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  1. They have the capacity for something like that, apart from that if they return with the Raid they can use it to increase revenue by selling more things, such as a key to summon the Raid Boss outside the scheduled days and that would give an extra item as a skins, Syandana to be sold for plat! DE must have a drawer full of skins and Syandana they will never use!
  2. It is already more than proven that DE does not have the capacity to exploit the enormous potential that Warframe offers, the game has insane potential and unfortunately only the player base that actually plays the game can see it, no matter how much people leave the game or complain, we all love Warframe precisely for that reason, for being a game that innovated in many ways and that always surprised the player with an immersive story and mechanics never seen before! Please DE love Warframe again, give the game and player base the value it deserves!
  3. DE complains that the game is unstable when there is a Raid due to the fact that the game uses a p2p connection, they could easily solve this by deploying servers that would only be used for raids, the connection would be stable and without host migration! Problem solved and would still attract old and new players to the game!
  4. That is, you want what many want, which is to make the Warframe of the golden age back, where we needed to create strategies to survive and play in a group instead of blowing up an entire room with a button! DE got lost on the way and unfortunately there seems to be no turning back! Back in the day the game was very well spoken and praised for both the difficulty and the challenges the game had, you felt satisfied with surviving a mission and receiving your reward, you had fun! But currently everything is empty, no challenges, no difficulty and the rewards? meh... Anyone who played Warframe in the golden age knows how fun and challenging the game was without becoming boring, the game has evolved in certain ways and has regressed a lot in others!
  5. Eu tenho o mesmo problema quando fui caçar arcontes e quando tento jogar em grupo em Duviri, fiz mais de 8 tentativas e raramente consigo entrar em um grupo! Isso só acontece nas caças aos arcontes e no Duviri, provavelmente o DE quebrou alguma coisa e mais uma vez finge não ver os vários relatos de jogadores reclamando do mesmo problema! For many who say that the problem is the ping, ISP or router, I did the test with my neighbors who also play Warframe 30ms ping all of us using the same internet company, with optical fiber and guess what happened?? Host migration whenever we tried to enter Duviri or Archon hunts, sometimes we managed to enter only to have host migration right away...
  6. Make the wolf of saturn six helmet equippable on the Drifter, it makes no sense for the Drifter to be able to equip the wolf armor but not be able to use the helmet, and the teno not be able to use the wolf armor and only be able to use the helmet that Doesn't match any other outfit!
  7. I myself just enter the game and when I see the mess that Warframe has become, I don't stay logged in for a long time, maybe for 30/40 minutes and sometimes not even that! We don't need strategies to face enemies just press a button and BOOOM everything dies, in the golden age of Warframe things were fun because they were simpler and there was also something that challenged us and that gave us the feeling of accomplishment! The current Warframe only conveys a feeling of emptiness!
  8. I'm still having to play solo because when I join a squad I'm either transported to Zariman or host migration occurs even though I have low ping! Both in Duviri and in Archon missions there is host migration practically all the time even with low ping we still have host migration, probably the problem is caused by something in the game itself and not by a "poor" connection
  9. Simple, DE simply should have a test team to make sure the update has as few bugs as possible! If they had a test team we wouldn't have this kind of disaster every time they release an update!
  10. Just do like me, I'll play another game or go do something else until the game is fixed! There's no point in stressing over pixels on a screen!
  11. Here we have a good example of how the white knights hurt more than they help the game to improve! These guys are saying that thousands of players who reported bugs including bugs that were and are still having fixes being made to be implemented in the next hotfix ARE A LIE! I don't know if you noticed but they ended up calling thousands of players and even DE a liar!
  12. I play on PC and I went through this too, and I ended up giving up and going to play ArcheRage! With this massive amount of bugs causing missions to fail, loss of rewards, brutal FPS drop, host migration even with a low ping, it's not worth playing until they fix this!
  13. I have the same problem and for now it seems to have no solution, this new update is practically unplayable with this absurd amount of bugs! Now we have to hope that DE fixes the bugs and doesn't abandon them like the other bugs that have been unresolved for over 3 years!
  14. It doesn't make sense what you say because this problem started the first time when The new war was launched, after that it had stopped and now it's back with Duviri!
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