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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. At max power duration, you would have an effective cool down timer of about 34 seconds between skill revives.

    That would balance out with Blessing builds focused on duration.


    And, again, would it be a bit more agreeable to the naysayers if the resurrected ally had 0 shields and 15-20% of their health (or a similar value). There's the added risk the person would just die again, as well as that 34 second cooldown, so you only have one shot.

  2. one quick suggestion, could you add a Options or Controls menu in the Pause menu, I cant seem to figure out how to cast snowglobe.

    I don't think that's in the build yet.


    Edit: Is it?

  3. Don't listen to EDeN, he doesn't understand (silly boy).




    DE just added in 6 weapons (9 if you never played the prologue) that you don't have into the market that can be bought for credits. The Dual Skana, Aklato, and Braton are also available for straight credit purchases.


    Try 'em out for size, see what you like, and just keep on progressing.

  4. -snip-

    Most people who own launchers actually advocated for a reduction in ammo (like myself). If not, they at least knew it was coming.


    I feel sorry for you guys, you're missing the fun factor and ruining others experience just because of your brain-limited imagination.

    I feel the opposite is true if you enjoy just blowing things up again and again, because there is a point when it gets boring (like after 5 missions).


    Have you even tried the Ogris out yet?

  5. not having tainted clip though, you would be sacrificing it's AoE just for the sake of preserving it's power and efficiency, which is not that great if you ask me... they could have at least left the ammo pickups the way they were and avoided these ludicrous bugs that reduce your sniper and bow pool down to 30 shots... and also, I'm an old school player mostly so I didn't really get into the more modern shooters that handicapped players with less guns and less ammo to carry until Halo CE(but even then note that you can still pick up different guns when no ammo for your gun is present...), and I didn't get a chance to play Halo 3 until 2011... and speaking of Halo CE, guess what I used for most of the Library and Guilty spark Missions against the Flood, a Shotgun with 72 shells instead of a Rocket Launcher with 10... Do you honestly think that won't happen in Warframe now?... and please not the "warframe needs to be more Ninja like" argument again...

    You can fit in Tainted Clip, Trick Mag, and Slip Mag (But Slip Mag is more of an optional thing) and still preserve its power.


    Now, in Halo, it's a crazy thing to waste your Rocket Launcher on a cluster of flood spores, or a couple of infected. However, if there's 10 heavy-class foes in a group, that's when the rocket launcher shines. You can't really compare how useful two weapons are when they fulfill different roles.

  6. But anyhow, I wouldn't say that 60 shots on angstrum is pushing it as it gives you a reason to charge it again

    Well, it is, because a max Trick Mag already gets the Angstrum 57 shots.


    and having to mod for ammo efficiency would completely kill all Rox launcher's DPS since it means you'd need to sacrifice mod space for ammo mods that don't make much of a difference anyway

    Continuing with the Angstrum, 2 elemental mods, Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, and Lethal Torrent maxes out its damage, leaving 3 slots left, so you can definitely fit in Trick Mag (and Slip Magazine, if you wanted). Spend two forma on the slots for Hornet Strike and Lethal Torrent, and you're set.


    If you leave out Slip Magazine, the Angstrum will have 19 charges, each firing up to 8 missiles for the price of 3 with multishot in its current state. (Versus 14 charges firing up to 11 shots for the price of 4 with Slip Mag). 


    And then there's that one slot left over for that mod you seem to like: Tainted Clip. (Trick Mag is better imo, so I'd go with something else)


    I think it's fine the way it is.

  7. Who got difficulties with 540 ammo?does not interfere with anyone.Its ridiculous.Its just a GAME and making everything closer to real is nonsense.For completing event we got reward exp booster.Seriously???As you imagine it--Tenno comes to that guy for reward and he said "Thank you tenno for killing 100 eximus, here you go, exp booster." and tenno answer him--"WUUUUT!?!?!?!? What is this??What should i do with this??Put it in weapon??Make new frame from it??Or maybe ill use it like decoration in my ship interior??Or jewelry??Or i make some leash or collar for my pet??

    Ammo capacity reduction isn't a step towards reality, but balance.


    100+ Charge volleys from the Angstrum with no worries for ammo consumption files under "ez-mode".

  8. You all don't get it do you..

    This is beyond the 'ammo nerf'..

    It is called 'fanbois taking over'

    Happened for each of these games:


    Asheron's Call

    FFXI Online

    D&D Online

    Call of Duty..

    Star Wars Galaxies..

    Star Trek

    And now this..


    When fanbois take over the devs minds from the actual players..

    Games go down the crappers..

    You should go take a nap.



    Really????You wish everyone who disagree to leave.Are you ok??We a free people and we have right to express our feelings or minds about anything.And you are nobody to prohibit this.You only can disagree with us.And if you dont see obvious  problems with warframe you are blind or just dont understand simple things.

    If you can't see the obvious problem with 500+ explosive rounds, then I guess I couldn't have said it better than you did.

  9. "Use your ammo mutation mod"


    It would be an equatible trade..IF the launcher weapons do not kill the wielder!


    The reason these weapons do big damage..is to hit from far away..


    "It's more realistic"


    Really? Ever shoot a higher powered rifle upclose or a shotgun? It is called 'powder burn'..

    It would damage your shields/health..


    But yet, you take no damage from these..


    Yet, from the launchers...you can kill yourself with one 'goof' of a shot..


    Yeah..really realistic..

    Well, I've never seen a game that incorporates powder burn.


    But I have seen plenty of games with ballistic weaponry that possess very limited ammo pools and highly destructive capability.


    Edit: BloodDoll, did you skip the sniper, Torid, and Supra/Flux Rifle buffs?

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