run around in Iron Man suits. 

    Have you seen Grineer armor? They're like balls on sticks.

    I just think realistically, arrows won't be very effective on that.

  3. My squad and I went up to wave 60 on T4 Defence earlier today using bows as our primaries. It always amazes me how powerful bows are. I guess it just goes to show that no matter how advanced technology gets, a bow and arrow will always be a reliable weapon, primitive or not.

    Well, this is a video game. In reality, an arrow against 3-inch thick steel armor won't do much.

  4. These mods would be good on all weapons some work better with them than others but you could have a MK1 Braton do over 1000 damage per shot with these if you put the effort into it. I don't see how these mods could be "less than worthless" on any weapon in the game.

    The Slash/Puncture/Impact mods are less than worthless on elemental weapons. They cost points and give nothing.

  5. According to the newest Hotfix (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/245171-update-1371/), "Reduced frequency of Prime gear in Void - no item appears more than 2 times across the Void."no item should drop twice in the Void anymore, right? But I've done T1 Survival run and got in fact 2 items twice, Tower 3 Extermination key and Latron Prime Blueprint. Why did this happen, isn't it supposed to be removed?

    Screenshot here


    By the way, the second Latron Prime Blueprint dropped at 30th minute, not sure if it is supposed to drop or not, since it's Rotation A, which is supposed to be 5th minute, at least I was informed it is.

    That means that Prime Parts only appear in 2 void missions.

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