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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. My bet thing is perching on zip lines :-) I also like to dash jump into a bullet jump everywhere so I basically look like I'm floating around crouching tiger hidden dragon style.

    This ^ I wish people stopped complaining about new parkour 2.0 and comparing it to defunct copter 1.0 and not parkour 1.0. These people really need to practice their movement skills and get better lol. Agreed I also similarly do that I bullet jump, wall dash wall cling, aim glide while side flipping or front flipping then jump to a zipline and slide through it after which i glide and bullet jump it feels so majestic like real martial arts ninja like maneuvers from the movies.


    Yep Crouching Tiger Hidden Warframe FTW

  2. But waaahhhhh, I can't copter anymore!!! WAAAHHHH!!!

    Learn the new meta my friend which is chaining parkour maneuvers ;) slide> bullet jump> double jump front flip> parkour off enemies> melee air attack if you like to air melee > melee glide :D or alternately slide> bullet jump> double jump front flip> parkour off enemies> slide melee attack copter > melee glide


    EDIT: New parkour system teaches us how to be true masters of movement using our bodies not tools for movement and it rewards precise and correctly timed parkour maneuvers by adding momentum making you effectively faster as you chain more movements while punishing not efficient movement maneuvers with loss of momentum.

  3. I used 4m credits yesterday and it gave me these mods I can honestly say it is worth the cost :D


    -Fire walker

    -Ice spring

    -Toxic flight

    -Concealed explosives

    -Shattering impact


    But I have to say seeing the elemental effects whenever your doing parkour maneuvers is so damn cool! and useful for that burn, toxic, ice slow or impact knockdown added bonus :D Everybody has to try them its so worth it :D


    Fire walker literally ignites every step i make when i wall leap and when I propel myself forward it makes friction and ignites my launch point so cool I'm like a living lighter now awesome work DE words can't really express how amazed I am with such an amazing parkour 2.0 system that actually requires precise and correctly timed parkour maneuvers to increase and maintain forward momentum propulsion. Which therefore requires chaining different parkour maneuvers to get the maximum effect and distance and speed in travel :D 


    10/10 Can become fire igniting ninja whenever I parkour I burn the floor lol


  4. Personally i don't stick to one way to travel because I like to travel and parkour based on the situation or surroundings. But personally I have a favorite chain combo this new system promotes precise and accurate and well timed parkour maneuvers that require skill for greater forward continued momentum my favorite combo is slide > transition to bullet jump> double jump> find a good parkour surface even enemies rushing to wall jump in the right angle to consistently keep my forward momentum > aim or melee glide and hold ctrl to propel even farther> chain back again to bullet jump its amazing how fast and how much distance i can cover fluidly as I gain momentum.


    EDIT: People who complain about it are usually the people that rely on press E to win copter spammers that can't cope up with the new system or can't really handle it because they refuse to adapt the new movement maneuvers these guys need to practice more.

  5. Best update so far parkour 2.0 is 10/10 all those complainers are just copter spammers train more and adapt to the new system its more fluid I'll post this here:


    I must admit initially I had so many doubts about this update but you have proved me wrong with the parkour 2.0 system it has been your greatest addition in game it made even a bored vet like me enjoy the game in a whole new level and perspective.


    Thanks for


    -The cool and really intuitive new parkour system which is easy to execute but takes some time to master but once you do get a hang of it you realize all the possible parkour maneuvers you can do and how fluid chaining or combining them to increase your momentum makes the game still fast paced but more fluid than parkour 1.0.


    -Cool new kubrow armor


    -The EPIC CAPES nuff said!


    -Exilus adapter but I still wish you could buy the blue print from the market instead lol


    -The really awesome Tyl Regor multi stage boss fight made farming equinox really fun despite the grind.


    -New interesting warframe currently cooking


    -New movement mods and weapon augment mods


    -Finally removing the blue tint from metallic PBR corpus weapons such as penta


    -Adding aim mechanics for alternate fire weapons


    -The new turrets!

    -Frost prime buff and seeing your ice wave with your energy color :D


     And many more


    Here are some thoughts for parkour 2.0 and for the people that still doubt its effectiveness


    1.) First you can bullet jump while vertical wall running to make it faster.


    2.) The movement is actually more fast paced and fluid than spam air melee and spam coptering why because now it rewards you if you are able to perform or execute the right parkour movements at the right time cause there is "MOMENTUM"


    3.) You can still air melee air copter just try doing it after you do your bullet jump thank me later.


    4.) You can still technically front flip but instead of holding ctrl+ slide you just have to double press space for double jump forward you can even chain this with either bullet jump or aim glide.


    5.) If you want to "Go Fast better practice as this new movement systems might be easy to do but its hard to master but once you get the hang of it you'll breeze through level"


    6.) Learn the new META slide + transition to forward bullet jump+ jump over enemies you rush through + double jump + aim glide and melee attack at the end of it.


    7.)You can parkour off enemies and even off other players.


    8.)Wall jumping is better now as if you time it right it launches you with enough momentum and propulsion to add to bullet jump speed trajectory


    9.) There are mods to increase bullet jump speed and add elemental damage


    10.) you can reload use powers and even back flip side flip and front flip off aim or melee gliding you can even block it while doing it.


    11.) Parkour 2.0 is now actually usable in fast paced combat unlike the previous parkour 1.0 which was very situational.


    All in all the new parkour 2.0 system is the best system currently for the game as it provides so many more mobility options with fluid parkour maneuvers you just have to ADAPT and MASTER them cause its not as easy as press E to win anymore. I honestly want to thank the Dev team for the hardwork and great job in executing parkour 2.0 I was honestly surprised at how good it was they proved me wrong because I had so many doubts about the new system but in the end they pulled of a amazing comeback with this new update. I didn't even do the tutorial yet I was able to intuitively execute the new movement manuvers it took some time to get used to it though. So I suggest learn and master the new system first.


    Finally thanks again DE continue to surprise us and make quality updates such as these!

  6. Good day fellow Tenno,


          I come bringing two ideas for some custom made weaponry to add to the Warframe's arsenal.


    If you are interested in more of our artwork, please take a look at our art archive found here - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/306863-volkovyis-artwork-archive-update-june2115/

    As a disclaimer, these are fan-made weapon concepts, ideas, and artwork. This is all our doing for entertainment purposes only.



    First up is the Infested Kunai concept.


          As of right now, this is an unnamed weapon.

    The primary feature is that this is a primarily slash-type Kunai, with either a high status or a guaranteed bleed proc. Other details and statistics are purposefully left vague, we find it important to portray the idea first, not numbers.


    The Kunai are teeth pulled from the jaws of this infested weapon. Like a shark's mouth, the teeth grow and move forward as a "reload" function. When running or moving quickly, the tails of the infested pouches flow behind the user as it is affected by physics. When standing still or slow moving, the tails loosely curl around the legs.






    Second, is the Tenno Cane-sword weapon.

          This cane boasts a hidden sword, with the head of the cane as the handle, and the cane's body as the sheath. At the end of the sheath there is a thin blade. In combat, the sword and sheath are used together in combinations as a pseudo-two-handed weapon.


    This weapon would ideally come with it's own animation set. When not in combative use, the Gentleman Tenno would be using it as normal, walking with a debonair stride with the cane at their side. We wanted to design something for use by Limbo specifically. The head of the cane is modeled after the head of a Kubrow.




  7. Personally i don't stick to one way to travel because I like to travel and parkour based on the situation or surroundings. But personally I have a favorite chain combo this new system promotes precise and accurate and well timed parkour maneuvers that require skill for greater forward continued momentum my favorite combo is slide > transition to bullet jump> double jump> find a good parkour surface even enemies rushing to wall jump in the right angle to consistently keep my forward momentum > aim or melee glide and hold ctrl to propel even farther> chain back again to bullet jump its amazing how fast and how much distance i can cover fluidly as I gain momentum.


    EDIT: People who complain about it are usually the people that rely on press E to win copter spammers that can't cope up with the new system or can't really handle it because they refuse to adapt the new movement maneuvers these guys need to practice more.

  8. A utility mod for an underused weapon series that's useful?




    This just stop complaining OP daggers were underused before they are in a good place now. Besides any stealth or finisher damage is really SUPPOSED to kill things in one shot along with the stealth multipliers its an INTENDED feature.

  9. I will repeat what I said for OP to understand.


    Sigh please test out all the features before you complain OP.


    1.) First you can bullet jump while vertical wall running to make it faster.


    2.) The movement is actually more fast paced and fluid than spam air melee and spam coptering why because now it rewards you if you are able to perform or execute the right parkour movements at the right time cause there is "MOMENTUM"


    3.) You can still air melee air copter just try doing it after you do your bullet jump thank me later.


    4.) You can still technically front flip but instead of holding ctrl+ slide you just have to double press space for double jump forward you can even chain this with either bullet jump or aim glide.


    5.) If you want to "Go Fast better practice as this new movement systems might be easy to do but its hard to master but once you get the hang of it you'll breeze through level"


    6.) Learn the new META slide + transition to forward bullet jump+ jump over enemies you rush through + double jump + aim glide and melee attack at the end of it.


    7.)You can parkour off enemies and even off other players.


    8.)Wall jumping is better now as if you time it right it launches you with enough momentum and propulsion to add to bullet jump speed trajectory


    9.) There are mods to increase bullet jump speed and add elemental damage


    10.) you can reload use powers and even back flip side flip and front flip off aim or melee gliding you can even block it while doing it.


    All in all the new parkour 2.0 system is the best system currently for the game as it provides so many more mobility options with fluid parkour maneuvers you just have to ADAPT and MASTER them cause its not as easy as press E to win anymore. I honestly want to thank the Dev team for the hardwork and great job in executing parkour 2.0 I was honestly surprised at how good it was they proved me wrong because I had so many doubts about the new system but in the end they pulled of a amazing comeback with this new update. I didn't even do the tutorial yet I was able to intuitively execute the new movement manuvers it took some time to get used to it though. So I suggest learn and master the new system first.


    Get better OP stop complaining train harder :)

  10. Technically you can perform both maneuvers in game currently. But I Prefer this standard chain combo slide+ bullet jump + aim/melee glide+ wall jump in the right angle + bullet jump again gain momentum for propulsion and when I spot and Enemy parkour launch myself from it then melee ground attack or aim glide shoot it and while in mid air side or backward flip to have even more damage reduction while aim gliding or front flip using double jump then find the nearest good surface to latch on if I am loki will use invisibility while latched then snipe enemies.

  11. E-Sport means a lot of money. And a lot of money means, greedy companys, greedy people, greedy media, greedy teams, a lot of presure from all that idiots to DE... and at the end everybody becomes corrupted.


    The most annoying thing on Dota2 or League of Legends... is the community there.

    Player would fight each other, calling everything and everyone cheater/noob.

    The Forums would be overfilled with nerf/buff/DE-bashing threats ( and i really mean OVERFILLED).


    Warframe is my home, my last resort. Who really wants an open war in his own house?


    Maybe im just to old for this S#&$...


    Yeah that is true the community there is really toxic lol.

  12. It is possible maybe to say spectate two teams doing a separate mission of the same type, so compete who can go for the longest, say, T4 Survival. Unless they invent an endless game mode that is more dynamic that's about as far it can go at this point.

    Yes see our suggested competitive co op game modes for these big gaming events (LABYRINTH, GAUNTLE, BLITKREIG, AND VANQUISH) these will have unique competitive objectives.

  13. Competitive gaming in warframe? Sorry, there's nothing to master, no endgame, it's a grinder. The game is way too easy, way too exploitable to host any form of e-sport.

    It doesn't have to be that hard its more on exhibitionism and showing off killing enemies stylishly or doing the special competitive game modes such as labirynth, blitzkreig or gauntlet and showing people how masters of blades and gun actually play the game and make it more appealing to them in the process.

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