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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. But it will allow for more enemies to get hit and/or killed by the tentacles, as they have a larger chance of spreading out, instead of a few of them clumping together and reducing efficiency overall. 

    Thing is as a Hyrdoid user I use him for different purposes I have 3 builds for him a general tidal impunity short duration offensive build which will obviously not be affected. A tentacle swarm water barrage piflering swarm build all offensive build (which will be the one that gets affected, and a CC tidal impunity undertow augment healer build full support build.


    The change not only affects tentacle swarm in my case but also the other offensive abilities I use in hydroid cause unlike other press to 4 spam players i actually use all of his offensive skills and combo them also it will mean i need 4 loadout slots instead of the standard 3 for hydroid.


    If you want to know what's so wrong with the change:



    The next PC Hotfix will have something to speak to this directly: with Pilfering Swarm equipped, enemies won't need to be killed by the tentacles to have an added drop chance. Simply dying on the tentacle will be enough to trigger Pilfering Swarm. However, we will also be removing Power Strength mods affecting Pilfering Swarm to balance this change.


    That is a HORRIBLE change, a huge nerf. Aside from the huge dropchance reduction (150%) and removing the combo with equinox ...

    I mean aside from being a 3th of the original droprate this change wont fix anything to why hydroids tentacles are useless without the excessive dropchance.Almost no buffs work on them.They have rather low basedamage (finisher damage though).They pop up wherever they want and dont hit enemies reliably.

    Even if this would get fixed you can't use speednova (which is the most important to speedup kills) because 60% of the enemies would still die by single enemies exploding because of the Molecular Prime.

    Also Hydroids drops are by no way broken.

    During the quadruple ressources weekend the consensus in my clan was that Hydroid had no feasible advantage over mesa which has much faster clearing. Obviously Equinox tipped the balance a little bit but such a nerf is uncalled for.

  2. All ya had to do was read the comment on it properly.


    Yes but here's the thing I realized as well


    "Thing is though now it won't be advisable to use the power killing tentacle build along with tentacle swarm so yes I had valid reasons to be concerned as power strength tentacle build will not be of use with the incoming change. Now I have to make 2 separate builds for tentacle swarm and the non power strength affected pilfering swarm so my concern is valid."

  3. Hydroid + Saryn or Mesa. Spam tentacles to catch as many guys as possible, then let a nuke frame blow them away.

    So now we are encouraging nukers again? lol. This change will discourage tentacle swarm users from using tentacle swarm with piflering swarm anyway so if what everyone has been saying is true hydroid tentacle swarm players will just nuke and use normal tentacle swarm "without the added benefit of pilfierning swarm" or they can still use pilfering swarm but as renegade suggested with range build making hydroid a really really team reliant frame :/

  4. You can do Power Range so that more enemies are trapped within the tentacles, allowing yourself or team members to kill them. 

    But even with power range the number of tentacles are just randomly spread out and since they don't get increased its still so random therefore not that effective it might be "a good supposed team tactic for support" where team mates are supposed to lay support fire but I doubt that they would even bother trying to shoot the wildly rag dolled enemies with tentacles in random spawn logic.

  5. Calm down a bit first. It will help later on. 


    Now, I read what happened, and it looks like that the change would not have to restrict other team members in terms of playing the game, as the change means that they can continue shooting at the trapped enemies to kill it quicker, and said enemy will still have an increased chance of dropping loot. That is beneficial and healthy towards team play without shunting other players. 


    As for the Power Strength Aspect not affecting Pilfering Swarm, given the change that enemies just need to die on the tentacle, and that at max Rank, Pilfering Swarm will always make an enemy roll an additional time for loot, it might actually be better in the long run, as players can use their weapons to kill enemies trapped by the tentacles to have a faster rate of extra loot drops. 

    use weapons and try to shoot things wildly flinging with rag doll effects right.. but again its still a slight nerf to pilfering swarm disguised as a quality of life change but my concern is this


    "Thing is though now it won't be advisable to use the power killing tentacle build along with tentacle swarm so yes I had valid reasons to be concerned as power strength tentacle build will not be of use with the incoming change. Now I have to make 2 separate builds for tentacle swarm and the non power strength affected pilfering swarm so my concern is valid."

  6. Calm down a bit first. It will help later on. 


    Now, I read what happened, and it looks like that the change would not have to restrict other team members in terms of playing the game, as the change means that they can continue shooting at the trapped enemies to kill it quicker, and said enemy will still have an increased chance of dropping loot. That is beneficial and healthy towards team play without shunting other players. 


    As for the Power Strength Aspect not affecting Pilfering Swarm, given the change that enemies just need to die on the tentacle, and that at max Rank, Pilfering Swarm will always make an enemy roll an additional time for loot, it might actually be better in the long run, as players can use their weapons to kill enemies trapped by the tentacles to have a faster rate of extra loot drops. 

    Well lets do hope so you are right.

  7. The only thing being changed is power strength affecting pilfering swarm, not tentacle swarm.


    The tentacle swarm will remain the same in every way.


    It sounds like you're misinterpreting and think that the tentacle swarm itself is getting a damage nerf, and it's not being changed at all


    I approve of the change personally, perhaps it will make DE see why Hydroid has only been really used for loot farming, and not for his whole kit (as his kit just sucks personally.)

    Are we sure about this?


    Tidal surge augment is very useful so I wouldn't say his whole kit sucks as tidal surge proc immunity with the augment mod makes him invulnerable while in animation and proc resistant.

  8. Then if we follow this quality of life pattern Mag definitely needs to be re looked at after nerfing G pull. Her other abilities must be buffed or reworked


    -Bullet attractor should be either reworked or buffed to allow multiple casts limited to a max of 4 or 5


    -Rework CRUSH because its the most underwhelming ultimate both visually and effectiveness wise it only becomes useful if we waste a slot an fracturing crush for a effect that "should have been innate to crush the stagger and armor reduction in the first place it should have same treatment as avalanche" and VISUAL REWORK FOR CRUSH because it really doesn't feel like i'm crushing enemies it looks so lackluster.


    But please tentacle swarm needs power strength to be able to sufficiently kill mid-late game enemies because i RARELY use it for pilfering swarm but I get affected cause of this supposed questionable buff to pilfering swarm?.

  9. No please God NO Don't remove power strength from hydroid tentacle swarm it really made his ulti very usable from early to mid game even on late game with damage buff frames. I mean I personally don't abuse hydroid P swarm farm I use his tentacle swarm to kill things early to mid and even late game with damage buff frame please NO NO NO NOOOOOOO PLEASE :( DE don't make the community disappointed and rage after we enjoyed a good update by nerfing a already " BALANCED" frame.


    I don't even know why they would think on nerfing a ulti that's pretty balanced early to late game as it only scales well with damage buff frames. Just cause what people have been running pilfering swarm too much on exploitable tile sets? DE you already changed spawn logic removed greed pull from efficient farming thus ending mesa gmag combination, nerfed radial javelin please don't nerf a BALANCED frame unnecessarily just to decrease effectiveness of efficient farming methods. We loved this update but this is something we simply do not want or approve of.


    DE if you really want to fix and balance some "QUALITY OF LIFE" on frames then go revisit mag after nerfing G pull rework or BUFF HER OTHER ABILITIES THEN DON'T KEEP NERFING ALREADY BALANCED FRAMES. Rework bullet attractor so that it can be recast to a maximum of 4 instances. Rework CRUSH because its the most underwhelming ultimate both visually and effectiveness wise it only becomes useful if we waste a slot an fracturing crush for a effect that "should have been innate to crush the stagger and armor reduction in the first place it should have same treatment as avalanche" and VISUAL REWORK FOR CRUSH because it really doesn't feel like i'm crushing enemies it looks so lackluster.


    OR if your all for that so called balanced then go nerf all the god tier or nuker frames (loki, MESA, limbo, valkyr ) as well I know alot of people will be pissed if you do so and will defend them that is one of the reason DE doesn't nerf or balance these frames because of their fan base (sarcasm off) but what about hydroid just cause he's used for loot farming doesn't mean he is "OP" or deserves that so called "quality of life adjustment" The tempest barrage change is logical but the power strength removal from tentacle swarm not only affects piflering swarm users but it affects us GENERAL TENTACLE SWARM users cause now the ulti will suck without damage scaling and won't be usable in mid to late game cause of that fiisher damage.


    EDIT: As a response to some of the early responses of me not reading and not have valid points here is my valid argument

    "Thing is though now it won't be advisable to use the power killing tentacle build along with tentacle swarm so yes I had valid reasons to be concerned as power strength tentacle build will not be of use with the incoming change. Now I have to make 2 separate builds for tentacle swarm and the non power strength affected pilfering swarm so my concern is valid."

  10. DE if you really want to fix and balance some "QUALITY OF LIFE" on frames then go revisit mag after nerfing G pull rework or BUFF HER OTHER ABILITIES THEN DON'T KEEP NERFING ALREADY BALANCED FRAMES. Rework bullet attractor so that it can be recast to a maximum of 4 instances. Rework CRUSH because its the most underwhelming ultimate both visually and effectiveness wise it only becomes useful if we waste a slot an fracturing crush for a effect that "should have been innate to crush the stagger and armor reduction in the first place it should have same treatment as avalanche" and VISUAL REWORK FOR CRUSH because it really doesn't feel like i'm crushing enemies it looks so lackluster.

  11. I don't even know why they would think on nerfing a ulti that's pretty balanced early to late game as it only scales well with damage buff frames. Just cause what people have been running pilfering swarm too much on exploitable tile sets? DE you already changed spawn logic removed greed pull from efficient farming thus ending mesa gmag combination, nerfed radial javelin please don't nerf a BALANCED frame unnecessarily just to decrease effectiveness of efficient farming methods. We loved this update but this is something we simply do not want or approve of.

  12. Also please fix and revert back the cool explosive PhysX explosions and sound of CONCEALED EXPLOSIVES pre hot fix 17.2 they used to be really epic now that they are toned down/nerfed its not fun anymore and seems lackluster.

  13. This I mean I personally don't abuse hydroid P swarm farm I use his tentacle swarm to kill things early to mid and even late game with damage buff frame please NO NO NO NOOOOOOO PLEASE :/ DE don't make us disappointed and rage after we enjoyed a good update by nerfing a already " BALANCED" frame.

  14. Didn't get to try it yet.  Is it really that bad now?  =(


    Well it still has visible effects but it got really toned down it just looks like sparks now compared before the hot fix where it really looked explosive and action packed its like your in a michael bay movie going to miss that :(

  15. Why not have an "Explosion FX meter" in settings? For those with potato computers like me, we can just have tiny little sparkler explosions, but for those life hackers who get 80 FPS, they can see all of the explosions they want to!


    Maybe the Kohm can have similar treatment as well if there is weapon FX meter we all missed that KOHMRAGE lol

  16. or we could have the same problem like the Bursa event and have someone go to the hospital. : / I'm sure that is one reason they toned it down.

    Hmm what was the problem during the bursa event? I think they turned it down due to performance issues but still please just make an option whether we want the really good explosive effects by selecting an option

    Looked cool but would lag the hell out off most people

    But but COOLNESS FACTOR :(

  17. Before the latest hot fix the explosion effects of the concealed explosives looked EPIC it made aim gliding while raining down hell from above such an awesome experience. DE please revert back the explosive effect to its original version thanks.


    EDIT: I really loved this mod on max speed hikou prime so sad about the nerf :(

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