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Everything posted by rapt0rman

  1. It doesn't matter because the bar for success is incredibly low. If the weapon works, and they like it, then there's no problem. Even with the best intentions, telling them not to use it is just as likely to have the opposite effect anyways.
  2. But 20% per run is the only thing it ever claimed to be. You can calculate a new probability based off that after x amount of runs, (and yes, that number definitely won't be 20%) but the math will still rely on that 20%. Ya know... real, physical dice do exist right? Yes, average probability changes every time you roll the dice, but dice have never "cared" about what your previous roll was, each roll is always a new roll with a 16.667% (1 in 6) chance. If you take away from the pool after the first 1 in 5 chance... then it just isn't 20% any more. That initial 20% figure is now gone, because 1 in 4 chances is 25%. There isn't really anything "true 20%" about it. If we're talking "true 20%" then you wouldn't even get a second try, let alone 5 (or infinite) attempts. You would get one single 1 in 5 chance, and if you blew it, that would be it. The main thing is that the system you described already exists for tauforged archon shards, and doesn't require redefining established mathematics to achieve it :P
  3. At the moment, it's just a nondescript plot hook. Might get expanded upon later, might not. IMO it's pretty safe to say that the chorus inside of the Zariman is real, whether it's literally or figuratively the cause of the corruption. Either way it's the Void doing Void things, it's possible that it's only in effect inside the Zariman, with the Void being as chaotic as it is, I would expect there would be very different types of localised anomalies throughout it.
  4. Yeah... The more I read up on it the less sure I was, and then got distracted after not finding a satisfying answer.
  5. What you're describing is 100% chance with 2-5 extra steps, you do have 20% chance on the first attempt, but the similarity stops there. 1 in 5 chances per attempt is inherently not a guarantee you will get it after 5 attempts nor 500. Don't get me wrong though, I'll happily accept any pity systems they add. To add a bit more to this since I was curious of what the actual terms were: Discrete probability distribution is for finite/countable outcomes, and Continuous probability distribution is for infinite. They're both applications of probability, but with very different uses.
  6. Of course, hence the italics :P TBH it wouldn't be much of a problem if they made a PC account now, they'd still be better off than a lot of the other people with accounts on multiple platforms who have lots of progress on both, and are stuck wondering how the merger will work.
  7. cross save should be availible by the end of this year. I'd just wait it out until then.
  8. Can't really tell if y'all are joking, but just so we're clear eternalism has nothing to do with it. We aren't somehow invading alternate timelines just to kill their version of Sargas Ruk and take his stuff. It's also not a simulation. No idea where people even got that one.
  9. Well, Grineer are clones, and Corpus robots are robots, both of which are replaceable. Beyond that you're just going to have to accept some ludonarrative dissonance. They've hinted at the clones and robots angle many times outside of the game, but personally I think it would be worse for the narrative if they tried explaining it in game. As long as they don't address it, it can be dismissed as gameplay vs lore. But if they codify it as lore, then it would be flimsy at best and all the situations where it doesn't fit would stand out even more.
  10. All situations in which a Warframe is exposed to vacuum in-game (life support running out, broken windows in Corpus ships, and exposed rooms in Corpus infested ships) result in damage to the Warframe, except when in Archwings. There isn't really much room for interpretation.
  11. But neither of those are duration based, fire and forget, aoe gathering abilities, they rely on essentially a single render frame from a single point of origin to determine whether something is LoS or not. Enemies constantly fidgeting around and moving in and out of cover would likely almost guarantee that anything within the appropriate distance would get tagged. That said, I actually have no idea and it's entirely possible that we'd have Grineer standing there 3ft away from the Vortex, perfectly fine because of a small railing.
  12. Remove the dragon keys equipped in your gear wheel.
  13. Enemies count as unalerted with AI turned off, so you get a stealth bonus when meleeing them.
  14. But it doesn't exist as a written language anywhere else ingame. It's also hard to say if Warframe isn't another case of the story's common tongue being translated for convenience. Like the Lord of the Rings, Dune, or every movie about greeks or romans where everyone speaks with an english or scottish accent. (Though, TBH the most recent trailer is evidence against)
  15. Only slightly on topic but I'm still annoyed that the Zephyr deluxe is emblazoned with straight up regular english. Would have been so much cooler (and not completely anachronistic) if it was Orokin.
  16. It's caused by its riven disposition. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Riven_Mods#Disposition Also you should remove your email.
  17. Been that way for almost as long as the game has been around. They even spent a year or so updating old textures, including Dread and Despair, but for some reason singled out one of the worst offenders to ignore.
  18. Riven stats and percentages are random and the names are generated based on their stats. So dedicated wiki pages for all the possible combinations isn't possible. Technically you can get a loose idea of what is on the riven based on it's name, but it's imprecise and nobody does it that way, so basically you just have "a Seer riven with +x% magazine size and +y% ammo capacity", which unfortunately won't get you much plat as is.
  19. Weird, I wasn't getting pinged about posts in my own thread. Yup. Thank ya', kindly. Don't quite remember since I did them ages ago and I don't have Photoshop anymore, but the hatch mark brush was just a simple line of dots (I might have downloaded it somewhere or I might've just made it myself), the halftone patterns are a sub option in the pixelate filter, and everything else is likely just basic inking brushes.
  20. Baulder's Gate 3 hadn't even been out for like a week before the "10 items you absolutely must get" vids started popping up.
  21. Once upon a time they removed the RNG from all the void tileset traps, but over the years some of them seem to have re-RNG'd themselves.
  22. The removal of mk-1 weapons IS for the good of players, they were straight up a mistake from the beginning. There was nothing about unranked, unmodded Latos or Bratons that made them too much for a new player to handle, to warrant an even weaker version.
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