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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. Personally I will only consider adding exilus on prime warframes. Why you ask cause its like forma, wasting forma on vanilla frames when their  prime counterparts have better stats, appearance and additional forma so in my opinion its a waste of time to relevel and forma vanilla frames unless you really can't wait. I personally just wait for the prime versions as they will save me the time to forma anyway so like what I said only the Prime frames in my personal opinion deserve the exilus slots well except for excalibur because I don't have excalibur prime :/

  2. As I go along I review various weapons on youtube and I encounter videos with UI's that look like this



    Compared to what we have now, this looks so much nicer, cleaner, and futuristic.  What we have now looks rather dull and put in as an afterthought.


    Just curious, why the change from what looked (IMO) much nicer to how it looks now.


    I'm sure there have been discussions on this already but it is rather difficult to search up these old threads with no real keyword (that I could think of) to narrow the search, so forgive me for asking about old topics.

    They changed it to make make it more minimalist Microsoft or mac looking minimalist interface :/

  3. Honestly? I use the Parkour ones.


    I find myself Bullet Jumping, using everything I see as a potential spring-board and just clinging to walls like a spider.


    Spider-Tenno Confirmed!

    I agree new parkour 2.0 with elemental bullet jump mods its now possible to become superman/night crawler/spiderman/ raiden (lightning dash)/ human torch (firewalker), iceman (ice spring), spawn (toxic fligh) super ninja ;D

  4. Dunno honestly, new rare elemental bullet jump mods are cool and all, but they don't seem to affect the forward bullet jump, which is a bit stupid in my opinion and because of that they're to me much less worth it than I thought.


    Dunno honestly, new rare elemental bullet jump mods are cool and all, but they don't seem to affect the forward bullet jump, which is a bit stupid in my opinion and because of that they're to me much less worth it than I thought.

    They do affect forward bullet jump :D

  5. Speaking as a guy that maxed 5 and 1/2 arcane enhancements Maxed (Rage, strike, trickery, awakening, guardian and 1/2 of victory) I'd have to say yes they are worth it especially arcane strike awakening guardian these things proc very very often and their effects are really good. I'm probably going to max grace and barrier next but maybe later.

  6. I got the piercing jump mod and the one that increases aim glide by loads, but whats weird is i have no idea where they came from (ghost mods D=).


    Anyway the piercing one is fun so i cant wait to find an elemental, is there a viral jump? i want a viral jump =P





    (Also i now feel that always using heavy impact despite it not being that good before has finally paid off =D)

    Ah yes piercing step you should try the other elemental ones they have cool visual effects and nice bonus elemental damage :D

  7. The point I was moreso trying to get at was that the proc isn't really worth getting a mod to rank 10 instead of rank 3, and spending an extra 7 mod points. It's hard to justify it without the mod getting some considerable benefit over the other parkour mods.

    As a small comparison point, nyx's arcane menticide helmet gives 20% velocity as well, meaning you could leave the mod unranked, get the same proc chance, damage, and not lose out on any parkour stats if you were playing nyx.

    However, 40% parkour velocity feels really good on nyx, and should really be how much a rank 10 mod gives.

    I get your point in which you say the cost definitely outweighs and minimal benefits it gives for a rank 10 mod but in my case I won't even bother fully maxing it as I would make the max rank of uncommon movement mods such as battering maneuvers as basis on how high I should rank the rare ones which is not that expensive cost wise if you rank it up to rank 7 but as you said the benefit it provides still fall flat compared to the benefits gained by maxing the uncommon bullet jump mods or even the best one which is mobilize.


    EDIT: Still falls down to players preference.

  8. The visual effects look great, but the actual effectiveness of the procs isn't anything to write home about.

    I just wish they'd bump up the parkour stats on the mods, 24.2% for a rank 10 rare mod isn't much when you compare it to 20% for a rank 3 uncommon mod.


    P.S. For the transmutation... I farmed all the mods, wasn't too hard. Aside from the lightning one which I decided to transmute for and got on the first shot, RNGesus must've been afk.


    Well effectiveness wise stat wise mobilize is superior to the rare mods if you are going for just pure parkour stats but the difference is very marginal so that small difference I'd rather use the rare bullet jump mods as they are cool visually and they have useful elemental proc effects the burn that frightens enemies and deals DOT or outright burns them to a crisp, the slow of the ice mod, the stun of the lightning one and the DOT of the toxin one even if the mod cost is higher Id rather put the premium utility mod since only my prime warframes will get exilus and the primes deserve the best. :D


    Edit: You are one lucky guy then haha.

  9. Well as a bored vet his fight is refreshing best boss fight in this game so far. Made the equinox farming worthwhile fun.


    EDIT: Because bullet sponge bosses are even more boring and seem tedious to run with all our over powered gear mowing them down the tyl fight is fun as it had multiple phases and you had to parkour to avoid the water and fighting the manics was also fun.


    Relay Revamp: Relay Captains and Relay Missions


    [Table of Contents]

    1A: Problem Addressed

    2A: Aim of this Content

    1B: Relay Captains

    2B: Weekly/Daily Relay Missions

    3B: Relay Assault – Invasion Defense

    1C: Relay Repair

    2C: Relay Upgrades

    3C: Relay Contribution Points

    1D: Rewards for Maintaining Relays

    2D: Additional Relay Add-Ins

    3D : Clan Relay Patrol Pledge




    1A - Problem Addressed

    • After talking it over with a couple of players in game, they believe Relays should deserve more attention other than checking progress of Simaris and Baro Ki’Teer the Void Trader
    • Little to no incentive to trying out Regular Missions other than to farm Mods and Resources



    2A - Aim of this Content

    • To make Relays become a more relevant place to go to
    • Make Relays more exciting
    • Distinguish the Planets each Relay is on more as well as bring stronger appeals to Regular Missions
    • Expand the droptabe of Eximus units (so they aren't just Oberon resources)




    • Each Relay will be under the jurisdiction of a “Relay Captain”
    • These “Relay Captains” are operatives that work under the Lotus and they play important roles for each of the Relays
    • Relay Captains notifies players to complete certain tasks to repair/upgrade the Relay Stations and will issue Relay Objectives
    • There is a different Relays Captain for each Relay:

    [Planet], [Relay Name] - [Name of Relay Captain]

    Mercury, Larunda -Ye’Regar

    Venus, Vesper - Ginzo

    Earth, Strata - Putara

    Saturn, Kronia - Riplor

    Europa, Leonov - Wegnar

    Eris, Kuiper - Nyu Lakar

    Pluto, Orcus - Darvo…lol jk (Horoka)

    • Each Relay Captain can be descriptive of the objectives based on the boss of the Planet they are on (ex. Horoka, Relay Captain of Orcus, will describe a mission like so: It appears Nef Anyo is transporting the Corpus’s latest Ambulas prototype…)
    • Relay Captains can be located @ the top level in the Left Wing (the part that is closed off) which leads to the Relay Bridge/Command Center




    • Relay Captains issue weekly/daily objectives to complete based on the Planet they patrol
    • These objectives require players to complete certain amount of Mission Types on the patrolled patrolling Planet
    • For instance: Ginzo, Relay Leader of Vesper, requests a set # of Exterminations/Survival/Mobile Defense/etc. to complete in Venus for the week/day. This will be up to all the players to choose whether or not to do the objectives
    • Completing the Weekly/Daily objectives rewards Relay Contribution Points (more on this later) as well as packs of Resources/Fusion Cores/Mods based on the specific Planets the Relay patrols




    • At any time (usually 1-3 times a week), a Relay can be under attack by enemy forces.
    • Defending the Relays require players to do a dual Archwing/Land “Invasion Defense” Mission
    • Invasion Defense – (Archwing Part): The Enemy will attempt to bring their “Carrier” ships to invade the defending Relays. The players must destroy these highlighted Carriers within a set period of time and prevent them from entering the Relay Station. For each Carrier that manages to board the Relay Station, It will do damage to the “Relay Integrity” or the Relay’s HP.
    • Invasion Defense – (Land Part): The Relay Captain will inform you that you either must do an Extermination, Defense (on the Relay Main Computer), or a Mobile Defense (where you will have to fix/repair Defense System consoles). Based on the failure to finish Invasion Defense Archwing Mission, the # of times players must do the mission and difficulty/# of enemies present in the Invasion Defense Land version. The longer it takes to complete the necessary # of Invasion Defense Land Missions queue, the more damage is done to the defending Relay IMPORTANT : Bosses of the respectable Planet can appear in these missions
    • Relays will be decommissioned when their Relay Integrity bar goes to 0. Relay Integrity can be recovered by completing  Daily/Weekly Relay Missions
    • This system restricts all Relays from being damaged, so players will always have access to at least one Relay Station




    • Relay Captains of damaged/decommissioned Relays Stations will let players know of the amount of an exclusive items needed to repair their assigned Relay Station
    • Items needed to repair a Relay from one Planet must be collected from enemy drops/mission rewards from their respective Planet they patrol
    • For instance: Kuiper Relay can only be repaired by Kuiper Frame Fragments/Kuiper Engine Fragment/Kuiper Computer Fragment dropped from enemies and missions in Eris
    • NOTE: Eximus enemies guarantee a drop of these Relay Repair Parts
    • ADDITION : Nodes containing damaged/decommissioned Relays are replaced with unique SECRET HEADQUARTERS: (These are Relay-like land stations that take in appearances of tilesets based on the Planets they reside. They still serve the function as normal Relays, but do not contribute to the Rewards [section 1D] since damaged Relays are considered "inactive."




    • Relay Captains will inform players of certain parts required to give their Relays Stations their upgrades
    • Each part is distinguished based on the enemy drops (Eximus guarantee drops) and the Mission Type rewards
    • For Instance: Alpha Strata Upgrade Part drops from monsters in Earth, Beta Strata Upgrade Part are rewarded from completing Earth Extermination Missions, etc
    • Available Upgrades for each Relay Station can vary:
    • Defense Grid Upgrade: Improves Relay Station Integrity
    • Combat Training Upgrade: Ally operatives will help in Land Invasion Defense
    • Airship Training Upgrade: Ally ships will assist during Archwing Invasion Defense
    • Planetary Solar Rail Upgrade: Relay can now patrol an additional planet (one without a Relay)
    • Resource Management Upgrade: Opens a shop where players can purchase Resources with Credits (based on the Planet they patrol, only certain resources can be purchased)




    • Participation in Weekly/Daily Relay Missions and Repairing/Defending/Upgrading Relays grant Contribution Points based on the Relay Station you did service to
    • These Relay Contribution Points can be used to purchase other goodies like Packs of Fusion Cores, Resource Packs, Transmutation Cores, Relay-Themed Syandanas and Emblems, Credit Packs




    • IMPORTANT : Maintaining Relays grant additional benefits from Baro Ki’Teer, Darvo, and Cephalon Simaris
    • Based on the # of Relays kept intact determines the Ducat Discount and # of different items Baro Ki’Teer sells in the Void Trader
    • Darvo gives discount for different items, one different item for each Relay active
    • With more active Relay Stations, scanning Synthesis Targets grants additional Simaris Standings




    • The Main Menu should include a Relay Option
    • This Relay Option allows players to check the progress of each Relay and should allow them to travel to these Relays from that menu
    • Transporting Relay to Relay should be included in each of the Relay Station
    • [uPDATED, credit to CanadianWolverine for this add-in]:

      Mission: Archwing Relay Racing Circuit

      Enter your pimped out Archwing into the races, flying tight obstacle courses in head to head PvP or time qualifiers where you fly through glowing rings set up as the racing course by the civilian population of the Relays for their entertainment. Let's see who makes the podium that week to eventually compete for the Relay Race Gold Cup! Categories reasonably divided up into type of Archwing being flown and a free for all category.







    • Clans can now initiate a Relay Patrol Pledge to Relay Stations
    • Using Clan/Alliance Solar Rails, Clans can connect the Solar Rails to a Relay Station as a form of pledge to protect the Relays
    • Clans will receive a task bar in their Clan Menu that indicates missions/contributions the clanmates made to their connected Relay Stations.
    • The amount of contribution each Clan/Alliance is required to make varies on their size
    • Completing their weekly/daily contribution rewards the entire Clan/Alliance with additional rewards such as Fusion/Transmutation Cores, Resource packs from connected planets, Credits, etc.



    In the future, I'll be doing some more Fan Concepts of the updated Mobile Sabotage, New Hacking Minigame, and the Tengus Return Event.


    Check out my profile for more Fan Concepts written by me and please leave comments/suggestions/questions.


    good concept

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