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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Defensive?  That's offensive.  And I'd love to see the DE figure out that a Shield is actually a weapon.  Yes, it's designed to block, but bashing, slashing with the edge, are all viable tactics that were used.  It's not the Japanese RPGs armour adder, where the off hand hangs limp.

    Thanks for the correction. Would "utility" work better?


    speaking of captain America, they should release a singular shield weapon. possibly a simple roundshield with a blade around the edge. primarily used for blocking and bashing, but also a throw option. just an idea.

    Yeah, I figured that might be an idea, but I would rather it come with an accompanying weapon that's a bit unwieldy but can dish out a solid amount of damage, like a small, weighty stave or gauntlet, or even a second buckler/shield.


    I just want something vicious.


    However, if we do get a throwable shield similar to the Glaive/Kestrel in the future, I wouldn't mind its ability to fly if it lacked the mid-air channeling detonation; a multi-hit shield bash would do just fine for CC. 


    (Still glad more people want it)

  2. Can we please get a shield bash combo, DE?


    I envision it would simply be pressing E while blocking with a defensive weapon. Since the Silva Aegis is pretty much coming tomorrow, it's safe to say the closest thing we'll get to a "bash" attack is the beginning of the combo featured in Devstream #31 at the 53:20 mark.


    However, it is the opening of a combo, and is probably only used to stun/stagger the enemy since the rest of the sequence requires said enemy to still be standing; it probably isn't intended for swift knockdowns.


    I (and hopefully others) would love the ability to have a simple, low-damage combo with guaranteed knockdown (maybe even multi-hit) that sends enemies flying back for a few meters on their butts and does not easily let them get back up.


    If we ever get another weapon with a protective component that is somewhat similar to a shield, such as a futuristic-space-ninja buckler, or even some type of defensive fist/sparring gauntlet-style set of melee, it would be a great thing to have for defensive CC.


    But more importantly for revenge; I want to give those darned Shield Lancers a taste of their own stupid medicine.


    Just imagine it.



    Pretty please?

  3. (I think the descriptions for Neural Sensors and Neurodes should be switched)


    I would say there is a certain living element to all frames; you have obvious pieces of armor on most frames, such as Rhino, but it's flexible, and allows for very natural movement while at the same time it can withstand huge amounts of damage/punishment.


    The health bar would make more sense if the Warframes were, in some sense, alive.

  4. so why not just have the PAD, initial damage doesnt seem to have much of a purpose beyond setting a baseline for the PAD in your system.

    You can never, ever kill an enemy at low level if you're always only doing 75% damage.




    Edit: As in, there's less fun abusing powers and all it serves to do is clarify Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

  5. Yes, it's great.


    It's glorious, even!


    Seriously, that weapon pricing system you got there is actually pretty cool. Does the extra 25% account for the Reactor/Catalyst and slot that everything from the platinum market comes with?

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