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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. They also didn't run around in space with rocket launchers and lasers while wearing latex catsuits. 10-o are based more on anime ninja than real life shino


    You're playing the game where your ninja use guns, rocket launchers, electrified sword, explosive polearm, knuckles that launch things airbourne for 20m when struck, laser, weapon platform that shoot localised gravitational field, gun that shoot flying sawblade, pocket dimension, shoot fire from their hands, capable of flight, move around in space, stopping pure molecular movement, vaporise any atom, supercharging needle into a freakin' railgun, stop time, rip through fabric of reality, control power of antimatter etc


    and you're saying moving around a room at faster speed isn't "realistic"?


  2. Kaginawa, ever heard of it? Ninja use this baby to climb, glide, rappel, swing across, and scale anything.




    That's precisely the point of leaving the coptering in.


    The more choices people have, the better everything is.


    Would you like to live in a location with access to bus-skytrain-highway? or will you choose a location with only access to road? of course you will pick the first choice, you can choose skytrain to get to work if traffic turned standstill. The more choices, the better.


    Leave the copter in, don't limit the choices players can make. Why would you want to completely remove something no less than half good portion of players thoroughly enjoy when you can leave it in and let player decide?

    Yes we agree on the same matter more mobility choices and toned down coptering and air melee attacks so that those ANTI-COPTER PLAYERS can be happy as well.

    "Fly with more fluid feel"

    Not what I'd call hopping on wall like kangaroos, hell they hop much better than we do. Honestly I don't mind coptering going away but the feeling of agility and speed is definitely lacking with the parkour 2.0's purely hopping and jump based system.

    Yes that fluid fast paced parkour feel is very much lacking with the preview.

  3. I'm not saying I dislike the new system. I'm saying we should incorporate speed along with the so called more fluid wall jumping system as it looks okay and controlled but it looks really slow majority of us has already been used to warframe's fast paced battle system so why not build it around that? Since it is what makes warframe unique among other games because of "IT'S FAST PACED COMBAT SYSTEM". We can still have control over our mobility and not rely on coptering and other super go fast methods all I'm asking is that they make the wall jumping a bit faster paced and more FLUID as it looks realy slugish and clunky as of its early development stages.


    At the same time I also want them to retain wall running and incorporate wall latching cause having more options to choose as mobility tools is generally BETTER than having less OPTIONS and relying on bunny hopping its like when it becomes the new META people will complain again that people are wall hopping too much pls nerf. Thats the mentality of this community they dislike metas getting popular thats the reason why air directional melee and gotta go fast players developed haters in this community in the first place its a bit selfish mentality. That is why to balance it I suggested:


    -Wall hopping/wall skipping looks okay I guess but it needs better polish and maybe faster pace to make the wall hop/skip seem more ninja like and fluid in terms of movement.


    -I truly like wall latching it adds another dimension to how we can choose to approach enemies or situations and it further adds tools in our mobility kit


    -Why not keep wall running as well along with adding faster paced more fluid and seamless wall jumping and wall hatch that way we have more options for mobility instead of just relying on wall hopping which in the early preview stages looks a bit clunky and needs further polish as it seems really slow paced and out of place in the fast paced game modes that we are already accustomed to.


    - For example we can keep wall running by holding shift or sprinting in walls and by tapping shift multiple times trigger the wall jump vertically or horizontally and by pressing ctrl you can then latch/cling to walls.


    -Keep melee air attacks/melee coptering but lessen distance covered or make it a fixed distance covered they are fun mechanics that players love to use and make us feel ninja like.


    These suggestions give more options that cater to both "GOTTA GO FAST PLAYERS AND I JUST WANT TO EXPLORE MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS PLAYERS".

    Not really.  In non-infested missions you will get instant killed for wall sticking.  In infested missions, ancients will pull you down. In high end content, running up to an enemy to try to jump on its head is the dumbest thing you could ever do.  Where as before, you could just copter over their heads and shoot them in the back and keep moving around the room like so to stop from getting instant killed by the Grineer or corrupted's stupid good aiming.

    Exactly my point some of the more flashy fluid things they shown have yet to be proven useful in end game content.

  4. No please.

    And how its supposed to "feel ninja" flying with your melee weapon?

    I'm not saying people should RELY on it heck there are so many options you can travel with the new system why can't DE just imrpove the speed of travel using wall jumping to compensate for slower or SHORTER RANGE air melee attacks you see the problem is not the system its the people that abuse it I personally use front flip air melee then wall run do I rely purely on air melee? NO we should have the choice of what mobility option we choose to use. And that is why I said TUNE DOWN THE AIR MELEE ATTACKS AND COPTERING did I say i want to fly like superman with it? NO right? I said that i wanted faster wall jumping so I can travel using it but still BE ABLE TO ATTACK AND MOVE WHILE IN AIR. I'm actually promoting the use of FASTER PACED MORE FLUID WALL JUMPING+ WALL RUNNING+ WALL CLINGING+ SHORTER RANGE MELEE AIR ATTACKS (so that people don't rely on it too much and use the wall jumping more) + (shorter distance coptering). And it feels ninja because being able to do all that is NINJA.


    It's not random, you go faster the sooner you hit melee on jumping-slide. Hitting the melee right at the same time of jumping results in greatest distance speed. You can pull quick turning and sharp U-turn by hitting the key mid-air. Mastering it and this easily becomes one of the more entertaining race among your peer, kinda feel like choosing your car based on top speed, turn speed, jump speed, number of turns per airbourne etc.

    This is also why coptermasters enjoy playing the game so much despite how repetitive the game is. The grind is always the same mesa-mag, but the map generation and the race is never the same.


    Agreed its not random knowing how to properly mod and utilize melee and not only rely on coptering and air directional melee but also on frong flipping sliding wall launching with melee was indeed what separates mobility masters from the rest of the players since as avalona stated everything in this game is the same anyway the grind, the meta, the rng etc. It's just boils down on how you want to approach a situation if you want to resolve or destroy enemies as quickly as possible or savor the experience of doing so but it should still be "OUR CHOICE ON WHAT PACE WE WOULD LIKE TO SET THE GAME IN".

  6. The New system will be better, even if we are slower. I prefer control over random unreliable speed.

    I'm not saying I dislike the new system. I'm saying we should incorporate speed along with the so called more fluid wall jumping system as it looks okay and controlled but it looks really slow majority of us has already been used to warframe's fast paced battle system so why not build it around that? Since it is what makes warframe unique among other games because of "IT'S FAST PACED COMBAT SYSTEM". We can still have control over our mobility and not rely on coptering and other super go fast methods all I'm asking is that they make the wall jumping a bit faster paced and more FLUID as it looks realy slugish and clunky as of its early development stages.


    At the same time I also want them to retain wall running and incorporate wall latching cause having more options to choose as mobility tools is generally BETTER than having less OPTIONS and relying on bunny hopping its like when it becomes the new META people will complain again that people are wall hopping too much pls nerf. Thats the mentality of this community they dislike metas getting popular thats the reason why air directional melee and gotta go fast players developed haters in this community in the first place its a bit selfish mentality. That is why to balance it I suggested:


    -Wall hopping/wall skipping looks okay I guess but it needs better polish and maybe faster pace to make the wall hop/skip seem more ninja like and fluid in terms of movement.


    -I truly like wall latching it adds another dimension to how we can choose to approach enemies or situations and it further adds tools in our mobility kit


    -Why not keep wall running as well along with adding faster paced more fluid and seamless wall jumping and wall hatch that way we have more options for mobility instead of just relying on wall hopping which in the early preview stages looks a bit clunky and needs further polish as it seems really slow paced and out of place in the fast paced game modes that we are already accustomed to.


    - For example we can keep wall running by holding shift or sprinting in walls and by tapping shift multiple times trigger the wall jump vertically or horizontally and by pressing ctrl you can then latch/cling to walls.


    -Keep melee air attacks/melee coptering but lessen distance covered or make it a fixed distance covered they are fun mechanics that players love to use and make us feel ninja like.


    These suggestions give more options that cater to both "GOTTA GO FAST PLAYERS AND I JUST WANT TO EXPLORE MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS PLAYERS".

  7. Reminder that players who prefer to go fast never want to remove slow players wanting to explore by asking DE to set a timer of 3 seconds to move through a room else they will get disconnected.


    So why are there slow people wanting to remove fast players by asking DE to remove coptering?

    Yes I mean it should be our choice on how we want to move if we want to go fast we should be able to use the new parkour system to go fast but from the looks of the preview its moving to go slow not to mention it will still have bugs. I like the wall jumping but they should increase its speed or make it a bit more fast paced i mean even if they do that its still possible that we have a degree of control over our movements and at the same time keep our wall running.

  8. As the title suggests I recently saw the preview of the new parkour 2.0 system that will be in place soon. Here are some of my general thoughts and feedback regarding it.


    -Wall hopping/wall skipping looks okay I guess but it needs better polish and maybe faster pace to make the wall hop/skip seem more ninja like and fluid in terms of movement.


    -I truly like wall latching it adds another dimension to how we can choose to approach enemies or situations and it further adds tools in our mobility kit


    -Why not keep wall running as well along with adding faster paced more fluid and seamless wall jumping and wall hatch that way we have more options for mobility instead of just relying on wall hopping which in the early preview stages looks a bit clunky and needs further polish as it seems really slow paced and out of place in the fast paced game modes that we are already accustomed to.


    - For example we can keep wall running by holding shift or sprinting in walls and by tapping shift multiple times trigger the wall jump vertically or horizontally and by pressing ctrl you can then latch/cling to walls.


    -Keep melee air attacks/melee coptering but lessen distance covered or make it a fixed distance covered they are fun mechanics that players love to use and make us feel ninja like.

  9. I like wall hatch the new wall hopping thing feels slow and a bit sluggish to me in my opinion it can be improved upon by making the movements more fluid and faster to make it more seamless and I also still want wall running to be an option why not keep wall running + add wall hopping + wall latching won't everyone like that cause then we would have more " TOOLS FOR MOBILITY" and "TRULY HAVE FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT" DE can still keep wall running if you hold shift while if you quick tap shift then you can wall hop instead? and you can press double press ctrl to cling to walls now that would be awesome.

  10. Yes I used maxed arcane strike a lot and everything procs it your sentinel, your guns your melee, your powers anything in my experience my maxed arcane strike procs the most out of all my arcanes I have (maxed arcane rage, maxed arcane guardian, maxed arcane awakening, maxed arcane trickster and rank 2 arcane victory) Maxed arcane strike+ berserker+ crit mod on melee gives your waves insane sanic speed.

  11. I like the clan pride moto, I made my clan logo in paint but I'm not ashamed to show it: (black is white and white is transparent in the actual emblem)




    Also I don't know, the 128x128 rule is in my opinion a good choice. I love the heavily detailed emblems but if you make an emblem out of a 1400x1400 image you can't really blame the restriction. Leaders can see how the emblem will be at the end so you can always think it twice before changing/uploading it.


    By the other hand, if I were to put my emblem on a weapon, it would not look that good unless it's only the face, or only the words in the sides.

    As a side note, that's Levasseur code right there, and reads: Broken Spirit.

                                                                                                                                        GDSK-NXS (Leader of the Broken Spirits)

    Cool emblem our original emblem was also black and white what i suggested was at least change the 128x128 restriction to 160x160 or 150x150 its not much but will definitely improve it a lot


    well the option for clan branding of weapon is dependent i guess if it will be viable on certain emblems.


    Cool meaning to your clan name.

  12. EDIT: I clumped too much of your post into one thought, I should specify that what I'm saying really only applies to the option for larger asset images and/or similar ideas. 


    DE is limited by how much they can do with individual clan customization (ie. clan emblems - a unique asset that only your clan utilizes) by a number of factors. A big one being man power to implement clan customization. They've streamlined the process down into what they're small team can handle, which is hundreds of clan emblem entries a day, all of which have to be screened and rigged on a case by case basis.


    Each of these types of additions for more specified customization push DE's limits on what they can do in a timely manner. I would imagine if they could handle more beyond what they're doing, they'd love to. Because believe me, I feel your pain, and I would be overjoyed for more individual customization, but unfortunately it just doesn't seem practical the more you try to squeeze in.

    Hmm you have a valid point but yes maybe later on they can consider this once they have further increased the resources they allocate for clan customization.

  13. So I wonder when DE will allow us to further decorate/adorn ourselves more with our clan's glorious insignias :)


    Clan emblem 2.0


    -Allowing us clan warlords to upload clan emblem images not restricted to the 128x128 format DE could increase the resoultion or size of the emblems we can upload at least maybeuntil 160x160 or somthing like that or at least as big as the nightmare raid emblem because detailed emblems suffer from resoultion problems because of the forced downscaling we have to cope up with resulting to blurred low resolution clan emblems in game for very details clan emblems.


    Clan Branding of syandanas/gear


    -Allowing even greater freedom of customization to players by being able to embed or brand you preferred weapons,syandanas with your clans glorious emblems.


    Clan/Alliance sigils


    -self explanatory I do know that these will be added as future features and I am eagerly awaiting these..


    Clan decals/ banners or decors in liset (interior/exterior)


    -This was proposed by another community member and like what he proposed being allowed to decorate our liset's interior and exterior facade with clan emblem decals would be amazing :D


    Lastly I just want to post our clan emblem cause I personally take pride in being Boundless :D You guys can post your clans individual emblems here as well and showcase your clans pride cheers! :D





                                                                                                                        --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE- (Warlord of Boundless)

  14. A mission on Europa seemed to have an open world feel to it. Not open world obvously but it had that feel and was quite long. I really liked it but have forgotten.


    Real useful i know lol.

    Must have been because of the ice tile set.

    I agree with people saying this is a long and hard road, but I'd rather see progress in this direction than watch the continued evolution of what has become a run 'n' gun game.

    Yes and while its still early setting or laying out the foundation of good additions or improvements to make the game perfect would be ideal.

  15. DE should also ALLOW US TO UPLOAD HIGHER DIMENSION OR RESOLUTION CLAN EMBLEMS Cause 128x128 is just WAY TO SMALL FOR DETAILED EMBLEMS TO LOOK GOOD IN GAME :( At least allow us the option to upload up to maybe 180x180 or 200x200 clan emblems for our badges so that our detailed EMBLEMS still look DETAILED in game :) That and CLAN SIGILS AND WE SHOULD ALSO BE ALLOWED TO USE CLAN EMBLEMS AS PROFILE PICS IN GAME AND IN FORUMS :D

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