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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Now for this image.


    That looks like a linear path on each part. How is that gonna solve the problem with all Warframes using the same mods? When here everyone will use the same path.


    I'm not sure you can judge the outcome of everyone's hypothetical builds when this has been said:


    You can't really copy paste it without going into detail, the whole thing is a concept it lacks actual numbers and data. Granted I could go through and design all the skill trees, stats, etc- but that isn't the point really. The point is to establish a baseline idea that is sustainable and one that encourages real difficult choices and interesting gameplay. It is written specifically to lead you to your own answers about the game and how my ideas would fit into place. The concept of focusing more on the mechanics of the game, rather than the rewards is not something revolutionary. 


    As in, you don't know how many slots would actually be given to us in the "Systems" and "Powers" sections because there is no set number of slots or points that has even been suggested by Zamboni. If we were given 5 or so slots, or our current max of 60 points, then yes, I can see people putting in the same mods with maybe one slot being changed out between players.


    However, if (if), in the "Powers" section, we were given only 3 slots on top of the abilities, I'm fairly certain that there would be a lot more variation and a lot more consideration on the part of the player.


    With three slots, you can no longer slap duration, range, strength, and efficiency. Only 3 of the 4, and that would simplify things as well as provide some interesting variety. Corrupted mods might become even more appealing for daring builds that focus on increasing singular aspects of a warframe's powers with actual drawbacks that can only be counteracted if you're willing enough to do so.


    Ex: I go for a power strength build on Volt (it's an example), and that means adding in Blind Rage along with Intensify. However, because of slot limitations, it becomes a tad bit more difficult, and I have a couple options


    Option 1: Add in Streamline in the last slot to somewhat counteract the reduction in efficiency or Fleeting Expertise to get a positive efficiency value, but deal with the shorter power duration.


    Option 2: Go for Narrow Minded or Continuity instead for duration on Speed and Electric Shield. Deal with the range reduction on Narrow Minded.


    Option 3: Throw away Intensify and just do Blind Rage, Fleeting Expertise, and Narrow Minded. However, since there isn't another slot to counteract Narrow Minded's reduction in range, the player will just have to deal with a smaller power radius and the marginal, 5% increase in efficiency. (Range is something that affects 3/4 of his powers)


    Basically, there would be thought involved and players would be given a bit more freedom in choosing their builds, except there are still some frames that only need, like, two mods to shine. I think I'm OK with that, though, since the one slot leftover would be totally up to the player's preference = build variety. Seriously, having 1 mod out of 3 being determined by the player should be considered as variety!


    4 mod slots might even work.


    (I'm all giddy now)


    As for the "Systems" tree, 3 slots may not be enough since we would be right back where we started; nobody would even think about putting those darn elemental resistance mods into their build. They might need to go into "Utility". Speaking of which, we would probably need upwards of 5 slots in that tree to accommodate player preferences since there's a myriad of those "useless" mods.


    Or it could work just like our current setup; based on the availability of points, you can put in as many low ranked mods as the # of points you have allows for, or a few maxed out mods that consume most, if not all, your points. The number of total points available would definitely have to be lower than our current limit of 60 for the "Powers" tree, obviously.


    And again, the Utility tree would still need more capacity than the other two to accommodate all of those mods.


    Either way (or a completely different way), as long as the "Systems" and "Powers" trees have the correct limitations (not too worried about Utility), the end result is quite the opposite of what you predict.

  2. Out comes a vending machine that just vendors more vending machines that vendor classic, mint-condition sports cars at very reasonable prices.


    I place a dead rat and some bubble wrap inside the machine.

  3. It's pretty clear you're bringing up Zamboni's concept

    So, we need skill trees amiright?

    No! The presumable advantage of skill trees over a mod system (relating to builds) is that it would force players to choose between different, viable options. There is absolutely zero reason why a choice between different, viable options cannot be incorporated into the existing mod system.

    Except his tree affects Warframes and Warframes only. For Primaries & Secondaries, he proposed an attachment system that isn't all that bad. so why am I seeing arguments against skill trees that use guns as examples!!?


    As for my argument: we already have a lot of mods, and adding in anywhere from one to five extra variations for almost every mod we currently have (I'm assuming Nightmare mods, Corrupted, and some others won't get any siblings) would maybe double the number of mods that we have. Maybe even triple.


    I might have a panic attack from the overwhelming amount of thought needed to just put my loadouts together.

  4. Minecraft.


    There's just something about standing in your roofless, tree-top chicken farm on a rainy night, overlooking the intersection of a plain, winter, desert, jungle, and forest biome, that just gets you right in the gut.


    And then there was Halo: Reach. First game of the series I got (Yeah, I'm late to the party) and it pierced my soul.

  5. #1 - Corpus Freeze-ray was featured in today's Devstream (Great looking weapon too.)

    #2 - Focus System, coming in the future, will increase your "mastery" over weaponry and expand on what you can do with it.

    #3 - Trading definitely needs some improvement, but I haven't seen/heard the devs talk about changing it at all.

  6. Yessiree. 


    You just need to hook it up to PayPal, I think.


    (Edit: It's how I got my Founder's Pack)


    Edit 2: You could probably do it without PayPal by just putting the info in under the "Visa" card section.

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