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Posts posted by Kirby47

  1. My Idea for a Grakata buff would be to increase it damage to 10 or 12 and increase it's base crit chance to 20% so that it owuld be 50% if you put a max point strike on it

    Just 10-12 damage? Still half the Gorgon.

  2. Aside from the ammo consumption, the Grakata is fairly functional. It's DPS isn't WOW AMAZING but it's in an okay place. They'll get around to the Grakata eventually, but as of now I think it's safe to say some guns need more attention *cough Ignis cough*

     I still feel like the Grakata is one of the weakest primaries, but your point about other guns is right. 

  3. I decided to craft the Grakata because it seemed like a good weapon with the fire rate, but after using it a bit, I realized that it does a bit more than a third of the Gorgon's damage and fired slower, but had a higher critical chance and might have been a bit more accurate, and the Grakata was much cheaper to build. Why is it so weak compared to most of the other primary weapons? I personally think that the Braton is stronger than the Grakata because it does more than 2 times the damage. Sure, the Grakata has a decent critical chance, but people say it's only half of what it was before. Until this weapon does enough DPS to rival at least the Braton, or gets a high critical chance in exchange for the low DPS, it's just going to gather dust in my inventory.

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