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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. I'm generally salty when game decides to join E-sport scene.


    Gauntlet: each player starts with lato gun same speed/health/energy pool/shield/armor, they can scavenge the map for upgrades such as increased stats and random skills (yes imagine ash with ironskin and exalted blade). They have 2 minutes for this phase.


    Afterwards the game goes to phase 2.


    The goal to is to retrieve orokin keys two times each one bears and emblem of each team, and bring them back to your base, the carrier is highlighted on the map.

    If the key is not returned/captured within 2 minutes it becomes corrupted and inflicts speed/damage reduction penalty.


    Map is ruined city with blocked off streets and walls overall it is semi-maze.


    Death penalty: 10-20 second wait time.

    Great idea dude!

  2. PvE stuff like Blitzkrieg would probably work, a community leaderboard would be nice as well in the main page or something.


    But I doubt PvP will ever become "competitive", heck I doubt it would ever go past the "casual" phase. There's way too many things that cannot be countered and too many factors that aren't equal across all players. You got armor values, shield values, abilities, movement speed, different size of hitbox, weapon damage types, base damage reduction/bonus, knockdowns/staggers etc. For a game to be competitive, every player has to be on equal grounds. Unless the match is restricted to a single frame and a few weapons (AR, BR, Shotgun, SR etc.), it's not a good competitive environment.


    Yes thats what I envisions initially it will be PVE modes then they can transition to mixed PVE and PVP modes then PVP modes. It can be competitive if the game mechanics are fun and the players actually get rewarded for performing well in some kind of statistics like who did the most head shot kills can be the matches head hunter the one with the most kills is obviously gonna be legendary killer or something etc and achieving these status grants uhm certain in game special bonuses and rewards. Veterans that participate will also probably show of some skills I know I would if given the chance make stylish kills just for the fun of it.

  3. I'm a Dota 2 player as well, and i know how your friend would feel if Warframe had an e-sports thing, man, with the International now, i mean i can only imagine how awesome it would be like you said, if not possible, i really want to be able spectate at least,


    Like spectating your friends' matches and stuff :D

    Yeah Spectating actual competitive gameplay in game events even CO-OP will surely grab the attention of gamers from around the world because they will see how vets play the game and what manuevers they use guns and builds they employ while being stylish it will make gamers feel wow i want to play that game it looks really cool!

  4. So a friend of mine a fellow warframe player suggested to me besides the grind and lore and fun gameplay how can we attract more people, My friend is a Dota 2 player as well he likes watching the internationals and competitions can warframe have a similar presence in gaming events like that or create a large scale warframe gaming event in the future?


    So here is a possible way it can be implemented Tenno Blood Sport Arena "A traditional way of appeasing the orokin empire the Tenno of ancient times participated in these grand competitive games for the amusement of the orokin elite."

    Imagine the glorious conquests shown in a large screen with either multi screen function showing the actions of each player by switching camer view of players persepective or though split screen.


    A Tenno arena battle ground with a futuristic coliseum look where tenno player made teams can participate in spectator events which can be highlighted in gaming events


    -Labirynth survival mode with death traps and enemies where 4 Tenno Teams of 2 Have to find a sacred orokin relic retrieve it fight their way out of the maze with a certain time limit (mix of co-op and pvp)


    -Blitzkreig teams will try to kill as many enemies as possible within a given time limit without the use of powers. (co-op)


    -Trial of Combat is a free for all match where 20 players can participate and the goal is to survive the emerging as the victor. (pvp)


    -Vanquish (to be added)


    You guys can also suggest your own possible competitive game modes either pvp or pve or mix of both. :D

  5. You have my upvote, OP. The new update refreshed the game for me and added more depth to movement than coptering. I'm glad it's gone.

    The new system is just so much fun!​​ I can equip any melee now without lagging behind.

    Yes new melee systems makes our body the basis of mobility not our tools.

    O god a positive thread KILL IT WITH FIRE!! 


    On a serious note, Parkour 2.0 is amazing and the DE impressed me because this is one of the least buggy major updates.

    I got my flame repellant ready I always bring it with me whenever I go to forums never leave one without it ;)

    Warframe feels alot more fresh with this update



    New Parkour

    Shotty buffs

    Various balance tweaks

    Lore bombs


    Easily the best update they've put out for the year. U18 has big shoes to fill now.

    Yes and starchart 3.0 has to be even better than parkour 2.0 lol

  6. A positive thread? Get out of my forums, it's gross.


    All jokes aside, this update is very refreshing, parkour just needs a few tweaks and it will be more than perfect.

    Yes IKR ewww a positive thread coming from me lol I had created a lot of doom threads about proposed changes to star chart parkour 2.0 but I guess from this update I have learned that I must trust the Devs as they have proved me wrong. lol

  7. yeah it was fun and liking it a lot. But with maxed r10 mods like lightning dash, the bullet jump hitting the ceiling more often even when i was aiming on the ground in closed maps only....maybe i neeed a bit more practice, otherthan that it's awesome...


    this staement was soo true 'it made even a bored vet like me enjoy the game in a whole new level and perspective.'...xD

    Hey Musical lucky you have lightningh dash i want that lol only have piercing step and battering manuevers lol. Yeah we can goof around in some missions sometime and master the new parkour system :D

  8. Apart from a few kinks, mostly due to lack of skill on Parkour 2.0, and one or two removals that should not have been removed, Parkour 2.0 is very promising and fun. 

    It definitely is and its not like previous parkour 1.0 where i just had to aim and press E and fly and win. This new system actually needs correct and precise parkour maneuvers and timing and skill. I admittedly was a copter air melee abuser and I can see why the copterers hate the new system because they have to relearn everything.

  9. You can still do slide jump but its double jump foward and you have to chain it after bullet jump.


    Sigh please test out all the features before you complain OP.


    1.) First you can bullet jump while vertical wall running to make it faster.


    2.) The movement is actually more fast paced and fluid than spam air melee and spam coptering why because now it rewards you if you are able to perform or execute the right parkour movements at the right time cause there is "MOMENTUM"


    3.) You can still air melee air copter just try doing it after you do your bullet jump thank me later.


    4.) You can still technically front flip but instead of holding ctrl+ slide you just have to double press space for double jump forward you can even chain this with either bullet jump or aim glide.


    5.) If you want to "Go Fast better practice as this new movement systems might be easy to do but its hard to master but once you get the hang of it you'll breeze through level"


    6.) Learn the new META slide + transition to forward bullet jump+ jump over enemies you rush through + double jump + aim glide and melee attack at the end of it.


    7.)You can parkour off enemies and even off other players.


    8.)Wall jumping is better now as if you time it right it launches you with enough momentum and propulsion to add to bullet jump speed trajectory


    9.) There are mods to increase bullet jump speed and add elemental damage


    10.) you can reload use powers and even back flip side flip and front flip off aim or melee gliding you can even block it while doing it.


    All in all the new parkour 2.0 system is the best system currently for the game as it provides so many more mobility options with fluid parkour maneuvers you just have to ADAPT and MASTER them cause its not as easy as press E to win anymore. I honestly want to thank the Dev team for the hardwork and great job in executing parkour 2.0 I was honestly surprised at how good it was they proved me wrong because I had so many doubts about the new system but in the end they pulled of a amazing comeback with this new update. I didn't even do the tutorial yet I was able to intuitively execute the new movement manuvers it took some time to get used to it though. So I suggest learn and master the new system first.

  10. Now all we need are different models for the Corpus Osprey/Moa weapons to reflect what their description say they are (if a moa has a rail gun, I expect it to have something that looks like a rail gun mounted on it, not your standard plasma rifle, same thing with the ospreys, shield ospreys should not have guns but a sort of generator and the archwing ospreys should have their respective weapon mounts as well. Though I wouldn't mind a complete overhaul of corpus archwing enemies designs.)

    That and dual sai daggers! and also uhm better stealth 2.0 mechanics looking forward to that!

  11. I must admit initially I had so many doubts about this update but you have proved me wrong with the parkour 2.0 system it has been your greatest addition in game it made even a bored vet like me enjoy the game in a whole new level and perspective.


    Thanks for


    -The cool and really intuitive new parkour system which is easy to execute but takes some time to master but once you do get a hang of it you realize all the possible parkour maneuvers you can do and how fluid chaining or combining them to increase your momentum makes the game still fast paced but more fluid than parkour 1.0.


    -Cool new kubrow armor


    -The EPIC CAPES nuff said!


    -Exilus adapter but I still wish you could buy the blue print from the market instead lol


    -The really awesome Tyl Regor multi stage boss fight made farming equinox really fun despite the grind.


    -New interesting warframe currently cooking


    -New movement mods and weapon augment mods


    -Finally removing the blue tint from metallic PBR corpus weapons such as penta


    -Adding aim mechanics for alternate fire weapons


    -The new turrets!

    -Frost prime buff and seeing your ice wave with your energy color :D


     And many more


    Here are some thoughts for parkour 2.0 and for the people that still doubt its effectiveness


    1.) First you can bullet jump while vertical wall running to make it faster.


    2.) The movement is actually more fast paced and fluid than spam air melee and spam coptering why because now it rewards you if you are able to perform or execute the right parkour movements at the right time cause there is "MOMENTUM"


    3.) You can still air melee air copter just try doing it after you do your bullet jump thank me later.


    4.) You can still technically front flip but instead of holding ctrl+ slide you just have to double press space for double jump forward you can even chain this with either bullet jump or aim glide.


    5.) If you want to "Go Fast better practice as this new movement systems might be easy to do but its hard to master but once you get the hang of it you'll breeze through level"


    6.) Learn the new META slide + transition to forward bullet jump+ jump over enemies you rush through + double jump + aim glide and melee attack at the end of it.


    7.)You can parkour off enemies and even off other players.


    8.)Wall jumping is better now as if you time it right it launches you with enough momentum and propulsion to add to bullet jump speed trajectory


    9.) There are mods to increase bullet jump speed and add elemental damage


    10.) you can reload use powers and even back flip side flip and front flip off aim or melee gliding you can even block it while doing it.


    11.) Parkour 2.0 is now actually usable in fast paced combat unlike the previous parkour 1.0 which was very situational.


    All in all the new parkour 2.0 system is the best system currently for the game as it provides so many more mobility options with fluid parkour maneuvers you just have to ADAPT and MASTER them cause its not as easy as press E to win anymore. I honestly want to thank the Dev team for the hardwork and great job in executing parkour 2.0 I was honestly surprised at how good it was they proved me wrong because I had so many doubts about the new system but in the end they pulled of a amazing comeback with this new update. I didn't even do the tutorial yet I was able to intuitively execute the new movement manuvers it took some time to get used to it though. So I suggest learn and master the new system first.


    Finally thanks again DE continue to surprise us and make quality updates such as these!


  12. Sigh please test out all the features before you complain OP.


    1.) First you can bullet jump while vertical wall running to make it faster.


    2.) The movement is actually more fast paced and fluid than spam air melee and spam coptering why because now it rewards you if you are able to perform or execute the right parkour movements at the right time cause there is "MOMENTUM"


    3.) You can still air melee air copter just try doing it after you do your bullet jump thank me later.


    4.) You can still technically front flip but instead of holding ctrl+ slide you just have to double press space for double jump forward you can even chain this with either bullet jump or aim glide.


    5.) If you want to "Go Fast better practice as this new movement systems might be easy to do but its hard to master but once you get the hang of it you'll breeze through level"


    6.) Learn the new META slide + transition to forward bullet jump+ jump over enemies you rush through + double jump + aim glide and melee attack at the end of it.


    7.)You can parkour off enemies and even off other players.


    8.)Wall jumping is better now as if you time it right it launches you with enough momentum and propulsion to add to bullet jump speed trajectory


    9.) There are mods to increase bullet jump speed and add elemental damage


    10.) you can reload use powers and even back flip side flip and front flip off aim or melee gliding you can even block it while doing it.


    All in all the new parkour 2.0 system is the best system currently for the game as it provides so many more mobility options with fluid parkour maneuvers you just have to ADAPT and MASTER them cause its not as easy as press E to win anymore. I honestly want to thank the Dev team for the hardwork and great job in executing parkour 2.0 I was honestly surprised at how good it was they proved me wrong because I had so many doubts about the new system but in the end they pulled of a amazing comeback with this new update. I didn't even do the tutorial yet I was able to intuitively execute the new movement manuvers it took some time to get used to it though. So I suggest learn and master the new system first.

  13. I always use steel charge why? because it adds more mod points than "ANY OTHER AURA" and I use ash primarily for rising storm melee hybrid build :) and besides #1 rule never polarize aura slots unless its Excalibur or nekros since they don't have any. My ash is perfect now thanks DE for the Steel charge aura change :)

  14. Because his shuriken ability deals swift death to unsuspecting victims and he goes in fast and doesn't rely on invisibility to get the job done he needs only a fraction of a sec to assassinate and kill enemies appearing to them when they least expect and delivering lethal strikes with guaranteed mortal wounds or death and once the smoke arises from all the confusion all that's left are bloody corpses littered in the battlefield. Even Loki a God can't keep up with the deadly efficient pace of the true assassin that lurks in the shadows. Loki's powers may be something mortals can't comprehend nor detect but Ash  leaves only death and destruction without even leaving a trace which truly instills terror and fear with his merciless onslaught.

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